Research – Department of Arctic and Marine Biology

Research – Department of Arctic and Marine Biology

From microorganism to ecosystem

Our ecological research is world class when it comes to both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We focus on food webs, population dynamics and interactions both on land, in freshwater and in marine environments. We also have leading scientists who study animal physiological adaptations in the Arctic, evolution and infection biology. Other research groups work on the micro level, with plant cells and DNA , or with nutrients and phytoplankton. We have in common that all of us have a research base in the Arctic, but work with a global perspective. We co-operate with researchers all over the world, but also have close collaboration with other local scientific communities such as the Norwegian Polar Institute, the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research ( NINA ), the Institute of Marine Research and others. We strive to do good basic research, as well as study human impacts on Arctic and marine eosystems, and give good advice to decision makers.

We have 33 projects at our unit: