Research – Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics

Research – Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics

Research at the BFE Faculty

Research activities include both natural science and social science disciplines.

Climate, environment and resource management are key areas of research at the Department of Arctic and Marine Biology. The expertise of the researchers range from cell and molecular biology to complex ecosystems in northern populations.

At the School of Business and Economics sustainable development of a creative and competitive business is central. What are the conditions for creating profitable businesses in the north? How do we commercialize research and business ideas? What is needed to establish a new industry, and which strategies should be used?

Research at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science is related to two main issues; marine resource management and marine biotechnology. This includes basic and thematically oriented industrial research.

Read more about specific research groups and projects at the departments' own web pages.

We have 85 projects at our unit:
We have experts within a large range of subjects