Åsne Ø. Høgetveit
Job description
Senior Academic Librarian at The University Library, subject librarian for slavic, baltic and scandinavian languages and literature. Substitute teacher in contemporary Russian history, at The Department of Archaeology, History, Regligious Studies and Theology in spring 2025.
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Research interests
Russian culture (especially film and literature), Russian history, and gender studies.
I teach information literacy and advanced academic search and source management on all levels.
In spring 2025 I co-teach two subjects about contemporary Russian history at The Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology.
In the period 2015-2018 I co-taught in UiT's courses about older Russian history (RUS-1210), introduction to Russian literature (RUS-1110), contemporary Russian culture and politics (RUS-1115), Russian media and media language (RUS-2021), and madness in Russian literature (RUS-2110)