Bilde av Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny
Bilde av Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny
Professor of historical demography Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology +4777644177 Tromsø You can find me here

Hilde Leikny Sommerseth

Job description

Hilde L. Sommerseth is a professor of historical demography at the Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), and she is the head of the Historical Population Data Lab (HistLab), formerly known as the Norwegian Historical Data Centre (NHDC).

Sommerseth has decades of experience working with microdata from Norway's historical population censuses and church books and has been a partner in the construction of the Norwegian Historical Population Register (HPR) since 2015. This register enables researchers to follow individuals who resided in Norway between 1801 and 1964, their life course history nested within and across generations.  

In collaboration with partners at the National Archives of Norway, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Statistics Norway, the Norwegian Computing Center, the National Library, and the Norwegian School of Economics, Sommerseth and her HistLab team develop automatic record linkage routines and format the HPR data for use by the international research community. This work also involves creating a public platform for the dissemination of the register, along with interactive tools for analysis.

Sommerseth’s research centres on historical demography, with a focus on the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Intergenerational studies are the nucleus of her interest, stretching from studies on mortality to research on household composition. Key subjects are causes of death, gendering of diseases, human capital, social inequality in health, ethnicity, masculinity, and ageing.

Sommerseth is one of the executive editors of Historical Methods, A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. She is a member of several international advisory boards related to population registers, such as Link Lives, the historical sample of the Netherlands, and Britain's first demographic transition: an integrated geography. She is currently also a board member of the European Society of Historical Demography, the steering committee of SHiP+ “Studying the history of Health in (Port) cities”, and a member of the editorial board of the Norwegian medical journal Michael.

Of externally funded projects, she is currently the PI of a FRIPRO-funded project ‘Persistence or change? – Lessons from the introduction of the enhetsskolen in Denmark and Norway (2023-2027), and partner in the infrastructure Historical Registers (2022-2029).

  • Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Rigmor Katrine Johansen, Einar Jakobsen Holsbø, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Lars Ailo Aslaksen Bongo :
    More Efficient Manual Review of Automatically Transcribed Tabular Data
    Historical Life Course Studies 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Chi Quynh Vo, Tom Wilsgaard, Per-Jostein Samuelsen, Ellisiv B. Mathiesen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Anne Elise Eggen et al.:
    Longitudinal cholesterol trends across socioeconomic groups in Norway: the influence of lipid-lowering drugs in the population-based Tromsø Study 1994-2016
    BMJ Open 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Maisha Islam, Doris Tove Kristoffersen, Lars Ailo Aslaksen Bongo, Eilidh Garrett, Alice Reid et al.:
    Coding Historical Causes of Death Data with Large Language Models
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Louise Ludvigsen, Mads Perner, Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Rafael Nozal Cañadas, Anders Sildnes, Nikita Shvetsov et al.:
    Automated Coding of Historical Danish Cause of death Data Using String Similarity
    Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications (DHNB Publications) 2023 DOI
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    What was Killing Babies in Trondheim? An Investigation of Infant Mortality Using Individual Level Cause of Death Data, 1830–1907
    Historical Life Course Studies 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Chi Quynh Vo, Per-Jostein Samuelsen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Torbjørn Wisløff, Tom Wilsgaard, Anne Elise Eggen :
    Comparing the sociodemographic characteristics of participants and non-participants in the population-based Tromsø Study
    BMC Public Health 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Petja Lyn Langholz, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Old-age mortality and social class in northern Norway in the first half of the twentieth century
    Scandinavian Economic History Review 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ingrid Hellem Nygaard, Sushma Dahal, Gerardo Chowell, Lisa Sattenspiel, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Svenn-Erik Mamelund :
    Age-specific mortality and the role of living remotely: The 1918-20 influenza pandemic in Kautokeino and Karasjok, Norway
    International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Chi Quynh Vo, Per-Jostein Samuelsen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Torbjørn Wisløff, Tom Wilsgaard, Anne Elise Eggen :
    Validity of self-reported educational level in the Tromsø Study
    Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Einar Holsbø, Trygve Andersen, Nikita Shvetsov, Johan Ravn, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth et al.:
    Lessons Learned Developing and Using a Machine Learning Model to Automatically Transcribe 2.3 Million Handwritten Occupation Codes
    Historical Life Course Studies 06. January 2022 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Gunnar Thorvaldsen :
    The Impact of Microdata in Norwegian Historiography 1970 to 2020
    Historical Life Course Studies 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marko Kovacevic, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Tuberkulosedød i Nord - En demografisk studie av tuberkulosen i Tromsø kjøpstad 1878 til 1920
    Heimen - Lokal og regional historie 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Emre Sari, Mikko Moilanen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Transgenerational Health Effects of In Utero Exposure to Economic Hardship: Evidence from Preindustrial Southern Norway
    Economics and Human Biology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Born Dead or Alive? Revisiting the Definition of Stillbirths in Norway
    Historical Life Course Studies 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Evelien Walhout :
    The Gendering of Infectious Disease: Classifying Male and Female Causes of Death in the Netherlands and Norway, 1880-1910
    Social history of medicine 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Evelien Walhout :
    Gorodskaia smertnost’ v Norvegii vo vtoroi polovine XIX v. (po materialam prikhodskikh knig Tronheima) [Mortality and Causes of Death in Late 19th-Century Trondheim, Norway (with Reference to Parish Registers Analysis)]
    Izvestiya Uralskogo federalnogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnye nauki 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gunnar Thorvaldsen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Lars Holden :
    Anvendelser av Norges historiske befolkningsregister
    Heimen - Lokal og regional historie 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mikko Moilanen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    ‘I will learn from it for as long as I live’ – religious reading and functional literacy skills
    Scandinavian Economic History Review 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Doris Tove Kristoffersen, Ingrid Hellem Nygaard, Petja Lyn Langholz, Binod Baniya :
    Helse, Død og Data
    2024 OMTALE
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Befolkningsutviklingen i Tana, 1560 til 1801
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Towards AI-constructed populations?
  • Marko Kovacevic, Francisco Javier Beltran Tapia, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Hard Times, Hard Choices Missing Girls in Norway ca. 1735 to 1900
  • Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Maisha Islam, Lars Ailo Aslaksen Bongo, Eilidh Garrett, Alice Reid, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Coding historical causes of death data using Large Language Models
  • Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Einar Jakobsen Holsbø, Rigmor Katrine Johansen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Lars Ailo Aslaksen Bongo :
    Manual review and correction of ML transcribed occupational codes from the Norwegian population census of 1950
  • Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Einar Jakobsen Holsbø, Rigmor Katrine Johansen, Trygve Andersen, Nikita Shvetsov et al.:
    Automatic transcription of handwritten Norwegian occupation codes: The lessons learned
  • Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Maria Hiltunen Maltesdotter, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Trygve Andersen :
    Towards automated processing of historical causes of death by combining text classification algorithms with machine learning
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    A Critical View of Reported Age in Norwegian Historical Population Microdata
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Teaching historical demography: sources
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    The Norwegian Historical Population Register 1801-1964: Current status, Impact & Future prospects
  • Petja Lyn Langholz, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Doris Tove Kristoffersen, Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock :
    Childhood socioeconomic position and later-life health – linking a modern health survey to 20th century historical population data
  • Chi Quynh Vo, Tom Wilsgaard, Per-Jostein Samuelsen, Ellisiv Bøgeberg Mathiesen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Anne Elise Eggen et al.:
    Longitudinal cholesterol trends across educational groups: the influence of lipid-lowering drugs in the population-based Tromsø Study 1994-2016
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Norsk historisk befolkningsregister + Tromsøundersøkelsen = Sant
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    IDS & the Norwegian Historical Population Register
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Ways of dying in the past: A demographic evaluation of the first Norwegian cause of death nomenclature
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Why Do We Die? The History of Reporting Cause of Death
  • Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Trygve Andersen, Lars Ailo Bongo, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    What to do with the stubborn 3 percent?
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    122 ways of dying: The development of a cause of death nomenclature in Norway
  • Emre SARI, Mikko Antti Moilanen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Transgenerational health effects of in utero exposure to economic hardship: Evidence from preindustrial Southern Norway
  • Chi Quynh Vo, Per-Jostein Samuelsen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Torbjørn Wisløff, Tom Wilsgaard, Anne Elise Eggen :
    Validity of self-reported educational level in the Tromsø Study
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Automated Approaches for transcription of 20th century Norwegian census microdata
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Trygve Andersen :
     A FAIR Approach to Harmonized Data
  • Lars Ailo Bongo, Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, Einar Holsbø, Trygve Andersen, Tim Alexander Teige, Nikita Shvetsov et al.:
    Automated approaches for Transcription of 20th Century Norwegian Census Microdata - Lessons Learned
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    What was killing babies in Trondheim? An investigation of infant mortality using individual-level causes of death during the period 1830-1910
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Towards a Harmonized Historical Coding System: Causes of Death in Norway
  • Emre Sari, Mikko Moilanen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Economic Background Factors of Intergenerational Persistence of Health in Rendalen in the 18th and 19th Centuries
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Trygve Andersen, Bjørn-Richard Pedersen :
    Automatic data coding of historic population data
  • Emre Sari, Mikko Moilanen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    A long shadow of mild shocks on health, the intergenerational perspective on the fetal origins hypothesis
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Norsk Historisk Befolkningregister
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Familiær ulikhet i spedbarnsdødelighet
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth :
    Norsk historisk befolkningsregister: et flergenerasjonelt blikk på aldring

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →