Activities 2016
December 12th-14th 2016
Dr. Miika Tallavaara, post.doc, at University of Helsinki, Finland visits Tromsø for a guest lecture and discussions with SARG members.
The title of the lecture is:
“Reconstructing long-term human population dynamics using radiocarbon dates as data: a case study from the Holocene Finland”
November 23rd-24th 2016
Collaborative workshop in Tromsø on archeological demography with focus on the period 3000-1500 BC with partners from CAU Kiel, Germany and University of Bergen. Funded by DNSZ at CAU Kiel.
Sepember 27th 2016
Charlotte Damm presents a talk on Stone Age Demographics at the Late Pleistoscene Hunter-Gatherer Demography and Mobility Workshop in Cologne, Germany.
August 1st-4th 2016
Charlotte Damm and Erlend Kirkeng Jørgensen spent 4 days in Varanger, visiting and re-visiting key sites. such as Mortensnes, Nyelv, Gressbakken, Sælneshøgda, Gropbakkenengen, Gollvarre, Skjåvika and Kramvik. Kenneth Web Vollan guided a couple of days.

June 20th-27th 2016
Skandfer, Damm, Jordan, Jørgensen and Vollan depart for fieldwork on Sørøya. The purpose is to re-document the many Stone Age sites and dwellings between Hasvik and Sørvær, which have gone practically unnoticed since Simons excavations in 1966. In addition new surveys will be performed to look for mesolithic sites and for activites away from the immediate coastal area.
June 6th-7th 2016
Charlotte Damm visited Kiel for guest lectures at the Graduate School "Human Development in Landscapes" and at the Department for Pre- and Protohistory. She also visited the Zentrum für Baltische und Skandinavische Archäeologie at Schloss Gottorp in Scleswig.
May 19th-20th 2016
Marianne Skandfer and Charlotte Damm joined Johannes Müller, Berit V. Eriksen and Knut Andreas Bergsvik for a short workshop in Bergen funded by the Deutsch-Norwegisches Studienzentrum (DNSZ). Information on ongoing and planned projects were exchanged and basis for future collaboration confirmed. The follow-up workshop will take place in Tromsø in November 2016, and will focus on demographic and environmental changes ca 3000-1500 BC.
Off-Site Archaeology Workshop April 27th-28th 2016
SARG organized a 2-day workshop on this unusual theme, The purpose was to discuss the theoretical and methodological implications of non-house, between sites, off-site perspectives. What aspects of the hunter-fisher lives and societies emerge when investigated from an off-site position?The objective of the workshop was not to present new results, but to move beyond the comfort zone and explore, theoretically and methodologically, new approaches that may potentially bring new Insights.
The topics presented and discussed at the workshop focused in particular on resources (lithics, asbestos, fuel), but also on landscape perceptions and geographical knowledge as well as non-sites.