CIBR-ABS Borders Bibliography." /> CIBR-ABS Borders Bibliography." />

Border Poetics bibliography: social and geographical borders

Border studies work on borders in social, historical, juridical, political and geographical contexts - for a more complete list, see CIBR-ABS Borders Bibliography.

Book (95)

Albrecht, Benno, and Leonardo Benevolo. Grenzen: Topographie, Geschichte, Architektur. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 1995. 

Ancel, Jacques. Géographie des frontières. 4e ed. Paris: Librarie Gallimard, 1938. 

Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Revised and extended ed. London: Verso, 1991. 

Anderson, Malcolm. Frontiers: Territory and State Formation in the Modern World. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997. 

Andreas, Peter, and Timothy Snyder. The Wall around the West: State borders and immigration controls in North America and Europe. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. 

Ante, Ulrich. Politische Geographie. Braunschweig, 1981. 

Armstrong, J. Nations before Nationalism. Chapel Hill, 1982. 

Arreola, Daniel D., and James R. Curtis. The Mexican Border Cities: Landscape Anatomy and Place Personality. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1994. 

Asiwaju, A. I. Partitioned Africans: Ethnic Relations across Africa’s International boundaries, 1884-1984. London: Hurst, 1985. 

Balibar, Étienne. We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004. 

Bartlett, Richard A. The New Country: A Social History of the American Frontier, 1776-1890. London: Oxford University Press, 1976. 

Beresford, Maurice. History on the Ground: Six Studies in Maps and Landscapes. Revised edition ed. London: Methuen, 1971. 

Bhattacharyya, Gargi. Traffick: The Illicit Movement of People and Things. London: Pluto Press, 2005. 

Braudel, Fernand. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II. London: Fontana, 1975. 

Brown, Wendy. Walled States, Waning Sovereignty. New York: Zone Books, 2010. 

Copeaux, Etienne, and Claire Mauss-Copeaux. Taksim! Chypre divisée, 1964-2005. Lyon: Ædelsa éditions, 2005. 

Danielsson, Rolf, and Arvid Johanson. Svinesund: Bron, gränsfolket och historien. Uddevalla: Gränskommittén Østfold-Bohuslän, 1996. 

Dear, Michael. Why Walls Won't Work: Repairing the US-Mexico Divide. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. 

Dear, Michael, and Gustavo Leclerc. Postborder City: Cultural Spaces of Bajalta California. London: Routledge, 2003. 

Debray, Régis. Éloge des frontières. Paris: Gallimard, 2010.

Diener, Alexander C., and Joshua Hagen. Borders: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. 

Donnan, Hastings, and Thomas M. Wilson. Borders: Frontiers of Identity, Nation and State. Oxford: Berg, 1999. 

Eker, Mark, and Henk van Houtum. Grensland: Atlas, essays en ontwerp: Geschiedenis en toekomst van het grenslandschap / Borderland: Atlas, Essays and Design: History and Future of the Border Landscape. [Wageningen]: Blauwdruk, 2013. 

Falk, Francesca. Eine gestische Geschichte der Grenze: Wie der Liberalismus an der Grenze an seine Grenzen kommt. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2011. 

Fall, Juliet. Drawing the Line: Nature, Hybridity and Politics in Transboundary Spaces. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. 

Farley, Paul, and Michael Symmons Roberts. Edgelands: Journeys into England's true wilderness. London: Vintage, 2012. 

Follis, Karolina S. Building Fortress Europe: The Polish-Ukrainian frontier. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. 

Foucher, Michel. Fronts et frontières: Un tour du monde géopolitique. Paris: Fayard, 1988. 

---. Fronts et frontières: Un tour du monde géopolitique. Paris: Fayard, 1991. 

---. L’obsession des Frontières. Paris: Perrin, 2007. 

Friese, Heidrun. Grenzen der Gastfreundschaft: Die Bootsflüchtlinge von Lampedusa und die europäische Frage. Bielefeld: transcript, 2014.

Green, Sarah F. Notes from the Balkans: Locating Marginality and Ambiguity on the Greek-Albanian Border. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005. 

Haggett, Peter, A. D. Cliff, and Allan E. Frey. Locational Models. 2d ed. London: Edward Arnold, 1977. 

Hall, Alexandra. Border Watch: Cultures of Immigration, Detention and Control. London: Pluto Press, 2012. 

Haushofer, Karl. Grenzen in ihrer geographischen und politischen Bedeutung. Berlin: Kurt Vowinckel Verlag, 1927. 

Hernández, Kelly Lytle. Migra! A History of the U.S. Border Patrol. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2010. 

Herrschel, Tassilo. Borders in Post-Socialist Europe: Territory, Scale, Society. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011. 

Hønneland, Geir. Borderland Russians: Identity, Narrative, and International Relations. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 

Imsen, Steinar. Grenser og grannelag i Nordens historie. Oslo: Cappelen akademisk, 2005. 

Joenniemi, Pertti, and Alexander A. Sergunin. Laboratories of European Integration: City-twinning in Northern Europe. EUBORDERREGIONS Working Papers Series 1. Tartu: Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation, 2012. 

Jones, Reece. Border Walls: Security and the War on Terror in the United States, India, and Israel. London: Zed Books, 2012. 

Jordan, Bill, and Franck Duvell. Migration: The Boundaries of Equality and Justice. Oxford: Polity, 2003. 

Kennard, Ann. Old Cultures, New Institutions: Around the New Eastern Border of the European Union. Berlin: Lit, 2010. 

Kockel, Ullrich. Re-Visioning Europe: Frontiers, Place Identities and Journeys in Debatable Lands. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

Komlosy, Andrea. Grenze und ungleiche regionale Entwicklung: Binnenmarkt und Migration in der Habsburgermonarchie. Vienna: Promedia, 2003. 

Konrad, Victor, and Heather Nicol. Beyond Walls: Re-inventing the Canada-United States Borderlands. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. 

Liempt, Ilse van. Navigating Borders: Inside Perspectives on the Process of Human Smuggling into the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2007. 

Liempt, Ilse van Navigating Borders: Inside Perspectives on the Process of Human Smuggling into the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2007.

Lugo, Alejandro. Fragmented Lives, Assembled Parts: Culture, Capitalism, and Conquest at the U.S.-Mexico border. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2008. 

Lundén, Thomas. On the Boundary: About Humans at the End of Territory. Huddinge: Södertörn University College 2004. 

McCall, Cathal. The European Union and Peacebuilding: The Cross-Border Dimension. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 

Meier, Daniel. Shaping Lebanon’s Borderlands: Armed Resistance and International Intervention in South Lebanon. London: I. B. Tauris, [forthcoming 2016].

Momsen, Janet Henshall, Irén Kukorelli Szörenyi, and Judit Timar. Gender at the Border: Entrepreneurship in Rural Post-Socialist Hungary. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. 

Mountz, Alison. Seeking Asylum: Human Smuggling and Bureaucracy at the Border. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010. 

Nail, Thomas. Theory of the Border. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Olsen, Kjell. Identities, Ethnicities and Borderzones: Examples from Finnmark, Northern Norway. Orkana Akademisk: Stammsund, 2008. 

Oplatka, Andreas. Der erste Riss in der Mauer: September 1989 – Ungarn öffnet die Grenze. Wien: Paul Zsolnay, 2009. 

Paasi, Anssi. Territory, Boundaries and Consciousness. New York: John Wiley, 1996. 

Parker, Noel, and Nick Vaughan-Williams. Critical Border Studies: Broadening and Deepening the ‘Lines in the Sand’ Agenda. London: Routledge, 2014. 

Paxton, John, and John Wroughton. Smuggling. London: Macmillan, 1971. 

Perera, Suvendrini. Australia and the Insular Imagination: Beaches, Borders, Boats, and Bodies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 

Petri, Franz. Die fränkische Landnahme und die Entstehung der germanisch-romanischen Sprachgrenze in der interdisziplinären Diskussion. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1977. 

Popescu, Gabriel. Bordering and Ordering the Twenty-First Century: Understanding Borders. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield publishers, 2012. 

Prescott, J. R. V. The Geography of Frontiers and Boundaries. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1965. 

---. Boundaries and Frontiers. London/Totowa, NJ: Croom Helm/Rowman and Littlefield, 1978. 

---. Political Frontiers and Boundaries. London: Unwin Hyman, 1987. 

Prescott, J. R. V., and Gillian Triggs. International Frontiers and Boundaries: Law, Politics and Geography. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2008. 

Ratzel, Friedrich. Politische Geographie oder die Geographie der Staaten, des Vehrkers und des Krieges. 3. Auflage, Durchgesehen und ergänzt von Eugen Oberhummer ed. München, 1923. 

Roberts, Michael Symmons, and Paul Farley. Edgelands: Journeys into England’s True Wilderness. London: Jonathan Cape, 2011. 

Romero, Fernando. Hyperborder: The Contemporary U.S.-Mexico Border and its Future. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008. 

Sahlins, Peter. Boundaries: The Making of France and Spain in the Pyrenees. Berkeley, CA.: U of California P, 1989. 

Sammartino, Annemarie H. The Impossible Border : Germany and the East, 1914-1922. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2010. 

Sanchez, Gabriella. Human Smuggling and Border Crossings. Abingdon: Routledge, 2014.

Sasunkevich, Olga. Informal Trade, Gender and the Border Experience: From Political Borders to Social Boundaries. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015.

Schofield, Clive. The Razor’s Edge: International Boundaries and Political Geography: Essays in Honour of Professor Gerald Blake. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002. 

Schwind, Martin. Landschaft und Grenze: Geographische Betrachtungen zur deutsch-niederländischen Grenze. Bielefeld: F. Eilers Verlag, 1950. 

Shields, Rob. Places on the Margin: Alternative Geographies of Modernity. London: Routledge, 1991. 

Strauss, Michael J. The Viability of Territorial Leases in Resolving International Sovereignity Disputes. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2010. 

Strüver, Anke. Stories of the “Boring Border”: The Dutch-German Borderscape in People’s Minds. Münster: Lit Verlag, 2005. 

Sylvester, Dorothy. The Rural Landscape of the Welsh Borderland: A Study in Historical Geography. London: Macmillan, 1969. 

Tagliacozzo, Eric. Secret Trades, Porous Borders: Smuggling and States along a Southeast Asian Frontier, 1865-1915. New Haven: Yale UP, 2005. 

Tharaldsen, Knut. Den norsk-russiske grensen. [Oslo]: Kolofon, 2010. 

Torpey, John. The Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and the State. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000. 

Tuathail, Gearóid Ó. Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1996. 

Turner, Frederick Jackson. The Frontier in American History. Henry Holt and Company. 1962. 

Turner, Victor. The Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967. 

Vaughan-Williams, Nick. Border Politics: The Limits of Sovereign Power. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009. 

Viken, Arvid. Celebrating the Cold War: Tourism Related to the Norwegian-Russian Boundary. Helsingborg: Lund University Campus Helsingborg, 2007. 

Walia, Harsha. Undoing Border Imperialism. Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2013. 

Whittaker, C. R. Les frontières de l'Empire romain. Paris: Diffusé par les Belles Lettres, 1989. 

---. Frontiers of the Roman Empire: A Social and Economic study. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. 

Wikan, Steinar. Kolonisering og bureising i Pasvikdalen. [Oslo]: Tiden, 1980. 

Wikström, Sten. Norrbotten: En studie om gränser. Luleå: Tornedalica, 1982. 

Williams, John. The Ethics of Territorial Borders: Drawing Lines in the Shifting Sand. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2006. 

Wolff, Stefan. Disputed Territories: The Transnational Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict Settlement. New York: Berghahn Books, 2003. 

Book Section (211)

Agnew, John. "The ‘Civilisational’ Roots of European National Boundaries".  Boundaries and Place: European Borderlands in Geographical Context. Eds. David H. Kaplan and Jouni Häkli. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002. 18-33. 

Algazy, Joseph. "Grenzen: Mythen und Realität im israelisch-arabischen Konflikt".  Literatur der Grenze - Theorie der Grenze. Eds. Richard Faber and Barbara Naumann. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1995. 237-52. 

Allen, John, Doreen Massey, and Michael Pryke. "Introduction".  Unsettling Cities: Movement/Settlement. Eds. John Allen, Doreen Massey and Michael Pryke. London: Routledge/Open University, 1999. 1-5. 

Altink, Henrice, and Sharif Gemie. "Borders: Ancient Modern and Post-Modern: Definitions and Debates".  At the Border: Margins and Peripheries in Modern France. Eds. Henrice Altink and Sharif Gemie. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2007. 1-21. 

Altink, Henrice, and Chris Weedon. "Introduction".  Gendering Border Studies. Eds. Jane Aaron, Henrice Altink and Chris Weedon. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2010. 1-15. 

Alvarez, Robert R. "Reconceptualizing the Space of the Mexico–US Borderline".  A Companion to Border Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012. 538-56.

Amilhat Szary, Anne-Laure. "Natures of Borders: From Historical to Prospective Epistemologies".  Cartographies of Nature: How Nature Conservation Animates Borders. Ed. Maano Ramutsindela. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2014. 31-53.

---. "Boundaries and Borders".  The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Geography. Eds. John Agnew, Virginie Mamadouh, Anna J. Secor and Sharp Joanne. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 11-25.

Amilhat Szary, Anne-Laure, and Frédéric Giraut. "Borderities: The Politics of Contemporary Mobile Borders".  Borderities and the Politics of Contemporary Mobile Borders. Eds. Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary and Frédéric Giraut. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 1-19. 

Andersen, Dorte Jagetić, and Marie Sandberg. "Introduction".  The Border Multiple: The Practicing of Borders between Public Policy and Everyday Life in a Re-scaling Europe. Eds. Dorte Jagetić Andersen, Martin Klatt and Marie Sandberg. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2012. 1-19. 

Andersen, Jørgen Østergård. "Kulturens grænser".  Grænser. Eds. Frederik Stjernfelt and Anders Troelsen. Århus: Aarhus universitetsforlag, 1992. 81-103. 

Anderson, Benedict. "Nationalism, Identity and the World-in-Motion: On the Logics of Seriality".  Cosmopolitics: Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation. Eds. Pheng Cheah and Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1998. vii, 380 p ; 24 cm, hc. 

Anderson, James. "Borders in the New Imperialism".  A Companion to Border Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012. 137-57.

Anderson, Malcolm. "The Political Science of Frontiers".  Borders and Border Regions in Europe and North America. Eds. Paul Ganster, Alan Sweedler, James Scott and Wolf Dieter-Eberwein. San Diego, CA: San Diego State UP/Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias, 1997. 27-45. 

Anteby-Yemini, Lisa, Virginie Baby-Collin, Sylvie Mazzella, Stéphane Mourlane, Cédric Parizot, Céline Regnard, and Pierre Sintès. "Introduction".  Borders, Mobilities and Migrations. Eds. Lisa Anteby-Yemini, Virginie Baby-Collin, Sylvie Mazzella, Stéphane Mourlane, Cédric Parizot, Céline Regnard and Pierre Sintès. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2014. 11-18. 

Appadurai, Arjun. "Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy".  Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader. Eds. Laura Chrisman and Patrick Williams. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993. 305-23. 

---. "Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy".  Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology. Eds. Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White. London: Routledge, 2003. 251-64. 

Asiwaju, Anthony I. "The African Union Border Programme in European Comparative Perspective".  A Companion to Border Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012. 66-82.

Assmuth, Laura "“We Used to Be so International”: Everyday Cross-Border Relations at the Estonian-Latvian-Russian Borderlands".  Expanding Borders: Communities and identities / Robežu Paplašināša: Identitātes un Kopienas: Proceedings of International Conference, Riga, November 9-12, 2005 / Starptautiskās konferences ziņojumi Rīga, 2005. gada 9.-12. novembris. Ed. Žaneta Ozoliņa. Riga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2005. 301-11. 

Balibar, Étienne. "The Borders of Europe". Trans. J. Swenson. Cosmopolitics: Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation. Eds. Pheng Cheah and Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998. 216-29. 

Ballinger, Pamela. "Borders and the Rhythms of Displacement, Emplacement and Mobility".  A Companion to Border Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012. 387-404.

Barck, Simone, and Karlheinz Barck. "Grenzen der Toleranz: Berlin Mitte: Große Hamburger Straße".  Literatur der Grenze - Theorie der Grenze. Eds. Richard Faber and Barbara Naumann. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1995. 21-39. 

Barth, Fredrik. "Introduction".  Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1982. 9-38. 2. reprint. 

Belk, Russell W. "Been There, Done That, Bought the Souvenirs: Of Journeys and Boundary Crossing".  Consumer Research: Postcards from the Edge. Eds. Stephen Brown and Darach Turley. London: Routledge, 1997. 22-45. 

Berg, E. "‘Border Crossing’ in Manifest Perceptions and Actual Needs".  Borders, Regions, and People. Eds. Martin van der Velde and Henk van Houtum. London: Pion, 2000. 151-63. 

Berg, Eiki, and Henk van Houtum. "Prologue: A Border is Not a Border: Writing and Reading Borders in Space".  Routing Borders between Territories, Discourses and Practices. Eds. Eiki Berg and Henk van Houtum. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003. 1-10. 

Best, Ulrich. "Gnawing at the Edges of the State: Deleuze and Guattari and Border Studies".  Routing Borders between Territories, Discourses and Practices. Eds. Eiki Berg and Henk van Houtum. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003. 177-90. 

Bialasiewicz, Luiza, and John O’Loughlin. "Galician Identities and Political Cartographies on the Polish-Ukrainian Border".  Boundaries and Place: European Borderlands in Geographical Context. Eds. David H. Kaplan and Jouni Häkli. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002. 217-38. 

Bigo, Didier. "Security, Borders, and the State".  Borders and Border Regions in Europe and North America. Eds. Paul Ganster, Alan Sweedler, James Scott and Wolf Dieter-Eberwein. San Diego, CA: San Diego State UP/Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias, 1997. 81-104. 

Bonney, D. "Early Boundaries and Estates in Southern England".  Medieval Settlement: Continuity and Change. Ed. P. H. Sawyer. London: Edward Arnold, 1976. 72-82. 

Borneman, John. "Border Regimes, the Circulation of Violence and the Neo-authoritarian Turn".  A Companion to Border Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012. 119-35.

Brambilla, Chiara. "“Pluriversal” Citizenship and Borderscapes".  Transient Spaces: The Tourist Syndrome. Eds. Marina Sorbello and Antje Weitzel. Berlin: Argobooks, 2010. 61-65. 

---. "Borders Still Exist! What Are Borders?".  Transnational Migration, Cosmopolitanism and Dis-located Borders. Eds. Bruno Riccio and Chiara Brambilla. Rimini: Guaraldi, 2010. 73-85. 

---. "Educare all’intercultura attraverso il paesaggio: Valenza generativa di uno spazio liminare tra identità e alterità".  Paesaggi lingua madre. Eds. Ugo Morelli and Gianluca Cepollaro. Trento: Erickson, 2013. 105-19. 

---. "Frontiere e Confini".  Antropologia delle Migrazioni. Ed. Bruno Riccio. Roma: CISU, 2014. 45-57. 

---. "Botswana/Namibia: The Caprivi Strip and Kasikili/Sedudu".  Border Disputes: A Global Encyclopedia. Ed. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2015. 69-77. 

---. "Mobile Euro/African Borderscapes: Migrant Communities and Shifting Urban Margins".  Borderities and the Politics of Contemporary Mobile Borders. Eds. Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary and Frédéric Giraut. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 138-54. 

---. "Navigating the Euro/African Border and Migration Nexus through the Borderscape Lens: Insights from tghe LampedusaInFestival".  Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making. Eds. Chiara Brambilla, Jussi Laine, James W. Scott and Gianluca Bocchi. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015. 111-21.

---. "Re-thinking Borders: from Di-visions to Laboratories of Hybridity".  Cultural Hybridity: Dilemmas and Contradictions. Ed. Kwok-Bun Chan. London: Routledge, [under review]. 

Brambilla, Chiara, Jussi Laine, James W. Scott, and Gianluca Bocchi. "Introduction: Thinking, Mapping, Acting and Living Borders under Contemporary Globalisation". Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making. Eds. Chiara Brambilla, Jussi Laine, James W. Scott and Gianluca Bocchi. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015. 1-9.

Brambilla, Chiara, and Holger Pötzsch. "In/visibility".  Border Aesthetics: Concepts and Intersections. Eds. Johan Schimanski and Stephen F. Wolfe. New York: Berghahn, 2017. 

Brandell, Inga. "Introduction".  State Frontiers: Borders and Boundaries in the Middle East. Ed. Inga Brandell. London: IB Tauris, 2006. 1-29. 

Brandell, Inga, Marie Carlson, and Önver A. Çetrez. "Introduction".  Borders and the Changing Boundaries of Knowledge. Eds. Inga Brandell, Marie Carlson and Önver Cetrez. Stockholm: Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2015. 7-14.

Brunet-Jailly, Emmanuel. "Securing Borders in Europe and North America".  A Companion to Border Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012. 100-18.

Buoli, Alice. "Addressing Euro-Mediterranean Border Imaginations from a Project-Based Perspective".  Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making. Eds. Chiara Brambilla, Jussi Laine, James W. Scott and Gianluca Bocchi. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015. 163-73.

Bürkner, Hans-Joachim. "Beyond Constructivism: Europeanization and Bordering under the Impact of Power and Imaginaries".  Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making. Eds. Chiara Brambilla, Jussi Laine, James W. Scott and Gianluca Bocchi. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015. 27-39.

Burtscher-Bechter, Beate, and Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner. "Vorwort".  Grenzen und Entgrenzungen: Historische und kulturwissenschaftliche Überlegungen am Beispiel des Mittelmeerraums. Eds. Beate Burtscher-Bechter, Peter W. Haider, Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner and Robert Rollinger. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2006. 11-16. 

Cahill, Gerry. "The Altered Edge: the Impact of the Construction Boom on the Landscape of the Urban Periphery".  Irish Contemporary Landscapes in Literature and the Arts. Ed. Marie Mianowski. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 183-88. 

Carlson, Marie. "“Are you going to write as we think or as you think?”

On Troubled Positions, Borders and Boundaries among Immigrant Women in a Swedish Context".  Borders and the Changing Boundaries of Knowledge. Eds. Inga Brandell, Marie Carlson and Önver A. Çetrez. Stockholm: Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2015. 109-27.

Carty, Anthony. "Für einen neuen Grenzbegriff im Völkerrecht". Trans. Andrea Sperk. Literatur der Grenze - Theorie der Grenze. Eds. Richard Faber and Barbara Naumann. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1995. 253-72. 

Casas-Cortes, Maribel, and Sebastian Corarrubias. "Drawing Escape Tunnels through Borders: Cartographic Research Experiments by European Social Movements".  An Atlas of Radical Cartography. Eds. Lize Mogel and Alexis Bhagat. Los Angeles: Journal of Aesthetics & Protest Press, 2008. 21-66. 

Cauvet, Philippe. "Irish Nationalism and the Natural Insular Landscape of Ireland before Partition: Insularity Versus the Wishes of the Inhabitants".  Irish Contemporary Landscapes in Literature and the Arts. Ed. Marie Mianowski. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 142-53. 

Celata, Filippo, and Raffaella Coletti. "Cross-Border Cooperation as a Territorial/Relational Approach to Regional Development?".  Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making. Eds. Chiara Brambilla, Jussi Laine, James W. Scott and Gianluca Bocchi. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015. 151-61.

Çetrez, Önver A. "“I feel Swedish, but my parents are from there...”: Crossing of identity borders among Assyrian youth in a multicultural context".  Borders and the Changing Boundaries of Knowledge. Eds. Inga Brandell, Marie Carlson and Önver A. Çetrez. Stockholm: Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2015. 161-73.

Chalfin, Brenda. "Border Security as Late-Capitalist “Fix”".  A Companion to Border Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012. 283-300.

Ciocan-Maior, Vasile. "The Cross-Border Area of Good Neighbourhood – “Integrated Filter” in Securing the Borders ".  Expanding Borders: Communities and identities / Robežu Paplašināša: Identitātes un Kopienas: Proceedings of International Conference, Riga, November 9-12, 2005 / Starptautiskās konferences ziņojumi Rīga, 2005. gada 9.-12. novembris. Ed. Žaneta Ozoliņa. Riga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2005. 232-38. 

Clemmesen, Michael. "Geopolitik og grænser".  Grænser. Eds. Frederik Stjernfelt and Anders Troelsen. Århus: Aarhus universitetsforlag, 1992. 71-80. 

Considère-Charon, Marie-Claire. "Rural Development in the Border Areas: From ‘Borderscaping’ to Cross-border Planning".  Irish Contemporary Landscapes in Literature and the Arts. Ed. Marie Mianowski. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 168-79. 

Coplan, David B. "Border Show Business and Performing States".  A Companion to Border Studies. Eds. Hastings Donnan and Thomas M. Wilson. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. 507-21. 

Cunningham, Hilary. "Permeabilities, Ecology and Geopolitical Boundaries".  A Companion to Border Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012. 371-86.

Cuttitta, Paolo. "Humanitarianism and Migration in the Mediterranean Borderscape: The Italian–North African Border between Sea Patrols and Integration Measures". Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making. Eds. Chiara Brambilla, Jussi Laine, James W. Scott and Gianluca Bocchi. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015. 131-39.

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The Border Poetics / Border Culture research group at the Faculty for Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Participates in the projects Border Aesthetics and EUBORDERSCAPES.