Shemin Sagaria,
Mart van der Kam,
Tobias Kristoffer Good Boström
Vehicle-to-grid impact on battery degradation and estimation of V2G economic compensation
Shemin Sagaria,
Mart van der Kam,
Tobias Kristoffer Boström
Conceptualization of a vehicle-to-grid assisted nation-wide renewable energy system – A case study with spain
Energy Conversion and Management: X 2024
Yansong Zhao,
Yingpeng Zhen,
Tobias Kristoffer Boström
Rechargeable Iron-Ion Battery Using a Pure Ionic Liquid Electrolyte
Tobias Boström,
Bilal Babar,
Jonas Berg Hansen,
Clara Good
The pure PV-EV energy system – A conceptual study of a nationwide energy system based solely on photovoltaics and electric vehicles
Tuan Thanh Nguyen,
Tobias Kristoffer Boström
Multiobjective optimization of a hybrid wind/solar battery energy system in the Arctic
Journal of Renewable Energy 2021
Magdalena Simma,
Håvard Mjøen,
Tobias Boström
Measuring Wind Speed Using the Internal Stabilization System of a Quadrotor Drone
Chia-Yun Lai,
Sergio Santos Hernandez,
Toni Moser,
Boulos Alfakes,
Chun-Yu Lu,
Tuza Adeyemi Olukan
et al.:
Explaining doping in material research (Hf substitution in ZnO films) by directly quantifying the van der Waals force
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2020
Bilal Babar,
Luigi Tommaso Luppino,
Tobias Boström,
Stian Normann Anfinsen
Random forest regression for improved mapping of solar irradiance at high latitudes
Odin Foldvik Eikeland,
Harry Apostoleris,
Sergio Santos Hernandez,
Karoline Ingebrigtsen,
Tobias Boström,
Matteo Chiesa
Rethinking the role of solar energy under location specific constraints
Clara Good,
Mahmoud Shepero,
Joakim Munkhammar,
Tobias Boström
Scenario-based modelling of the potential for solar energy charging of electric vehicles in two Scandinavian cities
Bilal Babar,
Rune Graversen,
Tobias Boström
Solar radiation estimation at high latitudes: Assessment of the CMSAF databases, ASR and ERA5
Mahmoud Shepero,
Joakim Munkhammar,
Joakim Widén,
Justin DK Bishop,
Tobias Boström
Modeling of photovoltaic power generation and electric vehicles charging on city-scale: A review
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018
Anni Maria Lehmuskero,
Matilde Skogen Chauton,
Tobias Boström
Light and photosynthetic microalgae: A review of cellular- and molecular-scale optical processes
Progress in Oceanography 2018
Bilal Babar,
Rune Graversen,
Tobias Boström
Evaluating CM-SAF solar radiation CLARA-A1 and CLARA-A2 datasets in Scandinavia
Yansong Zhao,
Yingpeng Zhen,
Bjørn Petter Jelle,
Tobias Boström
Measurements of ionic liquids thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2017
Zhonghua Chen,
Tobias Boström
Accelerated ageing tests of carbon nanotube spectrally selective solar absorbers
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2016
Bilal Babar,
Tobias Boström
Estimating solar irradiation in the Arctic
Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability 22. August 2016
Yansong Zhao,
Tobias Boström
Ionic Liquid and Nanoparticle Based Magnetic Electrolytes: Design, Preparation, and Electrochemical Stability Characterization
Journal of Molecular Liquids 10. November 2015
Zhonghua Chen,
Tobias Boström
Anti-reflection coated spectrally selective carbon nanotube solar absorbers
Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability 2016
Tobias Boström,
Kine Solbakken,
Bilal Babar
Correlation of wind and solar power in high-latitude arctic areas in Northern Norway and Svalbard
Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability 2016
Zhonghua Chen,
Tobias Boström
Electrophoretically deposited carbon nanotube spectrally selective solar absorbers
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2016
Yansong Zhao,
Jørn H Hansen,
Tobias Boström
Extraction of magnetic nanoparticles using magnetic ionic liquids
Micro & Nano Letters 2016
Dilip Chithambaranadhan,
Vaithianathan Veeramuthu,
Quang Hong Nguyen,
Timothy Lommasson,
Richard Goldberg,
Tobias Boström
Efficiency improvement in nonprime crystalline silicon solar cells by chemical isolation of shunts under front metallization
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 2015
Zhonghua Chen,
Quang Hong Nguyen,
Tobias Boström
Carbon Nanotube Spectrally Selective Solar Absorbers
Yansong Zhao,
Tobias Boström
Application of Ionic Liquids in Solar Cells and Batteries: A Review
Current organic chemistry 2015
Shemin Sagaria,
Mart van der Kam,
Tobias Kristoffer Good Boström
The influence of socio-technical variables on vehicle-to-grid technology
Clara Good,
Mahmoud Shepero,
Joakim Munkhammar,
Tobias Kristoffer Boström
Corrigendum to “Scenario-based modelling of the potential for solar energy charging of electric vehicles in two Scandinavian cities”[Energy 168 (1 February 2019) 111–125](S0360544218322540)(10.1016/
Yansong Zhao,
Tobias Boström
Rechargeable iron-ion battery (Pantent application No. 20180939)
Clara Good,
Tobias Boström
Solenergi + elbil = sant
Clara Good,
Mahmoud Shepero,
Joakim Munkhammar,
Tobias Boström
Large-scale integration of electric vehicles and solar charging in Tromsø
Eskil Mehren,
Tobias Boström
Her legges Tromsøs første solcelletak
David Lingfors,
Mahmoud Shepero,
Clara Good,
Jamie Bright,
Joakim Widén,
Tobias Boström
et al.:
Modelling City Scale Spatio-temporal Solar Energy Generation and Electric Vehicle Charging Load
Clara Good,
Tobias Boström
Solar energy for residential electric vehicle charging in Northern Norway – a feasibility study
Clara Good,
Tobias Boström
Analyis of the solar energy potential on buildings in Tromsø
Troms NRK,
Tobias Boström
Energi- og sjømatseminar på Husøya
Tobias Boström,
Troms NRK
Solenergi i Nord
Troms NRK,
Tobias Boström
Sauebonde satser på solceller
tv NRK,
Tobias Boström
Solenergi fungerer godt i Nordnorge
Anni Maria Lehmuskero,
Tore Brembu,
Hans Christian Eilertsen,
Tobias Boström
Light scattering in dense diatom cultures in the multiple scattering regime
Tøhaug Pia,
Tøhaug Pia,
Tobias Boström
ARC - Arctic Center for Sustainable Energy. Intervju av NRK Troms om senteret der jeg forklarer hva ARC er og hva vi lnsker gjøre.
Trond-Ola Hågbo,
Tobias Boström
Optimization of wind turbine location in urban environment
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
Bilal Babar,
Tobias Boström
Uncertainties in ECMWF solar radiation data at high latitude
Prospects of using Era interim above 60N
Yansong Zhao,
Tobias Boström
Ionic liquids and Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy and Energy Storage
Tobias Boström
Solenergi i nord - en god ide?
Tobias Boström
Her vil de bygge vindmølle i Tromsømarka
Nordlys 2016
Tobias Boström
Skal bruke solceller til å unngå overbelastning fra elbil
Yansong Zhao,
Tobias Boström
Dye-sensitized solar cell fabrication using ionic liquids and nanotechnology
Yansong Zhao,
Tobias Boström
Utilizing Ionic Liquid Based Electrolyte for Novel Solar Cell Development
Yansong Zhao,
Tobias Boström
Ionic Liquids and Nanotechnology for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Development
Tobias Boström
Solcellepanel fungerer best i snø og kulde?
Labyrint 2015