Employee Handbook

Salary and benefits

DFØ self-service/DFØ-app

All employees are required to use the self-service portal and the DFØ app (The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management) to register, among other things, working hours, vacation scheduling (-application) and transfer of vacation days, travel expenses, expense reimbursement, additional tax deductions, leave applications, and absences.

You can use the self-service portal as:

You can find the entrance to the self-service portal here. Here you will find help and guides on how to use the self-service portal. (DFØ) In the web solution, there are both user manuals and a chatbot available for questions and user support. Note! The self-service portal can be opened in the browsers Safari, Edge, and Chrome.

Training videos for the self-service portal

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Web solution

Download the 'DFØ Self-Service' app from the AppStore or Google Play to your mobile phone. Here you will find help and guides on how to use the DFØ app (DFØ). Note! The app requires iOS version 10 or later, or Android version 6 or later.

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Mobil app
Last changed: 19.12.2024


Monthly salary

Salary is paid on the 12th of the month, or the last working day before the 12th.

User guide

More info on how to read your payslip and how to download the payslip in the Self-Service Portal (DFØ) can be found here.

Salary development

There are four ways to negotiate or adjust your salary in the state tariff area; upon employment, after one year in the position, through local salary negotiations, or negotiations on special grounds.

Employee salaries are determined within the framework of the main tariff agreements in the public sector. The main collective agreements contain some guidelines for local salary policy that the central parties have agreed upon. It is assumed, among other things, that local salary policy should be designed to ensure equal pay.

UiT's local salary policy is designed in collaboration between the employee organizations and the employer and is anchored in the state's wage policy as set out in the Main Tariff Agreement (HTA) and the special agreements entered between the parties. The guidelines for salary determination are set out in UiT's local salary policy (Not available in English). The salary policy commits the parties and constitutes a common platform for how salary measures should be used to achieve the organization's goals. The salary policy should contribute to a predictable and uniform practice at UiT. The employer must ensure that guidelines and criteria for salary determination are applied both during recruitment and when changing salaries for employees.

The fundamental principle of any salary determination is that the salary level should reflect the level of tasks and responsibilities. Therefore, the basis for remuneration of each employee will primarily be the work tasks, qualification requirements, and responsibilities associated with the position.

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Salary policy, salary determination, and salary development

According to the Main Tariff Agreement § 12 no. 1, an employee may be required to take over the duties of another employee for a limited period of time. If an employee is assigned to serve in a higher-paid position and takes over the entire work and responsibility area of the position, the employee receives the salary of the person they are serving for. If the employee does not take over the entire work and responsibility area of the position, a partial replacement allowance may be paid. Guidelines for calculating the supplement are determined after discussions between the employer and the union representatives. Acting allowance is not paid for periods shorter than one week (5 working days). The payment is independent of the number of attendances.

See current agreement:

For acting for managers who are excluded from the agreement area, see The Public Sector Employee Handbook 2023 section acting for managers on a managerial salary contract (Page not available in English).

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Acting appointment supplement

According to the Working Environment Act § 14-15, deductions from salary can only be made for legally mandated tax deductions, alimony, membership fees to the National Insurance Scheme, and other legally mandated deductions for personal contributions to pension schemes when a written agreement has been made in advance for union dues and fees to information and development funds according to the collective agreement, and for compensation for damage or loss that the employee has intentionally or through gross negligence inflicted on the business during work.

Furthermore, it is a condition that the employee acknowledges the liability for damages in writing, or that it has been established by a court judgment, or that the employee unlawfully resigns from their position. This also applies when, due to existing routines for the calculation and payment of salaries, it has not been practically possible to account for absences due to work stoppages or closures during the settlement period.

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Salary deduction/Deduction in salary

According to the Main Tariff Agreement § 18 (Page not available in English), an employee who becomes ill will normally be entitled to full pay during sick leave, in accordance with the Main Tariff Agreement § 11 (Page not available in English).

To be eligible for sickness benefit, it is not enough that the employee is employed in the service. The employee must physically have shown up at work to start working.

The right to sickness benefit generally ceases after 49 weeks and 5 calendar days. If the absence is divided into periods, the scattered sick periods over the last 3 years are added together. The employer's period does not count towards the 49 weeks and 5 calendar days.

The employee will receive full pay during the sick leave period provided that a self-certification/sick note is submitted and the conditions for sick pay are met.

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Salary during sick leave

Paid parental leave
Employees at UiT who are going on parental leave must participate in a planning meeting with their immediate supervisor and a case officer from the joint services. The meeting will arrange the scheduling of the parental leave.

Overview of the procedure for applying for parental leave:

  • The employee informs their immediate supervisor that they plan to apply for parental leave.
  • The employee registers for a parental leave meeting via this form.
  • The employee and supervisor are called to a Teams meeting.
  • The employee and supervisor participate in a Teams meeting where applications are made for parental benefits from NAV (The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) and parental leave from UiT.
  • The employee sends copies of all NAV decisions to UiT.

Paid parental leave is contingent upon the granting of parental benefits from NAV. If parental benefits are not granted by NAV, unpaid parental leave must be applied for, or other absences such as vacation etc., must be registered.

Care leave in connection with birth

In addition to paid parental leave, paid care leave is granted in connection with childbirth. The father, co-mother, or co-father is entitled to two weeks of care leave to assist the mother in connection with the birth. If the parents do not live together, the two weeks of leave can be taken by another person assisting the mother. Adoptive parents and foster parents are entitled to two weeks of care leave when they take over the care of the child. (Foster parents are not entitled to pay during care leave).

Employees at UiT should apply for care leave in the DFØ portal as soon as the birth/adoption takes place. Select the tile "Absence applications" and then absence type 440 - Care Birth 2 weeks with pay.

If you have any questions, the joint services can be contacted.

All about parental benefits from NAV.

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Pay during parental leave

An employee who has been continuously employed for at least 6 months in the state tariff area will be paid a salary in accordance with the Main Tariff Agreement § 21 (Page not available in English) during military service, service in the civil defense, and obligatory police service.

The employee is entitled to leave if they are called up for obligatory or voluntary military service, or for voluntary service of up to 24 months' duration in forces organized by Norwegian authorities for participation in international peacekeeping operations.

The employee has protection against dismissal during this period and has the right to return to their position after the leave. Before the service begins, the employer must be notified of the desire to continue employment after the service is completed.

The employer is not obligated to reinstate the employee before one month has passed since they received notice of the date the employee will resume work.

Absences are granted by the immediate supervisor and registered in the self-service portal - absence type 940 other absence with pay, and filed in the personnel folder. Notice should be given to the immediate superior and the payroll office as soon as possible, and well in advance of the employee's service commencement.

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Salary during military service

In special cases, an employee may receive up to two months' salary paid in advance. A written agreement regarding repayment must be made with the employee.

A completed application for a salary advance will be processed and approved by the Department of Organization and Finance (ORGØK), Section for Organization and Personnel Development (SEOP).

The basis for the salary advance must be documented.

The application should be sent to personal@uit.no.

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Apply for a salary advance

In the self-service portal, you can register additional tax deductions yourself if desired. See the user guide.

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: User guide for changing tax deductions
Last changed: 19.12.2024

Employee allowances

Here you will find procedures and a description of the process for submitting claims for allowances.

Target group:

Employees who, according to local special agreements, are to be paid allowances in connection with extra shifts or emergency response, external teaching, or work involving particularly dirty conditions.

Internal procedure (Page not available in English)

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Compensation for extra shifts, emergency response, use of private equipment, etc.

Target group:

  • Employees at the Department of Comparative Medicine (AKM), Eiscat, Flight Training, and Saminor 3 who, according to local special agreements, are to be paid supplements according to HTA §§ 15 - 16.
  • Approvers who are to check the supplements.
  • Cost approvers who are to approve the supplements.

Internal procedure (Page not available in English)

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Printvennlig innhold: Evening/night, holiday, and Sat/Sun. AKM, EISCAT, aviation studies

Target group:

  • Employees who, according to the Local Special Agreement on salary and working conditions for short-term, time-limited engagements and assignments in fieldwork (field agreement) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, are to be paid supplements according to this.
  • Approvers who are to check the supplements.
  • Cost approvers who are to approve the supplements.

Internal procedure (Page not available in English)

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Fieldwork Allowance

Target group:

  • Employees who, according to the Special Agreement on compensation, etc., during expeditions, are to have hours calculated for time off in lieu and be paid expedition allowances and other supplements in connection with expeditions.
  • Approvers who are to check the payments.
  • Cost approver who is to approve the payments.

Internal procedure (Page not available in English)

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Registration of working hours and Disbursement of expedition pay

Target group:

  • Employees covered by the Special Agreement on duty arrangements at the Research Biobanks at the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Special Agreement on on-call duty at AMB/BFE faculties.
  • Approver who is to check the payments related to extra shifts.
  • Cost approver who is to approve payments related to extra shifts.
  • Personnel approver who is to check and approve overtime and time off in lieu related to the special agreements.

Internal procedure (Page not available in English)

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: On-call allowance for research biobanks Faculty of Health Science, AMB, BFE

Target group:

  • Employees at the libraries and museums who have regular working hours on weekdays after 5:00 PM and on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Approvers who are to check the payments.
  • Cost approver who is to approve the payments.

Internal procedure (Page not available in English)

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Disbursement of allowances, evening supplements, and Saturday/Sunday supplements for employees at the libraries and museums who are employed with a fixed monthly salary.
Last changed: 19.12.2024

Hourly workers with contracts

Information for those who have entered into an hourly wage contract. How to sign the contract, how to submit a timesheet to receive payment, and what to do if your timesheet is returned.

Hourly staff should be paid according to the employment contract entered into, in accordance with the Main Tariff Agreement (Page not available in Norwegian) in the public sector. A contract must be entered into before the employment relationship starts.

When an agreement for an hourly wage assignment at UiT is concluded, you will receive an email from The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ) with a link to sign the contract. The contract must be signed before salary can be paid.

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Information on contract execution and payment

Here you will find a user guide on how to sign the contract.

Once the contract is fully signed, you will have user access activated for logging into the DFØ app or DFØ Self-Service Portal. The user access allows you to register your timesheet for your work, as well as register a travel expense report if this has been agreed upon. We recommend using the DFØ app.

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: How to sign an hourly wage contract

As an hourly employee, you must register your timesheet and submit it for approval in order to receive payment. You can only submit one timesheet per month (the deadline for submitting timesheets is the last day of the month).

Timesheets should be recorded in the Self-service portal or in the DFØ app.

It is very important that all hours are registered before the contract end date. Once the contract end date has expired, your user access at DFØ will cease.

If you have agreed to have any travel expenses covered, you should register your travel expense report in the Self-service portal or DFØ app by the contract end date.

Procedure for using the DFØ App: Procedure for Using the Self-Service Portal on PC/Mac: Procedure for individuals without a norwegian national identity number or D-number
Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: How to log in and submit timesheets

Hourly wages are always paid during the main salary disbursement on the 12th of each month, provided that timesheets have been submitted. You will find the payslip in the DFØ app or the Self-service portal.

Holiday pay is disbursed in June of the following calendar year

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Disbursement of hourly wage
Last changed: 10.10.2024

Contractors with contracts

Information for those who will have a contract and receive a fee for assignments. This may include tasks such as being an examiner, assessing job applicants, competence promotion, or evaluating doctoral theses and defenses.

Everyone who is to receive payment for an assignment at UiT The Arctic University of Norway must have a valid contract for the period during which the assignment is carried out.

If you are to be the contractor and receive a fee, you will be sent a contract for the assignment. The contract must be signed before the assignment begins in order for the fee to be paid after the assignment is completed.

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Information on contract execution

You will receive an email from: no-reply@dfo.no with a link to the contract, which you need to sign. If you cannot find the email in your inbox, you should check your junk or spam filter.

Guide: Sign employment contract (dfo.no)

It is important that you enter correct information and correct any errors. Note that the contract specifies an upper limit for the assignment.

Last changed: 27.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Sign assignment contract

If it is agreed that you should submit a travel expense report or reimbursement for expenses related to travel for the assignment, remember to register the travel expense report before the contract end date. Once the contract end date has expired, your user access at DFØ will cease.

Submit travel expense reports or reimbursement of expenses in BetalMeg or the DFØ app.

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: How to submit a travel expence report or reimbursement of expenses

The disbursement of fees occurs automatically after the signing is completed and the contract end date has passed. Normally, this happens within a month after the end date.

No holiday pay is disbursed on fees.

You can find the payslip in the DFØ app and in the Betalmeg solution

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Disbursement of fees
Last changed: 19.12.2024

Holiday pay

Holiday pay is a percentage of the salary you earned last year (the accrual year) at UiT. You receive the holiday pay in your June salary, and the holiday pay replaces the salary for your vacation days.

Earned holiday pay is disbursed in June regardless of when you take your vacation.

When holiday pay is disbursed with the June salary, you are simultaneously deducted for all of the year's vacation days with pay. The holiday deduction is made using a daily rate calculated from your June salary. The remainder after this deduction is paid out along with your regular monthly salary. You cannot choose to have all the holiday pay disbursed instead of taking vacation.

Employees over 60 years old or who turn 60 during the holiday year also receive a holiday settlement for their extra vacation week in June.

If you started working at UiT after January 1st, you will receive regular salary in June with a percentage tax deduction. You will be deducted from your salary as you take vacation.

How to read your payslip in June

Last changed: 07.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Disbursement of holiday pay and holiday deductions

With five weeks of vacation, the holiday pay amounts to 12% of the vacation pay base (Page not available in Norwegian).

An employee who turns 60 during the vacation year is entitled to an extra week of vacation. In this case, the percentage rate is increased by 2.3 percentage points, so that the employee should receive 14.3% of the vacation pay base in holiday pay.

Last changed: 07.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Holiday pay percentage rate

Holiday pay from the employer is calculated based on the salary and other work remuneration that was paid during the accrual year. The holiday pay base is shown in the annual summary of salary and other benefits you receive from the employer.

The provision also covers remuneration for very short-term employment relationships.

Piecework bonuses, cost-of-living allowances, shift differentials, weekend bonuses, travel pay, payment for travel time, overtime compensation, and variable benefits such as bonuses, gratuities, shares of turnover, and other forms of commission are included in the work remuneration.

Benefits that cover expenses for car maintenance, meals, lodging, and similar do not form part of the holiday pay base.

Last changed: 07.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Holiday pay base

Certain benefits should be excluded from the holiday pay base, even though they may be considered as work remuneration by nature.

These include benefits such as:

  • Holiday pay according to the law that is paid out in the accrual year. Only holiday pay under the Holiday Act is covered by this provision. If a collective agreement or other agreement stipulates provisions for longer vacation time and thus coverage of the holiday pay, the excess portion may be included in the calculation base for holiday pay, depending on the interpretation of each individual agreement.
  • Share of net dividends. Employees who are paid a share of the net dividends of the business are not entitled to holiday pay on this amount. This only applies when the entire net dividend is distributed in this manner. If an employee, in addition to the net dividend, also receives other work remuneration, it should be included in the calculation base in the usual manner. An employee who is only paid with net dividends will thus be entitled to vacation, but not holiday pay.
  • Fixed compensation that is earned and paid out regardless of the taking of vacation. This refers to fixed compensation that cannot immediately be linked to the employee's personal work effort. This means that absence due to vacation will not affect the payment of the compensation.
  • The value of goods, services, or other benefits that are not monetary payments. The value of in-kind benefits such as the right to free housing, telephone, newspaper, use of a car in leisure time, or discount on the purchase of goods should not be included. However, the value of full or partial meals received as part of the work remuneration should be included in the holiday pay base.

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Benefits excluded from the holiday pay base

Common provisions in the Main Tariffe Agreement in the public sector:

Military personnel and personnel serving compulsory civil duty shall have vacation and holiday pay according to the Holiday Act § 10 no. 5 and HTA § 21 no. 4 as if the employee were in regular employment.

Provisions of the Holiday Act: An employee who has worked at least 3 months with the employer earns holiday pay from the employer for up to three months in total each year, during unpaid absence due to:

  • compulsory military service
  • compulsory service in the Civil Defense or Home Guard

Holiday pay is calculated based on the sick pay base the employee has according to the provisions of the National Insurance Scheme on the day the leave starts.

An employee who has not been in work in the enterprise after the absence cannot claim holiday pay, unless the absence is due to the employer's termination or health reasons

Last changed: 19.12.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Holiday pay during military service

A state employee who is entitled to salary according to law or collective agreement during leave or other absence accrues the right to holiday pay for the same period. This rule follows from the Special Agreement on Vacation for State Employees § 3, paragraph 2.

Own illness:

Public employees who are entitled to salary during illness according to the Main Tariff Agreement § 18 accrue the right to holiday pay for the same period according to the Holiday Act § 10 nos. 4 and 5.

Child's illness:

Public employees who are entitled to salary according to the Main Tariff Agreement § 20 during absence due to a child's illness accrue the right to holiday pay for this period.

Parental leave:

Public employees who are entitled to salary according to the Main Tariff Agreement § 19 during, among other things, parental leave accrue the right to holiday pay for the same period.

Last changed: 27.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Holiday pay on salary during leave and illness
Last changed: 07.02.2025

Research and educational leave (R&E leave)

UiT aims to increase knowledge production in all academic fields. To achieve this goal, the university should facilitate good conditions for research and development work for all academic staff.

The research and educational leave is a strategic measure intended to help UiT achieve this goal. A well-structured research and educational leave program is an important tool for recruiting academic staff to UiT

Academic staff submit a reasoned application for a research and educational leave to their own department/academic environment using a specified form. The department/academic environment evaluates the application(s) and makes recommendations to the faculty/UMAK/University Library. The application deadline is set by the respective faculty/UMAK/University Library.

R&E Term application form.

Internal procedure - application for advance for research term.

Academic report from completed - R&E Term.

Settlement form for overseas stay R&E Term 2024.

Last changed: 28.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Application and settlement of research and educational leave

Everyone traveling abroad must submit an application for membership in the National Insurance Scheme during stays outside Norway to NAV Membership and Fees. Two different forms are available from NAV. Choose the form according to the country you are traveling to. See links below:

  • Form 1: Application for membership in the National Insurance Scheme during stays outside Norway
  • Form 2: Work and business within the EEA/Switzerland - application for A1.

The section "Confirmation and posting - To be filled out by the employer" applies to both forms. The payroll section in SEOP fills out these sections. Send the completed form to SEOP, which adds its part to the form and forwards it to NAV Membership and Fees. If there are any changes, NAV Membership and Fees must be informed.

The European Health Insurance Card documents your right to have expenses for necessary medical treatment covered when you are temporarily staying in another EEA country or Switzerland. The card can be ordered here.

Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Research and education leave abroad

For stays in the USA, it is possible to apply for tax exemption. Contact the Norwegian Tax Administration well in advance of departure. An invitation to the host institution (the university you will be visiting) and a confirmation from your faculty regarding employment and awarded scholarship are required.

Guide for research stays in the USA.

Last changed: 02.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Research stay in the USA

To ensure accurate reporting of salary earned abroad, the payroll section requires information about the departure date and return date for the stay abroad. Changes in the stay, such as extensions, interruptions, postponements, or other events affecting the reported period, should be sent to the Payroll Section. Salary earned abroad is reported on the Salary and Tax Statement; incorrect reporting of the period can affect the tax settlement for each employee. If you have received a changed tax percentage during your stay abroad, for example in the USA, remember to apply for a new tax card as soon as the stay is over.

Last changed: 02.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Correct reporting of salary earned abroad

We would like to inform you about an important update regarding immigration rules in the United Kingdom.

Starting from April 2, 2025, Norwegian citizens traveling to the United Kingdom will need to obtain a British Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA). The ETA is a new digital travel authorization that will become mandatory for citizens from countries that can visit England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland without a visa for short stays. From March 5, 2025, Norwegian passport holders will be able to apply for the British ETA ahead of the implementation date.

The application fee for the ETA is £10, and the authorization will be valid for 2 years.

More information about the ETA can be found here: https://uk-eta.no/uk-eta-kvalifisering/uk-eta-for-norwegian-citizens-your-complete-guide/

Last changed: 26.11.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Norwegian citizens traveling to Great Britain - new rules from April 2, 2025
Last changed: 28.01.2025
Salary and benefits