Mathias Tollinger,
Rune Grand Graversen
Validation of a SAR-Only Wind-Vector Retrieval Against Shipborne In Situ Wind Observations in the European Arctic
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2024
Kai-Uwe Eiselt,
Rune Grand Graversen
On the impact of net-zero forcing Q-flux change
Rune Grand Graversen,
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen,
Richard Bintanja,
Heiko Goelzer
Abrupt increase in Greenland melt enhanced by atmospheric wave changes
Climate Dynamics 25. May 2024
Colin G. Jones,
Fanny Adloff,
Ben B. B. Booth,
Peter M. Cox,
Veronika Eyring,
Pierre Friedlingstein
et al.:
Bringing it all together: Science priorities for improved understanding of Earth system change and to support international climate policy
Earth System Dynamics (ESD) 2024
Kai-Uwe Eiselt,
Rune Grand Graversen
On the Control of Northern Hemispheric Feedbacks by AMOC: Evidence from CMIP and Slab Ocean Modeling
Richard Bintanja,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Marlen Kolbe
Regional polar warming linked to poleward moisture transport variability
Environmental Research: Climate 2023
Johannes Patrick Stoll,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Gabriele Messori
The global atmospheric energy transport analysed by a wavelength-based scale separation
Weather and Climate Dynamics (WCD) 03. January 2023
Alena Dekhtyareva,
Mark H. Hermanson,
Anna NIkulina,
Ove Hermansen,
Tove Marit Svendby,
Kim Holmén
et al.:
Springtime nitrogen oxides and tropospheric ozone in Svalbard: results from the measurement station network
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) 2022
Valerio Lembo,
Federico Fabiano,
Vera Melinda Galfi,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Valerio Lucarini,
Gabriele Messori
Meridional-energy-transport extremes and the general circulation of Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes: dominant weather regimes and preferred zonal wavenumbers
Weather and Climate Dynamics (WCD) 2022
Kai-Uwe Eiselt,
Rune Grand Graversen
Change in Climate Sensitivity and Its Dependence on the Lapse-Rate Feedback in 4 x CO2 Climate Model Experiments
Marte G. Hofsteenge,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Johanne Hope Rydsaa,
Rey Zoé
The impact of atmospheric Rossby waves and cyclones on the Arctic sea ice variability
Abhay Prakash,
Qin Zhou,
Tore Hattermann,
Weiyang Bao,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Nina Kirchner
A nested high-resolution unstructured grid 3-D ocean-sea ice-ice shelf setup for numerical investigations of the Petermann ice shelf and fjord
Patrick Stoll,
Thomas Spengler,
Annick Terpstra,
Rune Graversen
Polar lows - moist-baroclinic cyclones in four different vertical wind shear environments
Weather and Climate Dynamics (WCD) 2021
Mathias Tollinger,
Rune Graversen,
Harald Johnsen
High-resolution polar low winds obtained from unsupervised sar wind retrieval
Martin Wibe Rypdal,
Niklas Boers,
Hege-Beate Fredriksen,
Kai-Uwe Eiselt,
Andreas Johansen,
Andreas Rostrup Martinsen
et al.:
Estimating Remaining Carbon Budgets Using Temperature Responses Informed by CMIP6
Johanne Hope Rydsaa,
R.G. Graversen,
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen,
Patrick Stoll
Changes in atmospheric latent energy transport into the Arctic: Planetary versus synoptic scales
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 2021
Hege-Beate Fredriksen,
Maria A.A. Rugenstein,
Rune Graversen
Estimating Radiative Forcing With a Nonconstant Feedback Parameter and Linear Response
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres 2021
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Johanne Hope Rydsaa,
Pål Erik Isachsen
Comparing wavelet and Fourier perspectives on the decomposition of meridional energy transport into synoptic and planetary components
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 2020
Patrick Stoll,
Teresa Maaria Remes,
Rune Graversen,
Gunnar Noer
A well-observed polar low analysed with a regional and a global weather-prediction model
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 2020
Sindre Markus Fritzner,
Rune Graversen,
Kai Håkon Christensen
Assessment of High‐Resolution Dynamical and Machine Learning Models for Prediction of Sea Ice Concentration in a Regional Application
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2020
Eirik Mikal Samuelsen,
Rune Graversen
Weather situation during observed ship-icing events off the coast of Northern Norway and the Svalbard archipelago
Weather and Climate Extremes 2019
Tuomas Naakka,
Tiina Nygård,
Timo Vihma,
Joseph Sedlar,
Rune Graversen
Atmospheric moisture transport between mid-latitudes and the Arctic: Regional, seasonal and vertical distributions
International Journal of Climatology 2019
Sindre Markus Fritzner,
Rune Graversen,
Kai Håkon Christensen,
Philip Rostosky,
Keguang Wang
Impact of assimilating sea ice concentration, sea ice thickness and snow depth in a coupled ocean-sea ice modelling system
Rune Graversen,
Peter L. Langen
On the Role of the Atmospheric Energy Transport in 2xCO2-Induced Polar Amplification in CESM1
Valerio Lembo,
Messori Gabrielle,
Rune Graversen,
Valerio Lucarini
Spectral Decomposition and Extremes of Atmospheric Meridional Energy Transport in the Northern Hemisphere Midlatitudes
Geophysical Research Letters 2019
Timo Vihma,
Rune Graversen,
Linling Chen,
Dörthe Handorf,
Natasa Skific,
Jennifer A. Francis
et al.:
Effects of the tropospheric large-scale circulation on European winter temperatures during the period of amplified Arctic warming
International Journal of Climatology 2019
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen,
Rune Grand Graversen
Wave decomposition of energy transport using deep-learning
Rune Grand Graversen
On the linkage between atmospheric circulation and Arctic wather and climate
Rune Grand Graversen,
Mattias Burtu,
Marte G. Hofsteenge,
Johanne Hope Rydsaa,
Zoé Rey,
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen
et al.:
On the linkage between atmospheric circulation and Arctic weather and climate
Johannes Patrick Stoll,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen
Changes in the global atmospheric energy transport separated by spatial scales in a warming world
Kai-Uwe Eiselt,
Rune Grand Graversen
On differences in climate feedback evolution in abrupt4xCO2 climate model experiments
Kai-Uwe Eiselt,
Rune Grand Graversen
Climate Feedback Change and Arctic Sea Ice
Kai-Uwe Eiselt,
Rune Grand Graversen
On Climate Feedback Change and AMOC
Kai-Uwe Eiselt,
Rune Grand Graversen
Time dependence of climate sensitivity in CMIP5 and CMIP6
Rune Graversen,
Patrick Stoll,
Johanne Hope Rydsaa
Hvorfor er Arktis det området i verden med raskest oppvarming?
Alena Dekhtyareva,
Mark H. Hermanson,
Anna Nikulina,
Ove Hermansen,
Tove Marit Svendby,
Kim Holmén
et al.:
Springtime nitrogen oxides and tropospheric ozone in Svalbard:
local and long-range transported air pollution
Marte G. Hofsteenge,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Johanne Hope Rydsaa
Impact of latent and dry-static atmospheric energy transport on the Arctic sea ice variability
Rune Grand Graversen,
Johanne Hope Rydsaa,
Peter L. Langen
On the role of atmospheric circulation in climate change
Rune Grand Graversen
Klimaendringer i nord - hvordan er situasjonen i dag? Tid for klimahandling
Rune Grand Graversen,
Hege-Beate Fredriksen
Tiltak mot Covid-19 gir liten klimaeffekt
Nordlys 2020
Kai-Uwe Eiselt,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Hege-Beate Fredriksen
Time dependence of climate sensitivity
Rune Grand Graversen,
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen,
Johanne Hope Rydsaa,
Peter L. Langen,
Thorsten Mauritsen,
Mattias Burtu
Arctic warming - governing processes and implications for mid-latitude weather
Kari Aastad,
Rune Graversen
Klimakrisen fortjener coronaløsning
VG : Verdens gang 2020
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen,
Rune Graversen
The effect of latent heat transport by waves on Greenland Surface Mass Balance
Morten Andreas Ødegaard Køltzow,
Matilda Hallerstig,
Rune Graversen,
Marius Opsanger Jonassen,
Stephanie Mayer
MET Report: Verification metrics and diagnostics appropriate for the (maritime) Arctic
Johanne Hope Rydsaa,
Rune Graversen,
Patrick Stoll,
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen
Arctic climate response to extreme events in synoptic and planetary scale atmospheric energy transport
Rune Grand Graversen
Impact of Rossby waves on Norther-Hemisphere continental climate
Sindre Markus Fritzner,
Kai Håkon Christensen,
Rune Grand Graversen,
Keguang Wang
Assimilation of high-resolution ice charts in a coupled ocean-sea-ice model
Proceedings IGARSS-97. 2019
Johanne Hope Rydsaa,
Rune Graversen,
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen
Impact of energy transport by planetary waves on Arctic climate variables
Patrick Stoll,
Rune Graversen,
Teresa Maaria Remes
The Thorpex polar low analysed with AROME-Arctic