

Gerd Karin Bjørhovde

Unit: Centre for Peace Studies (CPS)

Research areas:
  • Kvinner som forfattere/kvinneperspektiver på litteraturen, kvinners bidrag til utvikling av den engelskspråklige romanen.
  • Canadisk litteratur/nordområdeperspektiv på litteraturen.
  • Postkolonial litteratur.
  • Border poetics/grenseperspektiver på litteraturen.
  • Kvinnelige forfattere som modernister.

Laura Castor

Unit: Department of Language and Culture

Research areas:

Collective memory, trauma studies, Indigenous literatures of North America, African American literature and culture, American life narratives, literature and the land, gender studies, short fiction, American literature in a variety of forms from the nineteenth century to the present.



Ruben Moi

Unit: Department of Language and Culture

ruben.moi@uit.no +4777645646
Research areas:

Just Literature (JUL/Justli)

Border Aesthetics

Irish poetry, literature and culture, English modernism, renaissance and romanticism, didactics

Paul Muldoon and the Language of Poetry

The Crossings of Art in Ireland



Marit Westergaard

Unit: Department of Language and Culture

Research areas:

First, second/third, and bilingual language acquisition, syntactic variation, heritage languages, language attrition, diachronic change, com­parative syntax, word order, nominal structure (grammatical gender, definiteness, possessives), English, Norwegian (especially North Norwegian dialects), Russian, German

Personal website: https://site.uit.no/maritwestergaard/
