Workshop on: The International Maritime Organization and Implementation
On 6 September 2018, the K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (JCLOS) organized a workshop on ‘The International Maritime Organization and Implementation’. The workshop enjoyed a very good attendance and commenced with presentations from two external experts: Alexander Proelß (University of Trier) and Jan de Boer (Legal Affairs Office, IMO). Subsequently, several JCLOS/UiT staff (Iva Parlov, Henrik Ringbom, Ingvild Jakobsen, Dorottya Bognar and Julia Gaunce) gave presentations on their ongoing research.
A pdf. version of the presentations and the final program can be found on the right hand side.
The presentations:
- Implementation and the Law of the Sea - Alexander Proelß (University of Trier)
- IMO and Rules of Reference - Jan de Boer (Legal Affairs Office, IMO)
- The Wreck Removal Convention: Issues of Implementation and Application - Iva Parlov (JCLOS)
- Climate Change and Shipping - Henrik Ringbom (JCLOS)
- The 2nd Phase and Other Measures to Strengthen the Polar Code - Dorottya Bognar (UiT, The Arctic University of Norway)
- PhD project presentation: The Polar Code: Implementation and Further Development - Julia Gaunce (JCLOS)