Education – Department of Physics and Technology

Education – Department of Physics and Technology

Department of Physics and Technology educates engineers and physicists in a broad range of jobs. Physics forms the foundation for the technological development of the modern world. In our studies you learn fundamental and advanced physics, and mathematical and scientific methods used in the modern world.

At the department, there are several assistant professor with responsability for the introductory courses in physics at UiT. The assistant professors have professional and pedagogical background, so the students are met by educators that put the student in focus.

After the introduction courses, the student with courses that are specialized to the research groups at UiT. These intermediate courses are the professional introduction for the students to the research groups, and the tuition is conducted by researchers(PhD students, assistant professors, associate professors, professors) from the groups. In the intermediate and advanced courses, the students face problems and challenges equal to what they will meet in industry- and research-related jobs.


Bachelor (3 years)

Master (1½ – 5 years)

Specialist education

Further and continuing education