Studies of DYRK1A vs DYRK1B selectivity

The dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase family (DYRKs) has recently emerged as new therapeutic targets for different kinds of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. In the latest studies it was shown that DYRKs plays a key role in neurodegenerative diseases, cancer cell survival, and its inhibition induces apoptosis of cancer cells.

This masterthesis project is about the biophysical characterization of DYRK1A and its comparison to DYRK1B, the closest homologue. Expression and purification protocols for large-scale protein production of DYRK1A and DYRK1B are established, as well as crystallization protocols for DYRK1A.

The project includes:

Expression and purification of DYRK1A and DYRK1B

Characterization of kinase inhibitors (activity assays, ICT, thermoporesis, etc….)

Cocrystallization of DYRK1A with inhibitors.