Hilde Irene Mortensen

Implementation,training and assessment for certification; Incredible Years (IY)

Job description

Collage-teacher and Mentor in 2 of IY's program. Parentprogram and TCM. (For staff in scohool and kindergarden) I do training of new group leaders, give guidance and submits for certification, in Norway.  Lokal IY-supervisor in northern Norway.                                                                                          Lecture 4th year students at IPS, UiT.                                                                                                              Provides service-support, in northen Norway.

  • Hilde Mortensen, Janne Evertsen :
    DUÅ. Hvordan møte aggresive foreldre
  • Hilde Mortensen :
    Sinnemestring DUÅ
  • Janne Evertsen, Hilde Mortensen :
    DUÅ Agresive foreldre
  • Hilde Mortensen :
    Barn med utfordrende adferd

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