Politisk system og demokrati
Photo: mostphotos.comJonas Jakobsen
Unit: Institute of philosophy and first semester studies
1 Demokratiteori (deliberativt demokrati; offentlig fornuft; populisme og demokrati)
2 Ytringsfrihet (normative, rettslige og moralske spørsmål; hatprat; blasfemiregulering)
3 Sekularisme og religion (kulturell og religiøs likestilling; religiøs særbehandling)
Marc Lanteigne
Førsteamanuensis - Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning
Unit: Department of Social Sciences
Sample Publications - Books:
Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction (London and New York: Routledge, 2009). (Second edition published January 2013, Third edition published December 2015, Fourth edition published 2019).
Nordic-China Diplomacy ed. with Wrenn Yennie Lindgren and Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson, (New York and London: Routledge, 2017).
China’s Evolving Approach to Peacekeeping ed. with Miwa Hirono (London and New York: Routledge, 2012). (Paperback version, August 2014).
The Chinese Party-State in the 21st Century: Adaptation and the Reinvention of Legitimacy, ed. with André Laliberté (London and New York: Routledge, 2008); (paperback version, 2013).
China and International Institutions: Alternate Paths to Global Power (London and New York: Routledge, 2005); (Paperback version, 2007).
‘The Path of Most Resistance? CPEC, Governance and China’s Belt and Road in South Asia,’ in Routledge Handbook of Autocratization in South Asia, ed. Sten Widmalm, (London: Routledge, 2021), 194-206,<https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/oa-edit/10.4324/9781003042211/routledge-handbook-autocratization-south-asia-sten-widmalm>.
‘“Not Being Absent”: China’s Polar Silk Road and the Politics of Identity,’ Research Handbook on the Belt and Road Initiative, ed. Joseph Chinyong Liow, Hong Liu and Gong Xue (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2021), 404-15.
‘Only Connect? The Polar Silk Road and China’s Geo-economic Policies,’ Nordic-Baltic Connectivity with Asia via the Arctic: Assessing Opportunities and Risks, ed. Bart Gaens, Frank Jüris and Kristi Raik (Tallinn: International Centre for Defence and Security, 2021), 107-25. <https://icds.ee/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/ICDS_EFPI_Book_Nordic-Baltic_Connectivity_with-Asia_via_the_Arctic_Gaens_Juris_Raik_September_2021.pdf>
‘Inside, Outside, Upside Down? Non-Arctic States in Emerging Arctic Security Discourses,’ The Arctic and World Order, ed. Kristina Spohr, Daniel S. Hamilton and Jason Moyer, (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2020), 379-404. <https://transatlanticrelations.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/The-Arctic-and-World-Order-ch16.pdf>.
(with Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv and Horatio Sam-Aggrey) ‘Understanding Arctic Security: What Has Changed? What Hasn’t?’ in Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security, (New York and London: Routledge, 2020), 1-12.
(with Horatio Sam-Aggrey) Environmental Security in the Arctic: Shades of Grey?’ in Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security, (New York and London: Routledge, 2020), 102-13.
‘Concerning the Arctic as a Security Region: The Roles of China and Russia,’ in Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security, (New York and London: Routledge, 2020), 311-23.
‘The “Greenland Factor” in China’s Expanding Arctic Diplomacy,’ The Yearbook of Polar Law 10, 2018, (Leiden and Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2019), 415-26.
‘Russia, China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Diverging Security Interests and the “Crimea Effect”,’ Russia's Turn to the East: Domestic Policymaking and Regional Cooperation, ed. Helge Blakkisrud and Elana Wilson Rowe (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave, 2017), 119-38, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-69790-1.
(with Ulf Sverdrup) ‘Sino-Nordic Sub-regional Diplomacy and the “5+1” Model,’ China and Nordic Diplomacy, ed. Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson, Wrenn Yennie Lindgren and Marc Lanteigne (London and New York, Routledge, 2017), 121-32.
‘Iceland’s Small State Diplomacy with China,’ China and Nordic Diplomacy, ed. Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson, Wrenn Yennie Lindgren and Marc Lanteigne (London and New York, Routledge, 2017), 60-76.
(with Lina A. Alexandra) ‘New Actors and Innovative Approaches to Peacebuilding: The Case of Myanmar,’ Rising Powers and Peacebuilding: Breaking the Mould? Ed. Charles T. Call, Cedric de Coning (Cham, Switzerland: SpringerLink, 2017), 191-241.
‘The Russian Far East and the Northern Sea Route in Evolving Sino-Russian Strategic Relations’, Huang Jing and Alexander Korolev (eds.) The Political Economy of Pacific Russia: Regional Developments in East Asia (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave, 2017), 181-202.
‘Vanuatu,’ Pacific Ways: Government and Politics in the Pacific Islands, ed. Stephen Levine (2nd edition) (Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2016). 261-71.
‘The South China Sea in China’s Developing Maritime Strategy,’ Power Politics in Asia’s Contested Waters: Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea, ed. Enrico Fels and Truong-Minh Vu (New York: Springer, 2016), 97-115.
‘China’s Economic Security,’ Routledge Handbook of Chinese Security, ed. Lowell Dittmer and Maochun Yu, (New York and London: Routledge, 2015), 49-63.
‘Great Powers in the Arctic: Changing Perspectives,’ Global Asia 15(4)(December 2020): 16-21.
‘“Observing” the Arctic: Asia in the Arctic Council and Beyond,’ (Book Review), Contemporary Southeast Asia 42(3)(2020), pp. 443-5 DOI: 10.1355/cs42-3j.
The Changing Shape of Arctic Security,' NATO Review, 28 June 2019, https://www.nato.int/docu/review/2019/Also-in-2019/the-changing-shape-of-arctic-security/EN/index.htm.
'European Troubles and Norway’s Three-Point Game,' Global Brief, 20 June 2019, https://globalbrief.ca/2019/06/european-troubles-and-norways-three-point-game/.
'China's UN Peacekeeping in Mali and Comprehensive Diplomacy,' China Quarterly (March 2019), https://doi.org/10.1017/S030574101800173X.
(with Miwa Hirono and Yang Jiang), 'China's New Roles and Behaviour in Conflict-Affected Regions: Reconsidering Non-Interference and Non-Intervention,' China Quarterly (March 2019),
'The China–Switzerland Free Trade Agreement and Economic Identity-Building,' Journal of Contemporary China, (January 2019), https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2018.1557949.
‘The Role of U.N. Peacekeeping in China’s Expanding Strategic Interests,’ United States Institute of Peace - Special Report (18 September 2018), <https://www.usip.org/publications/2018/09/role-un-peacekeeping-chinas-expanding-strategic-interests>.
‘Kiina kurottaa pohjoiseen,’ [‘China Reaches the North’], Ulkopolitiikka, 12 September 2018, https://www.ulkopolitiikka.fi/lehti/3-2018/kiina-kurottaa-pohjoiseen/.
‘Book Review: “China’s Soft Power Diplomacy in South Asia: Myth or Reality?” by B.M. Jain, China Quarterly 233(March 2018): 249-50.
‘ “The Rock That Can’t be Moved”: China’s Revised Geo-strategies in Myanmar,’ Pacific Review (December 2017), https://doi.org/10.1080/09512748.2017.1419276: 1-19.
‘试析中国维和观念的演变,’ [‘Analysis of the Evolution of China's Peacekeeping Concept,’] 国际政治研究 International Political Studies – Peking University 4(September 2017): 53-67.
‘Walking the Walk: Science Diplomacy and Identity-building in Asia-Arctic Relations,’ Jindal Global Law Review 8(1)(April 2017): 87-101.
‘ “Have You Entered the Storehouses of the Snow?” China as a Norm Entrepreneur in the Arctic,’ Polar Record 53(2)(March 2017): 117-30.
‘Norden og Kina: «Smått er godt» Islands økonomiske diplomati med Kina,’ (“Small is Beautiful”: Iceland’s Economic Diplomacy with China,’ Internasjonal Politikk 74(3)(Autumn 2016), <https://tidsskriftet-ip.no/index.php/intpol/article/view/497>.
‘Choppy Waters: The “Return” of Fiji to Pacific Affairs After the 2014 Election,’ Third World Thematics: A Third World Quarterly Journal (June 2016),
‘The Role of China in Emerging Arctic Security Discourses,’ S+F Sicherheit und Frieden / Security and Peace 3(2015): 150-5.
(with Su Ping) ‘China’s Developing Arctic Policies: Myths and Misconceptions,’ Journal of China and International Relations 3(1) (May 2015): 1-25.
(with Aglaya Snetkov), ‘The Loud Dissenter and its Cautious Partner – Russia, China, and Global Governance and Humanitarian Interventions,’ International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 15(1)(January 2015): 113-46.
‘Fire Over Water: China’s Naval Modernisation and the Anti-Piracy Operations,’ Pacific Review 26(3)(2013): 289-312.
[Citation] Isabelle Facon, ‘Pékin et Moscou, complices mais pas allies,’ Le Monde diplomatique, August 2018, 7-8. <https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2018/08/FACON/58982>.
‘Zimbabwe's Election and an Uncertain Future,’ New Zealand Herald, 11 August 2018, <https://www.nzherald.co.nz/hawkes-bay-today/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503459&objectid=12104598>.
[Quotation] A Silk Road Through the Ice: China Wants to be a Polar Power,’ The Economist, (12 April 2018): 27-8.
(with Mingming Shi), ‘The (Many) Roles of Greenland in China’s Developing Arctic Policy.’ The Diplomat, 30 March 2018, <https://thediplomat.com/2018/03/the-many-roles-of-greenland-in-chinas-developing-arctic-policy/>.
‘Northern Crossroads: China and Russia in the Arctic,’ National Bureau of Asian Research, Washington DC, 27 March 2018, <http://www.nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=853>
‘Trump-Kim talks: What's at Stake for New Zealand Isn't Just Peace,’ Stuff (New Zealand), 9 March 2018, <https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/102146500/trumpkim-talks-whats-at-stake-for-new-zealand-isnt-just-peace>.
[Interview] ‘Breyttar horfur í Asíu,’ (‘Changed Outlook in Asia’), Interview for Morgunblaðið, Reykjavík, 8 March 2018, <https://www.mbl.is/mogginn/bladid/innskraning/?redirect=%2Fmogginn%2Fbladid%2Fgrein%2F1675217%2F%3Ft%3D261026944&page_name=grein&grein_id=1675217>
[Podcast] ‘China’s Polar Push: A Conversation with Marc Lanteigne,’ China Power Project, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, 26 February 2018, <https://www.csis.org/podcasts/chinapower/chinas-polar-push-conversation-marc-lanteigne>.
Christopher Robert Rossi
Unit: Department of Social Sciences
Jonas Stein
Unit: Department of Social Sciences
Kvantitative og komparative analyser. Forsker på norsk og europeisk politikk, tillit og effekter av politiske reformer. Har forsket på politisk og demografisk utvikling i Nord-Norge, Norge og Skandinavia. Blant annet har jeg funnet ut at utviklingen i Nord-Norge og Nord-Sverige er mye likere enn det mange tror. Dette på tross av at det har vært ført svært forskjellig politikk på en del områder (distriktspolitikk, EU-medlemskap og kommunereform i Sverige).
Har også forsket årsaker til forskjeller i politisk tillit internt i Norge. Det som var interessant for den internasjonale forskningslitteraturen var at vi kunne identifisere en geografisk faktor som en del av forklaringen til variasjon i tillit blant innbyggerne. Men for Norge sin del var det spennende å kunne identifisere at en del faktorer; utdanning, tilfredshet med offentlige tjenester, frivillighet og valgdeltakelse forklarer veldig mye av forskjellene i det norske samfunnet. Det er som forventet ut i fra internasjonal litteratur, men likevel ikke gjort før i Norge.