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Sigurd Klemetsen Beldo

  • Sigurd Klemetsen Beldo, Nils Abel Aars, Tore Christoffersen, Anne-Sofie Furberg, Peder Andreas Halvorsen, Bjørge Hermann Hansen et al.:
    Criterion validity of the Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale in adolescents : the Fit Futures Study
  • Nils Abel Aars, Sigurd Beldo, Bjarne K. Jacobsen, Alexander Horsch, Bente Morseth, Nina Emaus et al.:
    Association between objectively measured physical activity and longitudinal changes in body composition in adolescents : the Tromsø study fit futures cohort
  • Sigurd Beldo, Bente Morseth, Tore Christoffersen, Peder Andreas Halvorsen, Bjørge Hermann Hansen, Anne-Sofie Furberg et al.:
    Prevalence of accelerometer-measured physical activity in adolescents in Fit Futures - part of the Tromsø Study
    BMC Public Health 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Giovanna Calogiuri, Andi Weydahl, Sigurd Beldo, Eliana Roveda :
    Morning or evening exercise: effects on the heart rate circadian rhythm above the Arctic Circle
    Sport Sciences for Health 2010 OMTALE
  • Giovanna Calogiuri, Sigurd Beldo, Eliana Roveda, Angela Montaruli, Franca Carandente, Andi Weydahl :
    Training time and adaptation to lack of daylight: a case report
    Sport Sciences for Health 2009
  • Tor Oskar Thomassen, Sigurd Beldo :
    Finnmarkinger mot verdenstoppen-et møte med fiolinist Miriam Ålien og Tore Reginiussen.
  • Nils Abel Aars, Sigurd Beldo, Bjarne K. Jacobsen, Alexander Horsch, Bente Morseth, Nina Emaus et al.:
    The association between objectively measured physical activity and longitudinal changes in body composition in adolescents; The Tromsø Study Fit Futures Cohort.
  • Ingirid Geirsdatter Heald Kjær, Hilde Lohne Seiler, Elin Kolle, Bjørge Hermann Hansen, Freddy Pedersen, Jostein Steene-Johannessen et al.:
    Musculoskeletal and motor fitness in Norwegian adults and elderly; Status and the development of reference values. KAN 1
  • Andi Weydahl, Giovanna Calogiuri, Sigurd Beldo :
    Heart rates in mushers participating in a 500km or 1000km dog sled race
    2010 OMTALE
  • Tor Oskar Thomassen, Sigurd Beldo :
    Hvordan påvirker ekstremrittet "Offroad Finnmark 700km" utøvernes fysiske kapasitet?
  • Ingirid Stangeland, Ingirid Stangeland, Monica Klungland Torstveit, Monica Klungland Torstveit, Hilde Lohne-Seiler, Hilde Lohne-Seiler et al.:
    Overvekt og fedme blant voksne og eldre nordmenn (KAN1)
    2010 OMTALE
  • Andi Weydahl, Giovanna Calogiuri, Sigurd Beldo, Angela Montaruli :
    Morning or evening exercise: effects on the heart rate circadian rhythm above the Arctic Circle
    2010 OMTALE
  • Tor Oskar Thomassen, Sigurd Beldo :
    Hvordan påvirker ekstremrittet Offroad Finnmark 700km utøvernes fysiske kapasitet?
  • Sigmund A. Anderssen, Bjørge Herman Hansen, Elin Kolle, Jostein Steene-Johannessen, Elisabeth Børsheim, Ingar Holme et al.:
    Fysisk aktivitet blant voksne og eldre i Norge : resultater fra en kartlegging i 2008 og 2009
  • Tor Oskar Thomassen, Sigurd Beldo, Andi Weydahl :
    Endringer i fysisk form etter ekstremrittet Offroadfinnmark
    2009 OMTALE
  • Giovanna Calogiuri, Sigurd Beldo, Andi Weydahl :
    Training time and adaptation to lack of day light : a pilot study
  • Andi Weydahl, Sigurd Beldo :
    Hundekjøring - mosjon eller toppidrett?
  • Andi Weydahl, Sigurd Beldo, Robert B Sothern, Rae Silver :
    Heart rate variability during recovery from 30 minutes exercise differs with the time of the day of the exercise

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →