Yngve Birkelund
Professor / Fornybar energi / Senterleder ARC
Unit: Department of Physics and Technology
Fornybar energi, vindressurser, prediksjon av vindkraft, tidsrekkeanalyse, maskinlæring, statistisk signalteori, ikke-lineære systemer, høyere ordens statistikk, mikrobølger, ultralys og hypertermi
Leder av UiT Arktisk senter for fornybar energi og håndtering av klimagasser (ARC): https://arc.uit.no
- Smart Senja: https://smartsenja.no
- nICE: https://en.uit.no/project/nice
Veiledning av PhD studenter:
- Martin Hansen Skjelvareid (2012): Synthetic aperture ultrasound imaging with application to interior pipe inspection
- Øystein Klemetsen (2012): Design and evaluation of a medical microwave radiometer for observing temperature gradients subcutaneously in the human body
- Thomas Beka (2016): Geoelectrical structures beneath Spitsbergen-Svalbard derived from magnetotelluric imaging
- Muhammad Bilal (2016): Wind Energy at Nygårdsfjellet – Norway. Wind field characterization and modelling
- Jia Yi Yin (2021): Study of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Wind Turbine Blades (medveileder)
- Hao Chen (2022): Data-driven Arctic wind energy analysis by statistical and machine learning approaches
- Albara Mustafa (2023): Risk and Resilience Assessment of Wind Farms Performance in Cold Climate Regions (medveileder)
- Kine Solbakken (ongoing) - Numerical wind modelling in complex terrain
- Pravin Punde (ongoing) - Numerical weather prediction modelling and ice accretion on structures
Torbjørn Eltoft
Professor Emeritus / Jordobservasjon
Unit: Department of Physics and Technology
- Signal Processing
- Image Processing
- Neural Networks
- Remote Sensing