A broad spectrum of marine research
Research conducted at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science is concentrated around two main areas: marine resource management and marine biotechnology. This includes basic research and thematically directed research aimed at the industry, divided into six research groups.
Our research is conducted in close cooperation with the research environments of the faculty and the university, as well as other partners – both local, regional, national and international.
Research at the NCFS is carried out by permanent research staff, project researchers and PhD-students. Bachelor and master students are also involved at all levels of research.
We have 36 projects at our unit:
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LARSEN, Oliver Buitenhuis : Biodiversity Baseline of the Norwegian Coastline Using eDNA Metabarcoding Nyborg, Emilie-Martine Torsvik : Fortrinn bygd på tilgang til viktige fiskefelt Larsen, Regine Amanda : Effects of diet and the vgll3 locus on male maturation and sperm traits of Atlantic salmonArtikler og rapporter:
Horaud, Mathilde / Raventós, Núria / Præbel, Kim / Galiá-Camps, Carles / Pegueroles, Cinta / Carreras, Carlos / Pascual, Marta / Tuset, Victor M. / Bhat, Shripathi / Lynghammar, Arve : Allochrony in Atlantic Lumpfish: Genomic and Otolith Shape Divergence Between Spring and Autumn Spawners Eriksen, Emma Falkeid / Andrews, Adam Jon / Nielsen, Svein Vatsvåg / Persson, Per / Malca, Estrella / Onar, Vedat / Aniceti, Veronica / Piquès, Gäel / Piattoni, Federica / Fontani, Francesco / Wiech, Martin / Ferter, Keno / Kersten, Oliver Sven / Ferrari, Giada / Cariani, Alessia / Tinti, Fausto / Cilli, Elisabetta / Atmore, Lane M. / Star, Bastiaan : Five millennia of mitonuclear discordance in Atlantic bluefin tuna identified using ancient DNA Bruvold, Ingrid Marie / Hansen, Agneta / Lynghammar, Arve / Höffle, Hannes / Hanebrekke, Tanja Lexau / Tranang, Caroline Aas / Nedreaas, Kjell Harald / Nilssen, Einar Magnus / Saha, Atal / Johansen, Torild : Morphological evidence supports splitting of species in the North Atlantic Sebastes spp. complexSe alle oppføringer i Munin – Open research archive