Bilde av Berg, Thomas
Photo: Jørn Berger-Nyvoll
Bilde av Berg, Thomas
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Thomas Berg

  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg, Kirstin Janssen :
    Biogeographical Ancestry Analyses Using the ForenSeqTM DNA Signature Prep Kit and Multiple Prediction Tools
    Genes 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mehrdad Rakaee, Sigve Andersen, K. Giannikou, Erna-Elise Paulsen, Thomas Karsten Kilvær, Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund et al.:
    Machine learning-based immune phenotypes correlate with STK11/KEAP1 co-mutations and prognosis in resectable NSCLC: a sub-study of the TNM-I trial
    Annals of Oncology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Jeppe Dyrberg Andersen, Kirstin Janssen, Olivia Luxford Meyer, Thomas Berg, Claus Børsting et al.:
    Association between Variants in the OCA2-HERC2 Region and Blue Eye Colour in HERC2 rs12913832 AA and AG Individuals
    Genes 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Marie Gule Mathisen, Kirstin Janssen, Thomas Berg, Gunn-Hege Olsen :
    Experimental long-distance haplotyping of OCA2-HERC2 variants
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Kirstin Janssen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg, Jeppe Dyrberg Andersen :
    Association between copy number variations in the OCA2-HERC2 locus and human eye colour
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sissel Gyrid Freim Wahl, Yan Dai Hong, Elisabeth Fritzke Emdal, Thomas Berg, Tarje Onsøien Halvorsen, Anine Larsen Ottestad et al.:
    The prognostic effect of KRAS mutations in non-small cell lung carcinoma revisited: A norwegian multicentre study
    Cancers 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Kirstin Janssen, Maria Kristine Kirsebom, Olivia Strunge Meyer, Thomas Berg, Gunn-Hege Olsen :
    Predicting eye and hair colour in a Norwegian population using Verogen’s ForenSeq™ DNA signature prep kit
    Forensic Science International: Genetics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mehrdad Rakaee, Thomas Karsten Kilvær, Simin Jamaly, Thomas Berg, Erna-Elise Paulsen, Marte Berglund et al.:
    Tertiary lymphoid structure score: a promising approach to refine the TNM staging in resected non-small cell lung cancer
    British Journal of Cancer 2021 DOI
  • Anne Jarstein Skjulsvik, Hans Kristian Bø, Asgeir S Jakola, Erik Magnus Berntsen, Lars Eirik Bø, Ingerid Reinertsen et al.:
    Is the anatomical distribution of low-grade gliomas linked to regions of gliogenesis?
    Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kirstin Janssen, Marthe Aune, Marita Olsen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg :
    Biological stain collection – Absorbing paper is superior to cotton swabs
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Astrid T. Stormorken, Thomas Berg, Ole-Jacob Anderssen Norum, Søren Torben Hølmebakk, Kristin Åberg, Sonja Eriksson Steigen et al.:
    APC mosaicism in a young woman with desmoid type fibromatosis and familial adenomatous polyposis
    Familial Cancer 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Asgeir Store Jakola, Anne Jarstein Skjulsvik, Kristin Smistad Myrmel, Kristin Sjåvik, Geirmund Unsgård, Sverre Helge Torp et al.:
    Surgical resection versus watchful waiting in low-grade gliomas
    Annals of Oncology 2017 DOI
  • Gunn-Hege Olsen, Marthe Aune, Kirstin Janssen, Thomas Berg :
    Additional fixation improves the performance of SPERM HY-LITER Express™
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2015 DOI
  • Kirstin Janssen, Marita Olsen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Marthe Aune, Thomas Berg :
    Validation of automated PCR-setup of the Quantifiler® Trio DNA Quantification kit on the Biomek® 4000 Laboratory Automation Workstation
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2015 DOI
  • Christian Nordahl Melbø-Jørgensen, Nora Ness, Sigve Andersen, Andrey Yurjevich Valkov, Tom Dønnem, Samer Al-Saad et al.:
    Stromal expression of miR-21 predicts biochemical failure in prostate cancer patients with Gleason score 6
  • Linn Greiner-Tollersrud, Thomas Berg, Hilde Monica Frostad Riise Stensland, Gry Evjen, Ole Kristian Tollersrud :
    Bovine Brain Myelin Glycerophosphocholine Choline Phosphodiesterase is an Alkaline Lysosphingomyelinase of the eNPP-Family, Regulated by Lysosomal Sorting
    Neurochemical Research 2013 DOI
  • Tom Dønnem, Christopher Graham Fenton, Kenneth Lønvik, Thomas Berg, Katrine Eklo, Sigve Andersen et al.:
    MicroRNA Signatures in Tumor Tissue Related to Angiogenesis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
  • Odd Terje Brustugun, Åslaug Helland, Lars Fjellbirkeland, Lilach Kleinberg, Sarah Louise Ariansen, Peter Wilhelm Jebsen et al.:
    Mutasjonstesting ved ikke-småcellet lungekreft
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tormod Eggen, Georg Sager, Thomas Berg, Birgitte Nergaard, Bjørn Torvald Greve Moe, Anne Ørbo :
    Increased Gene Expression of the ABCC5 Transporter without Distinct Changes in the Expression of PDE5 in Human Cervical Cancer Cells during Growth
    Anticancer Research 2012 FULLTEKST
  • Tom Dønnem, Katrine Eklo, Thomas Berg, Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Kenneth Lønvik, Samer Al-Saad et al.:
    Prognostic Impact of MiR-155 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Evaluated by in Situ Hybridization
    Journal of Translational Medicine 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tom Dønnem, Kenneth Lønvik, Katrine Eklo, Thomas Berg, Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli et al.:
    Independent and Tissue-Specific Prognostic Impact of miR-126 in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer
    Cancer 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • thomas Berg, Ann Hilde Kalsaas, Jochen Büchner, Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund :
    Ewing sarcoma-peripheral neuroectodermal tumor of the kidney with a FUS-ERG fusion transcript
    Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 2009 DOI
  • E Kuokkanen, W Smith, M Makinen, H. Tuominen, M Puhka, E Jokitalo et al.:
    Characterization and subcellular localization of human neutral class II alpha-mannosidase cytosolic enzymes/free oligosaccharides/glycoside hydrolase family 38/M2C1/N-glycosylation
    Glycobiology 2007 DOI
  • Henri De la Salle, Sabrina Mariotti, C Angenieux, M Gilleron, LF Garcia-Alles, Dag Malm et al.:
    Assistance of microbial glycolipid antigen processing by CD1e
    Science 2005
  • Gaute Hansen, Thomas Berg, Hilde Riise Stensland, Pirkko A Heikinheimo, Helle Bagterp Klenow, Gry Evjen et al.:
    Intracellular transport of human lysosomal alpha-mannosidase and alpha-mannosidosis-related mutants
    Biochemical Journal 2004
  • Thomas Berg, Barbara King, Peter Meikle, Øivind Nilssen, ole kristian Tollersrud, John Hopwood :
    Purification and Characterization of Recombinant Human Lysosomal alpha-Mannosidase
    Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2001 DOI
  • Thomas Berg, Gaute Hansen, Dag Malm, Lisbeth Tranebjærg, ole kristian Tollersrud, Øivind Nilssen :
    Spectrum of mutations in alpha-mannosidosis
    American Journal of Human Genetics 1999
  • ole kristian Tollersrud, Thomas Berg, Peter Healy, gry Evjen, Umayal Ramachandran, Øivind Nilssen :
    Purification of bovine lysosomal alpha-mannosidase, characterization of its gene and determination of two mutations that cause alpha-mannosidosis
    European Journal of Biochemistry (EJB) 1997 DOI
  • Thomas Berg, Peter J Healy, ole kristian Tollersrud, Øivind Nilssen :
    Molecular heterogeneity for bovine alpha-mannosidosis: PCR based assays for breed-specific mutations
    Research in Veterinary Science 1997
  • Thomas Berg, ole kristian Tollersrud, Steven U. Walkley, Donald S. Siegel, Øivind Nilssen :
    Purification of feline lysosomal alpha-mannosidase, determination of its cDNA sequence and identification of a mutation causing alpha-mannosidosis i Persian cats
    Biochemical Journal 1997
  • Øivind Nilssen, Thomas Berg, Hilde Monica Frostad Riise, Umayal Ramachandran, gry Evjen, Gaute Hansen et al.:
    alpha-mannosidosis: functional cloning of the lysosomal alpha-mannosidase cDNA and identification of a mutation in two affected siblings
    Human Molecular Genetics 1997 DOI
  • Hilde Monica Frostad Riise, Thomas Berg, Øivind Nilssen, Giovanno Romeo, ole kristian Tollersrud, Isabella Ceccherini :
    Genomic structure of the human lysosomal alpha-mannosidase gene (MAN2B1)
    Genomics 1997
  • Åslaug Helland, Hege Elisabeth Giercksky Russnes, Gro Live Fagereng, Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli, Yvonne Andersson, Thomas Berg et al.:
    Correction to: Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway: IMPRESS-Norway (Journal of Translational Medicine, (2022), 20, 1, (225), 10.1186/s12967-022-03432-5)
    Journal of Translational Medicine 2022 DOI
  • Åslaug Helland, Hege Elisabeth Giercksky Russnes, Gro Live Fagereng, Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli, Yvonne Andersson, Thomas Berg et al.:
    Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway: IMPRESS-Norway
    Journal of Translational Medicine 14. May 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Thomas Berg :
    Intervju Nordnytt/reportasje NRK-nett
    20. April 2021
  • Thomas Berg :
    Innlegg iTromsø
    iTromsø 2021
  • Thomas Berg :
    DNA løser gåter
    05. February 2021
  • Guri Gunnes Oppegård, Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Thomas Berg, Eirik Natås Hanssen, Gunn-Hege Olsen :
    Genene Avslører Deg
    05. February 2021
  • Cecilie Therese Hagemann, Kristiane Erlendsdotter Urke, Ragnhild Takle, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg :
    Detection of spermatozoa and male DNA after sexual assault. A descriptive study from a Sexual assault center
  • Thomas Berg :
    NRK EKKO, intervju
    18. November 2020
  • Kirstin Janssen, Marthe Aune, Marita Olsen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg :
    Biological stain collection - absorbing paper is superior to cotton swabs
  • Gunn-Hege Olsen, Marthe Aune, Kirstin Janssen, Thomas Berg :
    Additional fixation improves the performance of SPERM HY-LITERTM Express
  • Marthe Aune, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Morten Elde, Jørn H. Henriksen, Thomas Berg :
    DE-ICE: Differential Extraction Improved by a Cold adapted Enzyme (HL-dsDNase)
  • Kirstin Janssen, Marita Olsen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Marthe Aune, Thomas Berg :
  • ole kristian Tollersrud, gry Evjen, thomas Berg, hilde frostad riise Stensland :
    Characterisation of two new enzymes involved in lysosomal phospholipid degradation
    The FEBS Journal 2010
  • Kenneth Lønvik, Katrine Eklo, thomas Berg, Tom Dønnem, Roy M. Bremnes, Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund :
    Prognostic impact of miR-126 and miR-155 expression in non-small cell lung cancer
    APMIS - Journal of Pathologiy, Microbiology and Immunology 2010
  • Gry Evjen, Thomas Berg, Hilde Monica Riise Stensland, Gaute Hansen, W Morell, Pirkko a Heikinheimo et al.:
    The Relationship between N-glycosylation of human lysosomal alpha-mannosidase and its intracellular transport
  • Pirkko a Heikinheimo, Ronny Helland, Hilde Monica RS Frostad, Gaute Hansen, Gry Evjen, Thomas Berg et al.:
    Structural and Functional Characterisation of mutations causing lysosomal a-mannosidosis

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →