Newsletter March


Dear students, supervisors and EPINOR friends. Here is the EPINOR newsletter for March. We hope you will enjoy it! Please remember to send us useful tips if you have something to share with your fellow researches. Keep us up to date and send an email to!

The EPINOR Summer School 2017 has been divided into four smaller summer schools at our four member universities in Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim and Tromsø. All EPINOR members are welcome to join one or all of the summer schools, however EPINOR will only fund your participation at your local institution. More information about the summer schools will come soon! For now: here is what Bergen is up to

All members of EPINOR are also requested to register their research group in the EPINOR network. This means that we today consist of 47 research groups from all partner institutions. Take a look at the list of groups (linked to their homepages). Can you find yours? Can you find other groups working with similar studies?

We are glad to spread news about your research group if you send us a tip!  

Supervisor Lunch

Some of the supervisors at UiT are getting together for an informal lunch every month to discuss current issues. 21 April they discusses the importance of a PhD student presenting their work in every stage of their project. The supervisor should support and encourage the student to present its work. - It is an important rehearsal for their future thesis defense. 

EPINOR encourages all supervisors to get together and talk about supervisor issues. You can teach each other to become better supervisors!

The life of a researcher is incomplete without undergoing the trauma of writing scientific documents: papers, grants, protocols, theses, and so on and on. Meenakshi Prabhune has a golden rule for effective science writing—keep it simple.

EPINOR steering committee

28. April the EPINOR steering committee will meet in Oslo to discuss the future four years of EPINOR. If you have suggestions to what we should discuss you can contact your local student representative:

EPINORs sister research school National Research School of Global Health is arranging an supervisor seminar and you (EPINOR supervisor) are invited! If you are interested please contact us on and we will help you with registration.


The course is highly relevant for researchers and PhD students working with observational research data, such as data from cohort studies and national registries. The course is given in English as it is intended for international participation. Deadline April 3


Job opportunities

Post Doc - Kreftregisteret
Scientist (Bioinformatics) - WHO
Project Manager in R&D - Nutrition and Health research 
Post-doctoral postition in Statistics - 2 years
Postdoctoral Fellowships - Epidemiology Branch
Postdoctoral Researcher 
Senior Research position - Medical Science
Postdoctoral position in Neurorehabilitation
Post-Doctoral Fellow Clinical Epidemiology
Postdoc position on social inequalities and cancer (PDF)
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Obesity Research
Assistant, Associate and Full Professor