Samuel Kociscak,
Andreas Kvammen,
Ingrid Brigitte Mann,
Nicole Meyer-Vernet,
David Pisa,
Jan Souček
et al.:
Impact ionization double peaks analyzed in high temporal resolution on Solar Orbiter
S. Kočiščák,
Audun Theodorsen,
Ingrid Brigitte Mann
The distribution of the near-solar bound dust grains detected with Parker Solar Probe
Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A) 2024
Sajidah Akhter Bint Ahmed,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen
Reconstruction of intermittent time series as a superposition of pulses
Physical Review E (PRE) 31. May 2023
Juan Manuel Losada,
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia
Stochastic modeling of blob-like plasma filaments in the scrape-off layer: Theoretical foundation
Magdalena A. Korzeniowska,
Audun Theodorsen,
Martin Wibe Rypdal,
Odd Erik Garcia
Apparent universality of 1/f spectra as an artifact of finite-size effects
Physical Review Research (PRResearch) 29. June 2023
Sajidah Ahmed,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Adam Q Kuang,
Brian LaBombard,
James L Terry,
Audun Theodorsen
Strongly intermittent far scrape-off layer fluctuations in Alcator C-Mod plasmas close to the empirical discharge density limit
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2023
Samuel Kociscak,
Andreas Kvammen,
Ingrid Mann,
Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye,
Audun Theodorsen,
Arnaud Zaslavsky
Modeling Solar Orbiter dust detection rates in the inner heliosphere as a Poisson process
Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A) 2023
Gregor Decristoforo,
Audun Theodorsen,
John Omotani,
Tom Nicholas,
Odd Erik Garcia
Numerical turbulence simulations of intermittent fluctuations in the scrape-off layer of magnetized plasmas
Physics of Plasmas 2021
Ralph Kube,
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia,
D Brunner,
B Labombard,
James L. Terry
Comparison between mirror Langmuir probe and gas-puff imaging measurements of intermittent fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
Journal of Plasma Physics 2020
Gregor Decristoforo,
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia
Intermittent fluctuations due to Lorentzian pulses in turbulent thermal convection
Physics of Fluids 03. August 2020
Ralph Kube,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen,
Adam Kuang,
Brian LaBombard,
Jim L. Terry
et al.:
Statistical properties of the plasma fluctuations and turbulent cross-field fluxes in the outboard mid-plane scrape-off layer of Alcator C-Mod
Nuclear Materials and Energy 2019
AQ Kuang,
Brian LaBombard,
D Brunner,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Ralph Kube,
Audun Theodorsen
Plasma fluctuations in the scrape-off layer and at the divertor target in Alcator C-Mod and their relationship to divertor collisionality and density shoulder formation
Nuclear Materials and Energy 2019
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Ralph Kube,
Brian LaBombard,
James L. Terry
Universality of Poisson-driven plasma fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
Odd Erik Garcia,
Ralph Kube,
Audun Theodorsen,
B Labombard,
J.L Terry
Intermittent fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer for ohmic
and high confinement mode plasmas
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen
Skewed Lorentzian pulses and exponential frequency power spectra
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen
Intermittent fluctuations due to uncorrelated Lorentzian pulses
Ralph Kube,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen,
Daniel Brunner,
Adam Kuang,
Brian LaBombard
et al.:
Intermittent electron density and temperature fluctuations and associated fluxes in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2018
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia
Level crossings and excess times due to a superposition of uncorrelated exponential pulses
Physical Review E (PRE) 2018
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia
Probability distribution functions for intermittent scrape-off layer plasma fluctuations
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2018
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen
Power law spectra and intermittent fluctuations due to uncorrelated Lorentzian pulses
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen
Auto-correlation function and frequency spectrum due to a super-position of uncorrelated exponential pulses
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Ralph Kube,
Brian LaBombard,
Jim L. Terry
Relationship between frequency power spectra and intermittent, large-amplitude bursts in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
Olga Paikina,
Juan Manuel Losada,
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia
Large-amplitude fluctuations and flattened profiles in the scrape-off layer due to radial motion of blob-like plasma filaments
Odd Erik Garcia,
Olga Paikina,
Juan Manuel Losada,
Audun Theodorsen
Stochastic modelling of blob-like plasma filaments and flattened profiles in the scrape-off layer
Odd Erik Garcia,
Sajidah Akhter Bint Ahmed,
Synne Brynjulfsen,
Gregor Decristoforo,
Aurora Driveklepp Helgeland,
Juan Manuel Losada
et al.:
Turbulence and transport at the boundary of magnetically confined fusion plasmas
Samuel Kociscak,
Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye,
Andreas Kvammen,
Ingrid Brigitte Mann,
Arnaud Zaslavsky,
Audun Theodorsen
Bayesian inference of β-meteoroid parameters with Solar Orbiter
Samuel Kociscak,
Arnaud Zaslavsky,
Ingrid Brigitte Mann,
Jakub Vaverka,
Audun Theodorsen
Complex signatures of dust impacts recorded with Solar Orbiter
Samuel Kociscak,
Arnaud Zaslavsky,
Nicole Meyer-Vernet,
Ingrid Brigitte Mann,
Jakub Vaverka,
Audun Theodorsen
et al.:
Double-peaked dust impact electricalsignatures partially explained
Samuel Kociscak,
Ingrid Mann,
Andreas Kvammen,
Audun Theodorsen
Dust Populations in the Inner Solar System Observed Continually with Solar Orbiter
Odd Erik Garcia,
Juan Manuel Losada,
Olga Paikina,
Audun Theodorsen
Stochastic modelling of blob-like filaments in the scrape-off layer
Samuel Kociscak,
Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye,
Andreas Kvammen,
Ingrid Mann,
Arnaud Zaslavsky,
Audun Theodorsen
Bayesian Approch to β-meteoroids Detected on Solar Orbiter - How Fast is the Cosmic Dust?
Samuel Kociscak,
Andreas Kvammen,
Audun Theodorsen,
Ingrid Mann
Cosmic Dust Populations: Modelling Inside 1AU
Samuel Kociscak,
Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye,
Andreas Kvammen,
Audun Theodorsen,
Ingrid Mann,
Arnaud Zaslavsky
Bayesian Approch to β-meteoroids Detected on Solar Orbiter
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen
Atomkraftverk kan være fremtiden mener Tromsø-forskere: – Risikofritt
Audun Theodorsen
ITER: The quest for fusion
Audun Theodorsen,
Martin wibe Rypdal
Climate Response to Volcanic Forcing
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Martin wibe Rypdal
Power-law scaling of uncorrelated plasma bursts
Vibeke Os,
Audun Theodorsen
–Det blir som å putte sola i en boks
Audun Theodorsen,
Vibeke Os
Fusjonsenergi: – Det blir som å putte sola i en boks
23. November 2018
Ralph Kube,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen,
Adam Kuang,
Dan Brunner,
Brian LaBombard
et al.:
Statistical properties of fluctuation driven flows in the outboard mid-plane SOL of Alcator C-Mod
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Ralph Kube,
Dan Brunner,
Brian LaBombard,
James L. Terry
Intermittent fluctuations in Alcator C-Mod: Comparison of diagnostics
Audun Theodorsen
Fusjonsenergi I & II
Audun Theodorsen
Fusjon: framtidas energikilde
Ralph Kube,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen,
Dan Brunner,
Adam Kuang,
Brian LaBombard
et al.:
Universality of intermittent fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
Ralph Kube,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Audun Theodorsen,
Dan Brunner,
Brian LaBombard,
Jim L. Terry
et al.:
Blob shapes in the scrape-off layer: Comparison of measurements to simulations
Ralph Kube,
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia,
Daniel Brunner,
Adam Kuang,
Brian LaBombard
et al.:
Stochastic modeling of scrape-off layer fluctuations
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia
Using statistics to describe turbulence in fusion plasmas
Odd Erik Garcia,
Ralph Kube,
Audun Theodorsen
Experimental measurements and stochastic modelling of intermittent fluctuations in the SOL of magnetically confined plasma
Odd Erik Garcia,
Ralph Kube,
Audun Theodorsen
Intermittent fluctuations in the scrape-off layer of tokamak plasmas
Odd Erik Garcia,
Ralph Kube,
Audun Theodorsen
Intermittent plasma fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer in L- and H-modes