Marine Bioprospecting
Use a bioprospecting approach on Arctic and Sub-Arctic marine resources to tackle medical societal challenges, in particular antimicrobial resistance
- Obtain basic knowledge of novel bioactive metabolites/products derived from marine invertebrates, algae and microorganisms like bacteriophages, giant viruses and bacteria.
Drug lead discovery and development of antimicrobials from marine resources
Determine the bioactivity profile and mode of action of antimicrobial compounds
Develop new methods within bioprospecting and biotechnology
Use of biotechnology in marine research and industry
Use and develop the Arctic Bioanalytical Platform
Give good supervision and teaching within research
From left to right: Hymonti Dey, Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen, Andrea Iselin Elvheim, Céline Sarah Marine Richard, Frode Øyen, Klara Stensvåg, Gabriel De Freitas Almeida, Hege Devold, Christoffer Sivertsen and Ataur Rahman. At the back: Tor Haug and Hans-Matti Blecke. |