Child development

The research group for child development was established on the 1st of January 2019. Most of our research focuses on infancy and early childhood development, and we use a variety of methods to investigate different processes within cognitive and social development. Currently, the group consists of three associate professors and two PhD students. In addition, there are a varying number of research assistants working in our projects.

We teach in the BA and the clinical psychology program, and we are available as supervisors for all kinds of thesis projects ("semesteroppgave", "hovedoppgave", BA and MA theses). Contact us if you would like to know more about our projects, or if you have your own idea within child development that you would like to work on.

Our teaching in the fall semester of 2020:

PSY-2032 Critical reading and presentation in psychology

PSY-2502 Utviklingspsykologi i et livløpsperspektiv

PSY-2705 Fordypningsemne i barns utvikling

PSY-2707 Praksis og praksisrelatert undervisning


Associate professors:

Monika Abels

Mikołaj Hernik (group leader 2023-2024)

Gabriella Óturai 

Alumni and former group members:

Linda Johansen (PhD student: 2020-2023)

Solveig Flatebø (PhD student: July 2019 - August 2023)