Research in Sami and Indigenous Peoples’ issues are a high priority at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Sami and Indigenous Peoples’ issues are a central part of research and teaching at the Centre for Sami Studies. This focus has been encouraged and developed since the Centre joined the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education in 2013.
Research at the Centre for Sami Studies focuses on local and global aspects of indigenous issues. It draws on extensive experience in Sami studies developed at UiT The Arctic University of Norway over many years.
We have 14 projects at our unit:
«Ingenting om oss uten oss». Samskaping, avkolonialisering av
kunnskap og forskningsfatigue
Indigenous Knowledge in Resource Governance and Decision-Making
Ordstyrer i panelsamtale: Fra kvinner til kjønnsbalanse og mangfold i forskning: Hvor var vi – hvor er vi nå?
Mot en nasjonal forpliktelse. Norske universiteter bør enes om et sett av gullstandarder for godt arbeid med sannhet og forsoning
Gender in Sápmi: Sámi Feminist Ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing
Se alle registreringer i Cristin
Se alle registreringer i Cristin
Artikler og rapporter:
Broderstad, Else Grete / Josefsen, Eva : Who governs our stories? The collected material of the Norwegian truth and reconciliation commission Tyler, Nicholas J. C. / Fosbury, Robert A. E. / Hazlerigg, David Grey / Hogg, Christopher : Vision at high latitudes: High sensitivity without specific boreal adaptations in photoreception in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) Boyde, Alan / Tyler, Nicholas J. C. : Microanatomy of incremental growth lines in dental tissues in reindeer Rangifer tarandusSe alle oppføringer i Munin – Open research archive