The aim for all our research at is national and international excellence.
Some of the topics for research - such as small scale tourism - reflect our geographical location in the circumpolar region. Researchers at the School of Business and Economics have wide-ranging interests and are involved in research projects relating to:
- consumer behaviour
- productivity analysis
- value creation in tourism
- stock market modeling
- industrial marketing strategy
- market regulation
- regional development
- innovation and knowledge creation
- entrepreneurship and network relations
- the entrepreneurial university
- market demand analysis
We have 3 projects at our unit:
The relationship between personal values and preference for novelty: conceptual issues and the novelty–familiarity continuum
Cornering Authenticity in Wine Tourism: The Case of Tuscany
Effects of the dark triad on word of mouth in the luxury context: the moderating role of opinion divergence
Local food systems and community development: a symbiotic relation? A case study of three rural municipalities in Norway
Visualizing and discussing unethical behavior in negotiations
Ocean tourism: when emotions meet science
Se alle registreringer i Cristin
Se alle registreringer i Cristin
Edvardsen, Robert Kjørstad / Forthun, Bjørn : Posttraumatisk vekst blant kystjegere? Benonisen, Hege / Meland, Marita : Should I stay, or should I go? En kvalitativ studie av faktorer som kan forebygge turnover blant mellomledere i politi og helse Arnesen, Vibeke : Hva påvirker sykepleiers forståelse av medarbeiderskap? Er det kontroll eller medvirkning?Artikler og rapporter:
Borge, Baard Herman / Hagebakken, Grete / Lindrupsen, Cathrine / Thorsen, Sunniva Dahl : Altruisme versus egennytte: Motivasjonen bak sykepleierstudenters studievalg Arnesen, Sarah Lisa / Larsen, Nils Magne / Wien, Anders Hauge : Beyond Green Promises: How Concrete Information Sparks Pride and Drives Sustainable Fashion Boutera Toft, Håvard / Karlsen, Kristoffer / Landrø, Markus / Mannberg, Hanna Andrea / Hendrikx, Jordy / Hetland, Audun : Who skis where, when? – A method to enumerate backcountry usageSe alle oppføringer i Munin – Open research archive