Bilde av Killie, Ida Løken
Photo: UiT
Bilde av Killie, Ida Løken
PhD-student Department of Community Medicine +4777625199 776 25199 Tromsø You can find me here

Ida Løken Killie

Job description

I am a PhD student in the Systems Epidemiology research group (2020-2025). My main research focus is on associations between self-rated health and survival in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study. I am especially interested in how modifiable lifestyle factors and socioeconomic position affects these associations. My project is part of Work package 3 of the RCN-funded research project Healthy Choices and the Social Gradient.

By background I am a skilled molecular biologist/immunologist, and I have 10 years experience from the Immunology research group at the Department of Medical Biology before joining the Department of Community medicine.  Here, I worked with human antigen-specific T cells in vitro and with developing a humanized mouse model expressing human HLA class II molecules for studying immune responses associatied with Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) in vivo. I also had teaching duties in immunology and hematology for students in the medical, nursing, biomedicine, pharmacy and bioengineering programs.

I am a member of UiT's central election board and a former member of the faculty board at Faculty of Health Sciences (2021).

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Research interests

Self-rated health and survival by modifiable lifestyle factors and socioeconomic conditions in The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC)


Statistics and epidemiology for students in medicine, odontology, nutrition and public health.

Supervision of students in the medical and nutrition programs.


Immunology, hematology and transfusion medicine for medicine, biomedicine, nursing, pharmacy and bioengineering students.

Responsible for the immunology teaching for pharmacy students 2016-2018.