06 June: Work in progress Seminar (E 1004)
Reading Seminars Focused on The Other and Intersubjective Community
23 May: Alfred Schütz from The Structure of the Life-World
25 April: Emannuel Levinas from Totality and Infinity
21 March: Merlau-Ponty from Phenomenology of Perception
28 February: Martin Heidegger from Being and Time
7 February: Edmund Husserl from Cartesian Meditations
13 December: Works in progress Seminar at UiT
Reading Seminars Focused on Phenomenological Methods
15 November: Lisa Guenther´s “Six Senses of Critique for Critical Phenomenology” led by Kaja Jenssen Rathe
18 October: Michel Henry´s “The Four Principles of Phenomenology” led by Edvard Lia
20 September: Martin Heidegger from The Basic Problems of Phenomenology led by Thor Eirik Eriksen
30 August: Edmund Husserl from The Crisis of European Sciences led by Espen Dahl
14 June: Works in progress Seminar at UiT
Reading Seminars Focused on The Public Sphere
26 April: Kelly Oliver´s "Witnessing and Testimony" led by Cassandra Falke
22 March: Hannah Arendt from The Human Condition, (Ch. 5, §32-34) led by Espen Dahl
1 March: Arendt from The Human Condition (Ch. 5, §24-29) led by Edvard Lia
2 February: Arendt from The Human Condition (Ch. 4, §18-23) led by Thor Eirik Eriksen
1 December: Martin Heidegger´s “Time and Being” led by Thor Eirik Eriksen and Sivert Vorren
3 November: Dylan Trigg from The Thing led by Michael Heneise
28-30 September: Eco-Phenomenology and Passivity
International Conference
Keynote speakers:
Bryan Bannon, Associate professor of philosophy at Merrimack College;
Simone Kotva Research Fellow at the multidisciplinary ECODISTURB project, based in the Faculty
of Theology, University of Oslo;
Michael Marder IKERBASQUE Research Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the
University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain;
Arne Johan Vetlesen Professor of philosophy at the University of Oslo
2 June: Works in progress Seminar at UiT
Guest: Svein Anders Noer Lie,
Associate Professor of Philosophy, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Reading Seminars Focused on Eco-Phenomenology
5 May Arne Johan Vetlesen from The Denial of Nature led by Thor Eirik Eriksen
14 April Kelly Oliver from Earth and World led by Edvard Lia
10 March: Martin Heidegger´s “The Question Concerning Technology” led by Sivert Vorren
2 February: Ted Toadvine from Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy of Nature led by Kaja Jenssen Rathe
7 December: Works in Progress Seminar at UiT
Reading Seminars Focused on Perception
2 December: Edmund Husserl from Ideas II (§§ 35-42) led by Espen Dahl
28 October: Hans Jonas´s “The Nobility of Sight” from The Phenomenon of Life led by Sivert Vorren
7 October: Heidegger´s “The Worldhood of the World” from Being and Time led by Espen Dahl
23 September: Merleau-Ponty´s “The Primacy of Perception” led by Kaja Jenssen Rathe
Reading Seminars Focused on Passivity
11 May: Jean-Luc Marion from On Descartes’ Passive Thought
led by Crina Gschwandtner, professor of philosophy at Fordham University
22 April: Jacques Derrida´s “Hostipitality” led by Edvard Lia
1 April: Maurice Blanchot from The Writing of Disaster led by Michael Heneise
4 March: Maurice Merleau-Ponty from Institution and Passivity led by Kaja Jenssen Rathe
11 February: Edmund Husserl from Analyses Concerning Passive and Active Synthesis led by Espen Dahl
Reading Seminars Focused on Ethics
12 November: Max Scheler from Formalism in Ethics led by Alejandro Alvelais
8 October: Emmanuel Levinas from Totality and Infinity led by Theo Sandal Rolfson
10 September: Knud Ejler Løgstrup from Beyond the Ethical Demand led by Espen Dahl
10-11 June: Works in Progress Seminar at Sommerøy Hotel
Guest Speakers:
Beatrix Himmelmann, Professor of Philosophy, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
James McGuirk, Professor of Philosophy, Nord Universitet
Reading Seminars Focused on Aesthetics
7 May: Hans-Georg Gadamer´s “Art and Imitation” led by Cassie Falke
6 April: Jean-Paul Sartre´s “Conclusion” to The Imaginary led by Alejandro Alvelais
12 March: Martin Heidegger´s “Origin of the Work of Art” (2nd half) led by Michael Heneise
12 February: Martin Heidegger´s “Origin of the Work of Art” (1st half) led by Gustav Pedersen
Reading Seminars Focused on Aesthetics
15 May: Jean-Luc Marion´s In Excess, “The Idol, or the Radiance of the Painting” (cancelled)
24 April: Martin Heidegger´s "The Origin of the Work of Art" (cancelled)
13 March: Maurice Merleau-Ponty´s "Eye and Mind" (2nd half) led by Espen Dahl
14 February: Maurice Merleau-Ponty´s "Eye and Mind" (1st half) led by Michael Heneise
22 November: Works in progress Seminar at UiT
Guest: Magdalene Thomassen, Associate Professor of Philosophy, VID University, Oslo
Reading Seminars on Hermeneutics
19 November: Paul Ricoeur
23 October: Hans-Georg Gadamer
27 September: Martin Heidegger
5-7 September: Love: Contemporary Perspectives in Literature, Philosophy, and Theology
International Conference: 60 participants from 17 different countries
Keynote speakers:
Kevin Hart, Edwin B. Kyle Professor of Christian Studies, University of Virginia;
Werner Jeanrond, Professor of Theology, University of Oslo;
Christian Refsum, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Oslo;
Cassandra Falke, Professor of Literature, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
Reading Seminars Focused on Intentionality
07 June: Jean-Luc Marion
29 March: Edmund Husserl (Id. §§ 36-38, 84-85, 88-90)
22 February: Edmund Husserl (L.U. V, §§ 9-15)
26 - 29 November: Ph.D. Course: Interdisciplinary Phenomenology
Drew Leder, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University;
Hans Ruin, Professor of Philosophy, Södertörn;
Espen Dahl, Professor of Theology, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway;
Cassandra Falke, Professor of English, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway;
Thor Eirik Eriksen, Associate Professor of Community Medicine, UiT
14 October: Emmanuel Levinas from Otherwise than Being
04 May: Evil, Pain and the Legacy of Job Public Lectures
Hami Verbin, Professor of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University;
Espen Dahl, Professor of Theology, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
26 March: Hannah Arendt, from The Human Condition
10 November: Hans-Georg Gadamer, From Truth and Method
29 September: Martin Heidegger, "Introduction" to Being and Time
23 May: International Symposium Phenomenology and the Broken Body
Fredrik Svenaeus, Professor of Philosophy, Södertörn University;
Ola Sigurdson, Professor of Theology, University of Gothenberg;
James McGuirk, Professor of Philosophy, Northern University;
Marc Fabian Buck, Visiting Professor of Comparative Education, University of Hamburg;
Ståle Finke, Professor of Philosophy, Norwegian University of Science and Technology;
Anna Luise Kirkengen, Professor of Public Health, Norwegian University of Science and Technology;
Cassandra Falke, Professor of English, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway;
Espen Dahl, Professor of Theology, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
March 17: Edmund Husserl, "The Way to Phenomenological Transcendental Philosophy"
February 3: Emmanuel Levinas, "Ethics and the Face"
November 25 Ethics and Phenomenology Public Lectures
Dag Andersson, Professor of Philosophy, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway;
Cassandra Falke, Professor of English, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
12 October: Jean-Luc Marion, "The Banality of Saturation"
2 September: Maurice Merleau-Ponty, "Preface" to The Phenomenology of Perception
27 May: Seminar Initiating Research Group
Photos by Renáta Mitrová