Bilde av Rogatchevski, Andrei
Photo: Torje Jenssen

Andrei Rogatchevski

Professor Russian Literature

  • Andrei Rogatchevski, Jacek Szymala :
    Svalbard in Polish Documentaries (1930s-2020s): A Conceptualized Inventory
    Slavonic and East European Review 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andrei Rogatchevski, Leonid S. Chekin :
    "Vvedenie v shpitsbergenovedenie: Istoriko-geograficheskie aspekty"
    Istoricheskaia geografiia 2022 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Andrei Rogatchevski, Kristian Bjørklund, David Henrik Laven, Håkon Roald Sverdrupsen :
    The Participatory Approach and Student Active Learning in Language Teaching: Language Students as Journalists and Filmmakers
    Russian Language Journal 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Anna Afanasyeva, Elena Bjørgve, Andrei Rogatchevski, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Book review: Funkcionirovanie russkogo jazyka v transgraničnom prostranstve Arktiki
    Scando-Slavica 2022 DOI
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Neo-Gothic Clairvoyance and Palingenetic Myth in Late Soviet Czechoslovakia and Post-Soviet Israel: Pavel Kohout’s The Premonitions of St Clara (1980) and Its Film Adaptations’
    KinoKultura 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Andrei Rogatchevski, Lars Kristensen :
    ‘Russophone Israeli Cinema: “Accented”, Post-Soviet, Transnational, Postnational?’
    KinoKultura 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Andrei Rogatchevski, Richard D. Davies :
    'N. E. Andreev v londonskom Pushkinskom klube'
    Nauka 2022
  • Andrei Rogatchevski, Oleg Korostelev, Elda Garetto :
    'Primechaniia' k perepiske I. A. Bunina s A. V. i I. V. Amfiteatrovymi, 1922-1938
    Литературное наследство 2022
  • Jacek Szymala, Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Svalbard w filmach polskich z lat 50. i 60. XX w. Perspektywa geografii wizualnej’
    Prace i Studia Geograficzne 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    Rev.: ‘Grigorii Konstantinopolskii: Clipmakers (Klipmeikery, 2023)’
    KinoKultura 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘What Is Citizen Journalism? A (Post-) Soviet Experience’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘What Does Popular Music Tell Us about the Russo-Ukrainian War?’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘“Da, smert’!”: Eduard Limonov’s National Bolshevism and the Death Drive’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Svalbard and Russian Memory Politics: The Arc-of-Meridian Case’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Grassroots Necropolitics in Today’s Russia: Evidence from the Ukrainian Frontline (the Hybrid Phase)’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "Musicians vs Statesmen: Ninety-five Songs about Lukashenka"
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    'Death and the Natsbol: Limonov’s and Prilepin’s War Prose'
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "Svalbard in Russian Film and Fiction"
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "The participatory approach and student-active learning in language teaching: Language students as journalists and filmmakers"
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    'Songs of the Russo-Ukrainian War: Collector’s Notes'
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Igor’ Voloshin: Obsessed (Oderzhimaia, 2022)’
    KinoKultura 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    'Ukraine and Russia Popular Song Post-July 2022'
    25. March 2023
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Late Soviet Petrocinema: Farman Salmanov in Aleksandr Proshkin’s «Risk Strategy» (1978)’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "Insights into Citizen Journalism"
    31. May 2023 DATA
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Soviet Coal Mining (Non-)Fiction on Svalbard: The Case of Sergei Kharchenko’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    'Andrey Kurkov, "Diary of an Invasion"'
    The Literary Encyclopedia 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Songs of Allegiance: Popular Music and the Russo-Ukrainian War’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    Rev.: Daniel, Michelle S. The DJ Who “Brought Down” the USSR: The Life and Legacy of Seva Novgorodtsev, 2023
    Slavonic and East European Review 2023
  • Andrei Rogatchevski, Anatole Velitchko :
    ‘A Reinterpretation of Joseph Brodsky’s poem Gorbunov and Gorchakov (1968)’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "Pop Musicians and People’s Leaders: The Case of Aliaksandr Lukashenka"
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    A memorial panel for Professor Sergiy Kurbatov (1971-2023)
    23. June 2023 DATA
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "How to censor things when censorship is officially banned: The Case of Putin's Russia"
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    Rev.: A. K. Portsel, Shpitsbergen: Politika, ekonomika, obshchestvo (XX v. – nachalo XXI v.). Murmansk: Izd. MGTU, 2022
    Slovo. Journal of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "A War of Songs"
    15. September 2023 DATA
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "Svalbard Studies"
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Citizen Journalism: Towards a Definition’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "Understanding Russia through its national anthems"
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    'Late Soviet Petrocinema: Andrei Konchalovsky's "Siberiade" and Aleksandr Proshkin's "Risk Strategy"'
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Gleb Panfilov: 100 Minutes (Ivan Denisovich, 2021)’
    KinoKultura 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    Rev.: 'Henrik Gustafsson, Crime Scenery in Postwar Film and Photography, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019’
    Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 2022 DOI
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "Putin i tidsnød for å nå egen «deadline»: - Jeg er redd for reaksjonen" av Sabrina Isabel Alfonzo Gonzalez
    26. April 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "Hvorfor mener noen russere at Ukraina og Russland er én nasjon?"
    Nettavisen 01. May 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "Nápady svaté Kláry"
    The Literary Encyclopedia 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Yngvar B. Steinholt, Andrei Rogatchevski :
    Svalbard Studies: Coal Mining in the Russo-Norwegian Context
    Poljarnyj vestnik: Norwegian Journal of Slavic Studies 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    'Ukraine and Russia: Songs of War, Part I'
    16. July 2022
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Svalbard on the Multinational Screen’
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    'Prafesar z Narvegii sabrau kalektsyiu pesen' pra Lukashenku'
    16. August 2022 DATA
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    'Neo-Gothic Clairvoyance and Palingenetic Myth in Late Soviet Czechoslovakia and Post-Soviet Israel: Pavel Kohout’s Nápady svaté Kláry (1980) and Its 1996 Film Adaptation'
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    Rev.: Mikhail Malakhov Jr, Aleksei Tel’nov: Archipelago (Arkhipelag, 2021)
    KinoKultura 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Andrei Rogatchevski :
    ‘Thirty-Six Songs About Lukashenka’

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →