Adam Hansson,
Eskil André Karlsen,
Wenche Gunvor B Stensen,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Mattias Berglin,
Anders Lundgren
Preventing E. coli Biofilm Formation with Antimicrobial Peptide-Functionalized Surface Coatings: Recognizing the Dependence on the Bacterial Binding Mode Using Live-Cell Microscopy
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024
Mattias Berglin,
Jorunn Pauline Cavanagh,
Josefin Seth Caous,
Balmukund Thakkar,
Jeddah Marie Vasquez,
Wenche Gunvor B Stensen
et al.:
Flexible and Biocompatible Antifouling Polyurethane Surfaces Incorporating Tethered Antimicrobial Peptides through Click Reactions
Macromolecular Bioscience 2023
Philip Ben Rainsford,
Fredrik G. Rylandsholm,
Martin Jakubec,
Mitchell Silk,
Eric Juskewitz,
Johanna Ulrica Ericson
et al.:
Label-free measurement of antimicrobial peptide interactions with lipid vesicles and nanodiscs using microscale thermophoresis
Adéla Melcrová,
Sourav Maity,
Josef Melcr,
Niels A. W. de Kok,
Mariella Gabler,
Jonne van der Eyden
et al.:
Lateral membrane organization as target of an antimicrobial peptidomimetic compound
Martin Jakubec,
Fredrik G. Rylandsholm,
Philip Rainsford,
Mitchell Silk,
Maxim Bril'kov,
Tone Kristoffersen
et al.:
Goldilocks Dilemma: LPS Works Both as the Initial Target and a Barrier for the Antimicrobial Action of Cationic AMPs on E. coli
Bangfu Zhu,
Tom Parsons,
Wenche Gunvor Berg Stensen,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Anders Fugelli,
James W.L. Hodge
DYRK1a Inhibitor Mediated Rescue of Drosophila Models of Alzheimer’s Disease-Down Syndrome Phenotypes
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2022
Anne Sofie Laulund,
Franziska Angelika Schwartz,
Lars Christophersen,
Niels Høiby,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Wenche Gunvor Berg Stensen
et al.:
Lactoferricin-inspired peptide AMC-109 augments the effect of ciprofloxacin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm in chronic murine wounds
Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 2022
Wenche Stensen,
Ulli Rothweiler,
Richard Alan Engh,
Melissa R. Stasko,
Ilya Bederman,
Alberto C. S. Costa
et al.:
Novel DYRK1A Inhibitor Rescues Learning and Memory Deficits in a Mouse Model of Down Syndrome
Eskil André Karlsen,
Wenche Stensen,
Eric Juskewitz,
Johan Svenson,
Mattias Berglin,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Anti-Colonization Effect of Au Surfaces with Self-Assembled Molecular Monolayers Functionalized with Antimicrobial Peptides on S. epidermidis
Joakim Håkansson,
Jorunn Pauline Cavanagh,
Wenche Gunvor Berg Stensen,
Bjarte Mortensen,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Johan Svenson
In vitro and in vivo antibacterial properties of peptide AMC-109 impregnated wound dressings and gels
Journal of antibiotics (Tokyo. 1968) 2021
Worku Dinku,
Johan Isaksson,
Fredrik G. Rylandsholm,
Petr Bouř,
Eva Brichtova,
Sang Un Choi
et al.:
Anti-proliferative activity of a novel tricyclic triterpenoid acid from Commiphora africana resin against four human cancer cell lines
Applied Biological Chemistry 2020
Jacobus Johannes Eksteen,
Dominik Ausbacher,
Terje Vasskog,
Øystein Rekdal,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Selective intracellular delivery of thiolated cargo to tumor and neovasculature cells using histidine-rich peptides as vectors
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Thomas M Grant,
David Rennison,
Margaret A. Brimble,
Johan Svenson
Very Short and Stable Lactoferricin-Derived Antimicrobial Peptides: Design Principles and Potential Uses
Accounts of Chemical Research 2019
Balmukund Thakkar,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Richard Alan Engh
Density Functional Studies on Secondary Amides: Role of Steric Factors in Cis/Trans Isomerization
Balmukund Thakkar,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Richard Alan Engh
Cis/Trans Isomerization in Secondary Amides: Reaction Paths, Nitrogen Inversion and Relevance to Peptidic Systems
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 15. August 2017
Balmukund Thakkar,
Marte Albrigtsen,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Jeanette hammer Andersen,
Richard Alan Engh
Biofocussed chemoprospecting: An efficient approach for drug discovery
Wenche Stensen,
Rob Turner,
Marc Brown,
Nahid Kondori,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Johan Svenson
Short Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides Display Superior Antifungal Activities toward Candidiasis and Onychomycosis in Comparison with Terbinafine and Amorolfine
Molecular Pharmaceutics 2016
Jacobus Johannes Eksteen,
Dominik Ausbacher,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Trine Stiberg,
Cristiane de Albuquerque Cavalcanti Jacobsen,
Imin Wushur
et al.:
Iterative design and in vivo evaluation of an oncolytic antilymphoma peptide
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016
Ulli Rothweiler,
Wenche Stensen,
Bjørn Olav Brandsdal,
Johan Isaksson,
Frederick Alan Leeson,
Richard Alan Engh
et al.:
Probing the ATP-Binding Pocket of Protein Kinase DYRK1A with Benzothiazole Fragment Molecules
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016
Bengt Erik Haug,
Ketil Andre Camilio,
liv tone Eliassen,
Wenche Stensen,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Kristel Berg
et al.:
Discovery of a 9-mer cationic peptide (LTX-315) as a potential first in class oncolytic peptide
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016
Ulli Rothweiler,
Jonas Eriksson,
Wenche Stensen,
Frederick Alan Leeson,
Richard Alan Engh,
John Sigurd Svendsen
Luciferin and derivatives as a DYRK selective scaffold for the design of protein kinase inhibitors
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2015
Annfrid Sivertsen,
Johan Isaksson,
Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros,
Johan Svenson,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
Bjørn Olav Brandsdal
Synthetic cationic antimicrobial peptides bind with their hydrophobic parts to drug site II of human serum albumin
Olga Vladimirovna Gozhina,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
Tore Lejon
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of α-aminoboronic-containing peptidomimetics
Journal of Peptide Science 2014
Rozenn Trepos,
Gunnar Cervin,
Claire Hellio,
Henrik Pavia Henrik,
Wenche Stensen,
Klara Stensvåg
et al.:
Antifouling compounds from the sub-arctic ascidian synoicum pulmonaria: Synoxazolidinones A and C, pulmonarins A and B, and synthetic analogues
Journal of natural products 2014
Taye B. Demissie,
Michal Repisky,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Johan Isaksson,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
H Dodziuk
Four-component relativistic chemical shift calculations of halogenated organic compounds
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 2013
Annfrid Sivertsen,
Bjørn Olav Brandsdal,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
Jeanette hammer Andersen,
Johan Svenson
Short cationic antimicrobial peptides bind to human alpha-1 acid glycoprotein with no implications for the in vitro bioactivity
Journal of Molecular Recognition 2013
Alexey Sergeevich Gorovoy,
Olga Vladimirovna Gozhina,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
George V. Tetz,
Anna A. Domorad,
Victor V. Tetz
et al.:
Syntheses and anti-tubercular activity of β-substituted and α,β-disubstituted peptidyl β-aminoboronates and boronic acids
Journal of Peptide Science 2013
Alexey Sergeevich Gorovoy,
Olga Vladimirovna Gozhina,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
Anna A. Domorad,
Victor V. Tetz,
George V. Tetz
et al.:
Boron containing peptidomimetics – a novel class of selective anti-tubercular drugs
Chemical Biology and Drug Design (CB&DD) 2013
Xiaojun Li,
Kathrin Helen Hopmann,
Jana Hudecova,
Johan Isaksson,
Jana Novotná,
Wenche Stensen
et al.:
Determination of Absolute Configuration and Conformation of a Cyclic Dipeptide by NMR and Chiral Spectroscopic Methods
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2013
Kathrin Helen Hopmann,
Jaroslav Šebestík,
Jana Novotná,
Wenche Stensen,
Marie Urbanová,
Johan Svenson
et al.:
Determining the Absolute Configuration of Two Marine Compounds Using Vibrational Chiroptical Spectroscopy
Journal of Organic Chemistry 2012
Xiaojun Li,
Kathrin Helen Hopmann,
Jana Hudecova,
Wenche Stensen,
Jana Novotná,
Marie Urbanová
et al.:
Absolute Configuration of a Cyclic Dipeptide Reflected in Vibrational Optical Activity: Ab Initio and Experimental Investigation
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2012
Kine Østnes Hanssen,
Bruno Schuler,
Antony J. Williams,
Taye B. Demissie,
Espen Hansen,
Jeanette hammer Andersen
et al.:
A Combined Atomic Force Microscopy and Computational Approach for the Structural Elucidation of Breitfussin A and B: Highly Modified Halogenated Dipeptides from Thuiaria breitfussi
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012
Rasmus Tørnes Karstad,
Geir Villy Isaksen,
Evelien Wynendaele,
Yngve Guttormsen,
Bart De Spiegeleer,
Bjørn Olav Brandsdal
et al.:
Targeting the S1 and S3 Subsite of Trypsin with Unnatural Cationic Amino Acids Generates Antimicrobial Peptides with Potential for Oral Administration
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2012
Derk Avenarius,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
Dag Malm
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic detection of oligomannosidic n glycans in alpha-mannosidosis: a method of monitoring treatment
The Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (JIMD) 2011
Johan Isaksson,
Bjørn Olav Brandsdal,
Stig Olov Magnus Engqvist,
Gøril Eide Flaten,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
Wenche Stensen
A Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptidomimetic (LTX 109): Stereochemical Impact on Membrane Disruption
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2011
Gøril Eide Flaten,
Gabor Kottra,
Wenche Stensen,
Geir Villy Isaksen,
Rasmus Tørnes Karstad,
John Sigurd Svendsen
et al.:
In Vitro Characterization of Human Peptide Transporter hPEPT1 Interactions and Passive Permeation Studies of Short Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2011
Johan Svenson,
V Vergote,
Rasmus Tørnes Karstad,
C Burvenich,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
B De Spiegeleer
Metabolic Fate of Lactoferricin-Based Antimicrobial Peptides: Effect of Truncation and Incorporation of Amino Acid Analogs on the In Vitro Metabolic Stability
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2010
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Hva betyr antibiotikakrisen for kreftpasienter
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Paneldebatt: Antibiotikaresistens og kreft
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Panel: Are new antibiotics the solution to the AMR threat?
Finn-Eirik Johansen,
Trygve Brautaset,
Marie Hjelmseth Aune,
Alexandra Patriksson,
Liv Eggset Falkenberg,
Rune Kleppe
et al.:
Centre for Digital Life Norway - Annual report 2017
Claire Hellio,
Henrik Pavia,
Tor Haug,
Wenche Stensen,
Klara Stensvåg,
John Sigurd Svendsen
et al.:
Antifouling compounds from the sub-Arctic ascidian Synoicum pulmonaria
Inger Greve Alsos,
Torbjørn Ekrem,
John Sigurd Svendsen
- Kan bidra til utviklingen av nye medisiner
Inger Greve Alsos,
Torbjørn Ekrem,
John Sigurd Svendsen
DNA fra planter og dyr kan gi kunnskap om sykdommer
Inger Greve Alsos,
Torbjørn Ekrem,
John Sigurd Svendsen
Lager digitalt oppslagsverk over alt liv på jorda
Balmukund Thakkar,
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen,
Richard Alan Engh
Design and Synthesis of diverse Piperazine-2,5-diones and their uncyclized analogues as potential kinase inhibitors
Kine Ø. Hanssen,
Bruno Schuler,
Antony J. Williams,
Taye B. Demissie,
Espen Hansen,
Jeanette hammer Andersen
et al.:
Introducing Atomic Force Microscopy in Structure Elucidation
Geir Villy Isaksen,
Johan Isaksson,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
Bjørn Olav Brandsdal
Structural studies of small cationic antimicrobial peptides by NMR and computer simulations have facilitated a refined pharmacophore model able to predict activity versus Staphylococcus aureus
Geir Villy Isaksen,
Rasmus Tørnes Karstad,
Johan Mattias Isaksson,
Johan Svenson,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
Bjørn Olav Brandsdal
Structure of short cationic antimicrobial peptides and their interactions with membranes as revealed by MD simulations
Johan Isaksson,
Gøril Eide Flaten,
Bjørn Olav Brandsdal,
John Sigurd Svendsen
Studies of Small Synthetic Anti-microbial Peptides by NMR and Molecular Modeling