The Environmental Physiotherapy Agenda 2027; cross-curricular implementation of planetary health, environmental and sustainability education in global physiotherapy training. Environmental Physiotherapy Association; Role: Project lead / Principal Investigator
The Posthuman Walking Project: The multiplicity of walking with pain in diverse landscapes of care. Project leads: Dr Shirley Chubb, University of Chichester, UK, & Dr Clair Hebron, University of Brighton, UK. Role: Partner university/researcher.
Past projects:
The Environmental Physiotherapy Agenda 2023; implementing planetary health, environmental and sustainability education in global physiotherapy training. Environmental Physiotherapy Association; Role: Project lead / Principal Investigator
Ntinga, M.N. (PhD study, ongoing). “Izandla Ze-wele ziyaphilisah” A decolonial co-autoethnography of professional identity formation in South African physiotherapy. University of Cape Town, South Africa (Role: Co-supervisor).
Struthers, N. (PhD study, ongoing). Nature-based prescriptions to reduce the personal, social, environmental, and global burdens of rehabilitation. Western University, Ontario, Canada (Role: Advisory committee member).
Food access and food systems mapping with people with disabilities in Nellmapius (University of Pretoria, South Africa / project member)(Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Students combined Bachelor thesis, University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Past supervision
Faartoft, C., Bach-Svendsen, N. S., Juul, B., & Mikkelsen, A. L. (2024). Physical and perceived barriers to nature experiences for people with mobility impairments (Bachelor Thesis). VIA University College Denmark. Winner of the VIA Aarhus University College Professional Innovation Award. Gevers, T. (2023). Who is the patient? Re-envisioning the patient based on Bruno Latour’s Actor-Network-Theory (Bachelor Thesis). Hogeschool voor Toegepaste Filosofie / HTF University of Applied Philosophy, Netherlands.
Ingilæ, E.J., & Eikrem, S. (2023) Physiotherapists' experiences with the use of nature in treatment: A qualitative interview study (Bachelor Thesis, UiT The Arctic University of Norway).Plaisant, M. (2022). A discourse analysis of sustainability in physiotherapy (Bachelor thesis, University of Furtwangen, Germany)
Grønvold, H. (2022). Measures for improving the environmental sustainability of Norwegian physiotherapy practice (Bachelor thesis, UiT The Arctic University of Norway).
Lund, K. & Klæboe Enevoldsen, A. (2022). How (much) is 'the social' of the biopsychosocial model represented in Norwegian physiotherapy education (Bachelor thesis, UiT The Arctic University of Norway).
Indgjerdingen, S. & Henriksen, S. (2022). Does outdoor walking have better physical and physiological effects than indoor walking on a treadmill? (Bachelor thesis, Oslo Metropolitan University)