EPINOR Summer School light in Oslo
- Pitch your PhD and - Survival Analyses
EPINOR summer school light – Oslo 22-23 May 2017
Day 1: Torunn Meyer and her Modern Presentation Techniques course
This course was excellent! A lot of really good exercises and tips for making presentations stand out. We went through storytelling, body language and preparations. The PhD’s practiced how to create excellent starts and endings in the presentations, and how to highlight the key message in a presentation. We also had a lot of fun, especially when all had to present their first 3 minutes in an angry and irritated state of mind. There were only 6 PhD-students present the first day so they got really close follow-up from Torunn Meyer. In addition professor Per Nafstad and Line Løw were present from the staff.
Let the games begin! The time after the course and before dinner was spent outdoors in the sunshine competing in different games made by our EPINOR student contact Paz Lopez-Doriga Ruiz. The winning team was Markus Dines Knutsen and Madleen Orumaa.
Day 2: Professor Magne Thoresen with the course Time to event analysis (survival analysis)
Professor Magne Thoresen gave an excellent course on what you need to know when working on Time to event analysis. According to feedback during the course the PhD’s found the course most helpful. 8 PhD’s attended this course. Per Naftstad and Line Løw attended from the staff’ side.
Modern presentation techniques (PDF)
09:30 | Registration |
10:00 | Part 1: Presentations techniques for effective communication |
11:45 | Part 2: Group Training |
13:00 | Lunch |
13:45 | Part 3: Storytelling techniques, structure and PP presentation |
16:30 | Part 4: Summary, questions and reflections |
17:00 | Social activities: Rebus Race |
18:30 | Dinner |
09:00 | Simple survival analysis |
11:00 | Cox Regression |
12:30 | Lunch |
13:30 | Cox Regression Continues |
14:30 | Beyond the standard Cox Model |
15:30 | Summary, Questions |
Organizer committee
Contact person: Line Løw l.m.low@medisin.uio.no