Research – Department of Geosciences

Research – Department of Geosciences

The research activities at the department are mainly focused on: Polar Marine Geology & Geophysics, Solid Earth Science, and Coastal & Terrestrial Geosciences.

The department has many large research and collaboration projects financed by The Research Council of Norway, EU and Norwegian Oil Companies.  Our main activities in research are taking place in the Arctic regions, including waters off the Norwegian Coast to Svalbard and Eastern Greenland.

The research at the department is anchored in the following strategic areas:

  • Ice- and ocean climate systems: Marine geology – Oceanography – Glaciology
  • Natural resources in the Arctic
  • Dynamics of the lithosphere
  • Geohazards
  • Coastal research
  • Environmental geology in the Arctic
  • Technology development
  • Modelling 
We have 17 projects at our unit:

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