Associate Professor
Associate Professor, Leader reserach group preventive and health promotive interventions
Senior Adviser
Associate professor
Senior adviser
Statistician/Senior Lecturer
Senior Adviser/Service Support Coordinator
PhD Candidate
Associate Professor
Research co-ordinator
Head of office
University lecturer
Study adviser
Senior Communications Advisor
Psykisk helse/Mental health
Associate professor, Deputy Head of Research
Professor in Educational science
FUT Team (communicatioan, teaching and service support)
Univercity lecturer
Department Head/Professor
Implementation,training and assessment for certification; Incredible Years (IY)
Associate professor
Professor, member of the research group for health promotion and prevention, Regional centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Child Wellfare (RKBU North)
Associate Professor
Professor, editor
Associate Professor
Professor. Leader of Research group for child protection and family welfare
Senior adviser, The Incredible Years
Professor. Research group leader
PhD candidate