Ocean Commons: Common Heritage, MGR and Biodiversity Conservation in ABNJ
Some of the presentations from the workshop, held by experts in the field, are now made available on this page, in anticipation of the publication of full papers based on these presentations in a special issue of the Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal. The editor of the speicla issues will be the workshop convener, Dr. Vito De Lucia (JCLOS) and Dr. Gemma Andreone (ISGI/CNR)
Below you will be able to download some of the presentations:
Marzia Rovere: Common Heritage Applied to Mineral Resources of the Seabed. Lessons Learnt from the International Seabed Authority.
Rosemary Rayfuse: Navigating the Alphabet Soup: MGRs, MLRs, MSR and MPAs in CCAMLR ABNJ and the Implications for BBN.
Vito De Lucia: The Concept of Commons and MGRs. Some Reflections.
Elisa Morgera: Digital Commons? The Question of in Silico Access.
Francesca Varvello: Looking for "submerged commons": towards a new era for underwater cultural heritage.
ing for “submerged commons”:
towards a new era for underwater cultural heritage?