Fiskearter og biodiversitet

Photo: Tine Kinn Kvamme

Malcolm Jobling

Professor emeritus (Fish Biology and Aquaculture)
Unit: Department of Arctic and Marine Biology

Research areas:

* Fish Feeding and Nutrition

* Physiological Energetics of Cold-water Ectotherms

* Physiological Ecology

* Behavioural Ecology - Applications to Aquaculture


Arve Lynghammar

Unit: The Norwegian College of Fishery Science

Research areas:

Fisketaksonomi, systematikk, økologi og populasjonsgenetikk. Skater (Rajidae) er av hovedinteresse, men også arktiske fisk generelt. Jeg er mest interessert i fiskearter ingen andre er interessert i.

Temaredaktør for fiskesystematikk i journalen Marine Biology Research 2019–2024
Medlem av IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group 2021–2025



Laurene Pecuchet

Associate professor
Unit: The Norwegian College of Fishery Science

Research areas:

Research in fish populations, fish communities, and marine food web. I am studying the impacts of global change on marine ecosystems, from fish populations to the food web by combining empirical analysis of scientific surveys, trait and environmental datasets, and modeling tools.