Activites by and for members of the research group

Overview of activities arranged by or participated in by research group members


8. December 2016 (key note)
The Kohima Institute, Nagaland, India
Fourth Annual Hutton Lecture by Siv Ellen Kraft
"Indigenous knowledge in the Making: Pan-Indigenous Religion at Standing Rock."

See also media coverage in regional newspaper The Morung Express 

17-19. August 2016 (Ph.D. course)

University of Tromsø
"Translations: indigenous, religion, tradition, culture."
Academic responsibility: Siv Ellen Kraft and Bjørn Ola Tafjord.

28. June-1. July 2016 (panel)
EASR 2016 Conference: Relocating Religion, Helsinki, Finland
Panel (four sessions): Performances and mediatizations of indigenous religion(s) (I): Preserving and performing
indigenous heritage(s),
 organized by INREL (Greg Alles and Bjørn Ola Tafjord).

Contribution by INREL-members:

  • Siv Ellen Kraft: “The Heritagization of Sami Shamanism. Performance, Art and Indigeneity” at the European Association for the History of Religions.

13. April 2016 (seminar)
Sami University College
"Indigenous methodologies."
INREL lectures organized by Greg Johnson and Bjørn Ola Tafjord.


10-11. November 2015 (conference presentation)
Solstrand, Bergen
Siv Ellen Kraft: “Mother Earth as place, being and concept in indigenous religion(s)”, presented at the conference “Helliggjørelse og spiritualisering av steder”.

25-27. August 2015 (INREL panel)
IAHR World Congress, Erfürt, Germany
Panel (four sessions): Indigenous religion(s): Local grounds, global networksorganized by INREL.

Contributions by INREL-members:

  • Arkotong Longkumer: "Towards a Genealogy of the local: A Spatial Discourse of Indigenous Religions."
  • Bjørn Ola Tafjord: "Localized Indigenous Religions vs. Globalizing Indegenist Religioning vs. Globalized Primitivist Religionism".
  • Greg Alles: "Are Adivasis Indigenous?"
  • Greg Johnson: "Kingdom Gone or Kingdom Come? Religious Discourse in the Native Hawaiian Federal Recognition Process of 2014."
  • Siv Ellen Kraft: "UN-Discourses on Indigenous Religion(s)".

18. June 2015 (conference)
Christian Michelsens Institutt (CMI), UiB
Bjørn Ola Tafjord: "Indigenous Rights and Religionification of Talamancan Traditions".

17. June 2015 (course lecture)
Bergen Summer Research School, UiB.
Bjørn Ola Tafjord: "Words of Continuity and Change: "Indigenous" and "Religion" in Talamanca.

22. May 2015 (lecture at research seminar)
Forskningsseminaret, sosialantropologi, UiT
Bjørn Ola Tafjord: "Toward a Typology of Academic uses of "Indigenous Religion(s)."

10. April 2015 (presentation)
Forskerseminaret, Sosialantropologi, UiT
Siv Ellen Kraft: "Presentasjon av prosjektet INREL." 

2015 (workshop)
Medializing tradition: South Asia Trans-forms, University College Cork, Ireland
Greg Alles: "New Wine, New Wineskins: Contemporary Media and Religious Practice among the Rathvas"




INREL: Co-hosting of The Fourth Annual Hutton seminar, Kohima, Nagaland, December 2016


 Greg Johnson, march 2017. AAR Rocky Mountain Regional conference: “Mediating Mother Earth, Translating Ceremony:  Religious Discourse and Practice at Standing Rock.”  Co-authored with Siv Ellen Kraft. 


Greg Johnson, November 2016.  “Advocacy, Authenticity, Credibility: The Challenge of Being an Irreverent Witness’” for a symposium entitled Irreverence and the Sacred at the University of Chicago, in honor of Bruce Lincoln.


Greg Johnson, March 2017. Mauna Kea and Indigenous Religious Narrative for a symposium at the University of Colorado, Indigenous Storytelling and Law.


Greg Johnson. April 2017. Mauna Kea and Cultural Injury” for Rethinking US Religious Traditions. Indiana University.


Greg Johnson. May 2017. Indigenous religious freedomsforReligious Freedom at Home and Abroad, Northwestern University and Indiana University.


Greg Johnson. June 2017.  “Notes of Mauna Kea and Visual Culture,” forMaterial and Visual Cultures of Religion working group, San Diego.


Greg Johnson. Expert witness.


Witness for William Freitas, State of Hawai`i Contested Case over telescope development on Mauna Kea (written and oral testimony and cross-examination)



Tafjord, Bjørn Ola: Norsk misjon i Latin-Amerika. Paper at the NorLARNet conference 2016: Latin America research for a troubled world. University of Bergen, 2016-08-31 - 2016-09-02


Tafjord, Bjørn Ola: Om ulik bruk av ordet "religion" i Talamanca. Popular presentation at the Latin America festival: Fiesta No Siesta. Tromsø, 2016-10-29


Tafjord, Bjørn Ola, May-Lisbeth Brew and Liudmila Nikanorova: Research collaboration in the INREL project. The annual seminar of the research school Religions, Values, Societies. Oslo, 2016-11-07 - 2016-11-08


Tafjord, Bjørn Ola. La religionización de tradiciones indígenas en Talamanca. Paper at the XI Congreso de la Red Centroamericana de Antropología. University of Costa Rica, 2017-02-27 - 2017-03-03


Tafjord, Bjørn Ola. Translating God, converting Sibö, or turning Him into an akeköl. Paper at the workshop Translating God. University of Stirling, 2017-05-04 - 2017-05-05


Tafjord, Bjørn Ola and Siv Ellen Kraft. Co-production of knowledge, from the local to the global. Workshop: Thinking together: new directions in performing participatory research. University of Tromsø, 2017-05-18


Tafjord, Bjørn Ola. Indigenous methodologies and religious terminologies. Paper at the workshop Indigenous Research Methods in Indigenous Studies. Sami University of Applied Sciences, 2017-05-31


Tafjord, Bjørn Ola. Inskripsjon og den ontologiske vending. Paper at the workshop Inskripsjon – en syklus seminarer om humanioras grunnbegrep. University of Bergen, 2017-08-24 – 2017-08-25


Greg Johnson. February 2017. Ceremony, Discourse, and Resistance in the Fight against the Black Snake,” The Ohio State University.


Greg Johnsen. November 2016. “Native Traditions and Pedagogy: Reflections on Standing Rock.” American Academy of Religion annual International Meeting, San Antonio.


INRELPhD Course: Translations: Indigenous, Religion, Tradition, Culture. Univerisity of Tromsø 17-19th August.

Longkumer, Arkotong 2016. Translations: Indigenous, Religion, Tradition, Culture. University of Tromsø 17-19th August. ”Translating the unstranslatable: text, textuality, and prophecy”.