Publications from the SARG group members
See also open access field reports.
Jørgensen, E.K. Technological organisation and initial production stages of a martime slate tradition: insights from the first investigated Stone Age slate source in Arctic Europe (the Djupvik slate formation, Norway). Acta Borealia. 10.1080/08003831.2023.2195773
Lentfer, C., Skandfer, M., Presslee, S., Hagan, R., Robson, H.K. and Damm, C. Cut above the rest: A multi-disciplinary study of two slate knives from forager contexts in coastal Norway. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 42(2)
Skandfer, Marianne. Hunting for Hide. Investigating an Other-Than-Food Relationship Between Stone Age Hunters and Wild Animals in Northern Europe. Open Archaeology 8: 819–852.
Jørgensen, E. K, Arntzen, J. E., Skandfer, M., Llewelin, M., Isaksson, S., and Jordan, P. (2022) Source-sink dynamics drove punctuated adoption of early pottery in Arctic Europe under diverging socioecological conditions. Quarternary Science Review 299(1)
Vollan, K.W.B. Dwellings as population proxies? Identifying reuse of coastal Stone Age housepits in Arctic Norway by means of Bayesian modelling of radiocarbon dates. In: Olsen, D.E.F. (ed) The Stone Age Conference in Bergen 2017. University of Bergen Archaeological Series (UBAS) 12, 13-30.
Hood, B.C., Helskog, K. & V.Ya.Shumkin. Stone Age Houses on the Northern Rim of Europe. Arctic Norway and Russia´s Kola Peninsula. In: Andrews, B.N. & Macdonald, D.A. (eds) More than shelter from the Storm: Hunter-Gatherer houses and the Built Environment. Univisersity Press of Florida, 83-107.
Damm, C. 2022. Scales of interaction: Quantity and quality of encounters amongst Northern Foragers. In: Widlok, T. & Cruz, M.Dores (eds) Scale Matters: The Quality of Quantity in Research in Human Culture and Sociality. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, Culture and Theory 263, 84-104.
Damm, C. & Skandfer, M. 2022. A Neolithic Corridor between East and West. In Halinen, P., Heyd, V. &Mannermaa, K. (eds.) Odes to Mika. Festschrift for professor Mika Lavento on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Helsinki, Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 10, 11-18.
Hood, B. C., Ravna, E. K., Dahl, T. M. and Skandfer, M. 2022. Preliminary Geochemical Analysis of Asbestos Minerals from Geological and Archaeological Contexts in Finnmark, North Norway. Evaluating the Potential for Sourcing Tempers in Asbestos Ceramics. In Halinen, P., Heyd, V. & Mannermaa, K. (eds.) Odes to Mika. Festschrift for professor Mika Lavento on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Helsinki, Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland. 26-34.

Skandfer M., Damm C., Gjerde J.M. 2021. Stone Age dwellings, sites and environment in coastal northern Norway: surveys and documentation of house-pit sites. Samara Journal of Science. Vol. 10, iss. 3, 153–161.

Chapters by SARG members:
Gjerde, J. M. & Arntzen, M.S. Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art. The Alta rock Art Conference III. 1-6.
Helskog, K. Changing Settlements, Shores and Boats through 5000 Years: Dating and Connecting Petroglyphs to the General Archaeological Record – A Case from Northernmost Norway. 43-75.
Damm, C. Spiritual landscapes: Diversity in practices and perceptions in Northern Fennoscandia. 76-96.
Gjerde, J. M. Snowscapes of Rock Art: Seasons and Seasonality of Stone Age Rock Art in Northernmost Europe. 97-112.
Skandfer, M. 2021. The Appreciation of Reindeer: Rock Carvings and Sámi Reindeer Knowledge. 113-128.

Gjerde, J.M. 2021. The Earliest Boat Depiction in Northern Europe: Newly discovered Early Mesolithic rock Art at Valle, Northern Norway. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 40 (2). 136-152.


Gjerde, J.M. An overview of Stone Age rock art in northernmost Europe – what, where and when? In: Rock Art of the White Sea.
Gjerde, J. M. Marine Mammals in the Rock Art of Alta, Norway, Northernmost Europe. In: Whale on the Rock II. Ulsan Petroglyph Museum. Ulsan Metropolotan city.

Sjögren, Per, van der Knaap, W.O. and van Leeuwen, JF.N. A practical approximation of pollen dispersal–deposition for calculation of pollen productivity and quantification of vegetation. Grana DOI: 10.1080/00173134.2018.1485733
Skandfer, M. Rapporter fra steinalderen? Kjønn og individ i arkeologiske feltrapporter. I: Hauen, M.A. & Brenna, Brita (red) Kjønn på Museum. Oslo, Museumforlaget.
Skandfer, M. Anmeldelse av Henny Piezonka: Jäger, Fischer, Töpfer. Wildbeutergruppen mit früher Keramik in Nordost Europa im 6. und 5. Jahrtausend. v.Ch. Archäologie in Eurasien band 30. Fennoscandia Archaeologica 124-128.
Niemi, A. Høvedsbakken, Vadsø k. Sikringsundersøkelse av boplass fra yngre steinalder. Tromsø Museum Arkeologiske rapporter 2018.
Oppvang, Janne; Kjellman, Erik; Niemi, Anja Roth. Skarvbergvika i Porsanger. Undersøkelse av to hustufter fra tidlig metalltid og en nyere tids teltring. Porsanger k., Finnmark f. TROMURA Tromsø museums Rapportserie 47.
Niemi, Anja Roth; Oppvang, Janne. Nyelv Nedre Vest. Utgravning av hustufter og boplass fra yngre steinalder. TROMURA Tromsø museums Rapportserie 46.
Gjerde, Jan Magne; Skandfer, Marianne. Large Mesolithic House-pits at Tønsnes, Coastal Northern Norway: Evidence of a Winter Aggregation Site?. In: Blankholm, H.P. (ed) The Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe. Pioneering, Resource Use, Coping With Change. Equinox Publishing, pp. 59-76.
Gjerde, Jan Magne. A boat journey in rock art ‘from the Bronze Age to the Stone Age – from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age’ in northernmost Europe. In: North Meets South - Theoretical aspects on the northern and southern rock art traditions in Scandinavia. Oxford, Oxbow Books, pp. 113-143
Gjerde, Jan Magne. Stone Age rock art in Fennoscandia – An overview. In: «Университетская археология: прошлое и настоящее» Материалы Международной научной конференции, посвященной 80-летию первой в России кафедры археологии, Санкт-Петербург. St. Petersburg, Russia: State University of St. Petersburg, pp. 164-169.
Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng. Om vegetasjonsforstyrrelser: Konsekvenser for bevaringen av arkeologisk kontekstinformasjon i norske jordsmonn. Viking, Volum LXXX. s. 157-180.
Skandfer, Marianne; Wehlin, Joakim. The northern perspective 2000 BC - AD 1. In: New Pespectives on the Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Bronze Age Symposium held in Gothenburg 9th to 13th June 2015. Archaeopress, pp. 307-312.
Damm, Charlotte Brysting. Enfolded by the long winter`s night. In: Dowd, M. & Hensey, R. (eds) The Archaeology of Darkness. Oxford, Oxbow Books, pp. 107-116.
Damm, Charlotte. Academic categorisation and hunter-gather practices. Quaderni Storici 151.
Gjerde, Jan Magne. Marine Ventures in Stone Age Rock Art of Fennoscandia. In: Marine Ventures - Archaeological perspectives on Human-Sea relations. Sheffield, Equinox Publishing, pp. 337-354.
Gjerde, Jan Magne. A Stone Age Rock Art Map at Nämforsen, Northern Sweden. Adoranten 2015, pp. 74-91.
Hood, Bryan, Melsæther, Stine Grøvdal. Shellfish Exploitation in Stone Age Arctic Norway: Procurement Patterns and Household Activities. Acta Borealia, Volume 33 (1), pp. 1-29.
Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng. Typifying scientific output: a bibliometric analysis of archaeological publishing across the science/humanities spectrum (2009–2013). Danish Journal of Archaeology.
Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng. Å imøtegå feil og misbruk – forebyggende formidling som et forskningsetisk ansvar. Primitive tider Volum 18. s. 75-89.
Nergaard, Ragnhild Holten; Oppvang, Janne; Cerbing, Mikael; Kjellman, Erik; Sommerseth, Ingrid; Niemi, Anja Roth. Tønsnes Havn, Tromsø kommune, Troms. Rapport fra de arkeologiske undersøkelsene 2014. TROMURA Tromsø museums Rapportserie 45.