Quan Manh Phung,
Ho Ngoc Nam,
Vic Austen,
Takeshi Yanai,
Abhik Ghosh
NO Oxidation States in Nonheme Iron Nitrosyls: A DMRG-CASSCF Study of {FeNO}6-10 Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry 2025
Andrea Mathisen Bratsberg,
Magne Thoresen,
Abhik Ghosh
Exponential consistency of M-estimators in generalized linear mixed models
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2025
Kristian Torstensen,
Abhik Ghosh
From Diaminosilylenes to Silapyramidanes: Making Sense of the Stability of Divalent Silicon Compounds
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2024
Abhik Ghosh,
Jeanet Conradie
Theoretical Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Metal-Metal Quintuple Bonds: Relativity-Driven Reordering of Frontier Orbitals
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2024
Abhik Ghosh,
Jeanet Conradie
Theoretical Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Quadruple-Bonded Dimolybdenum(II,II) and Ditungsten(II,II) Paddlewheel Complexes: Performance of Common Density Functional Theory Methods
Simon Larsen,
Jeanet Conradie,
Nicolas Desbois,
Claude Philippe Gros,
Abhik Ghosh
Luca Giovanelli,
Younal Ksari,
Hela Mrezguia,
Eric Salomon,
Marco Minissale,
Abraham Alemayehu
et al.:
Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy of Coinage Metal Corroles: Comparison with Solution-Phase Electrochemistry
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2024
Abhik Ghosh,
Jeanet Conradie
Rethinking gold(II) porphyrins: an inherent wave distortion
Simon Larsen,
Joseph A. Adewuyi,
Thomas Kolle Ekaney,
Jeanet Conradie,
Yoann Rousselin,
Gaël Ung
et al.:
Electronic Structure of Metallophlorins: Lessons from Iridium and Gold Phlorin Derivatives
W. Ryan Osterloh,
Nicolas Desbois,
Jeanet Conradie,
Claude P. Gros,
Karl M. Kadish,
Abhik Ghosh
Inverse Hypercorroles
Abraham Alemayehu,
Kevin J. Gagnon,
Yoann Rousselin,
Max Schmallegger,
Sergey M. Borisov,
Abhik Ghosh
Transition metal azahemiporphycenes as singlet oxygen sensitizers
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2024
Clayton J. Curtis,
Iva Habenšus,
Jeanet Conradie,
Andrey A. Bardin,
Brent L. Nannenga,
Abhik Ghosh
et al.:
Gold Tripyrrindione: Redox Chemistry and Reactivity with Dichloromethane
Inorganic Chemistry 2024
Abraham Alemayehu,
Nicholas S. Settineri,
Arianna E. Lanza,
Abhik Ghosh
Rhenium-Sulfido and -Dithiolato Corroles: Reflections on Chalcophilicity
Andrea Mathisen Bratsberg,
Abhik Ghosh,
Magne Thoresen
Conditional Variable Screening for Ultra-High Dimensional Longitudinal Data With Time Interactions
W. Ryan Osterloh,
Jeanet Conradie,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh,
Karl M. Kadish
The Question of the Redox Site in Metal-Metal Multiple-Bonded Metallocorrole Dimers
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2023
Simon Larsen,
Joseph A. Adewuyi,
Gaël Ung,
Abhik Ghosh
Transition-Metal Isocorroles as Singlet Oxygen Sensitizers
Martin Amund Langaas Johansen,
Abhik Ghosh
The curious chemistry of carbones
Nature Chemistry 2023
Elisa Tomat,
Clayton J. Curtis,
Andrei V. Astashkin,
Jeanet Conradie,
Abhik Ghosh
Multicenter interactions and ligand field effects in platinum(ii) tripyrrindione radicals
Dalton Transactions 2023
Simon Larsen,
Bjørn Cicerõn Lukas Péres,
Abhik Ghosh
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2023
Quan Manh Phung,
Ho Ngoc Nam,
Abhik Ghosh
Local Oxidation States in {FeNO}6-8 Porphyrins: Insights from DMRG/CASSCF-CASPT2 Calculations
Arup Tarai,
Jyotiprakash Mallick,
Pranjali Singh,
Jeanet Conradie,
Sanjib Kar,
Abhik Ghosh
Free-Base Corrole Anion
Journal of Organic Chemistry 2023
Krister Engedal Johannessen,
Martin Amund Langaas Johansen,
Rune Finsås Einrem,
Laura J. McCormick McPherson,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Sergey M. Borisov
et al.:
Influence of Fluorinated Substituents on the Near-Infrared Phosphorescence of 5d Metallocorroles
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2023
Łukasz Kielesiński,
Francesco F. Summa,
Jeanet Conradie,
Hilah C. Honig,
Ariel Friedman,
Gugliemo Monaco
et al.:
Nonaromatic naphthocorroles
Chemical Communications 2023
Abhik Ghosh,
Jeanet Conradie
B12 and F430 models: Metal- versus ligand-centered redox in cobalt and nickel tetradehydrocorrin derivatives
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2023
Abhik Ghosh,
Jeanet Conradie
Theoretical Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Low-Valent Carbon Species: A ∼6 eV Range of Ionization Potentials among Carbenes, Ylides, and Carbodiphosphoranes
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2023
Abhik Ghosh,
Jeanet Conradie
The Perfluoro Cage Effect: A Search for Electron-Encapsulating Molecules
Abraham Alemayehu,
Macon Jedediah Abernathy,
Jeanet Conradie,
Ritimukta Sarangi,
Abhik Ghosh
Rhenium Biscorrole Sandwich Compounds: XAS Evidence for a New Coordination Motif
Abhik Ghosh,
Jeanet Conradie
A Theoretical Search for Stable Terminal Carbides
Abhik Ghosh,
Erica Ponzi,
Torkjel M Sandanger,
Magne Thoresen
Robust sure independence screening for nonpolynomial dimensional generalized linear models
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 13. December 2022
James Terner,
Thomas Kolle Ekaney,
Hugo Vazquez Lima,
Abhik Ghosh
Structure-sensitive marker bands of metallocorroles: A resonance Raman study of manganese and gold corrole derivatives
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2022
Carl C. Wamser,
Abhik Ghosh
The Hyperporphyrin Concept: A Contemporary Perspective
Kasturi Sahu,
Sara Angeloni,
Jeanet Conradie,
Marco Villa,
Manisha Nayak,
Abhik Ghosh
et al.:
NIR-emissive, singlet-oxygen-sensitizing gold tetra(thiocyano)corroles
Dalton Transactions 2022
Jeanet Conradie,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Iridium(VII)-Corrole Terminal Carbides Should Exist as Stable Compounds
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2022
Jeanet Conradie,
Hugo Vazquez-Lima,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Comparing Isoelectronic, Quadruple-Bonded Metalloporphyrin and Metallocorrole Dimers: Scalar-Relativistic DFT Calculations Predict a > 1-eV Range for Ionization Potential and Electron Affinity
ACS Physical Chemistry Au 2022
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Phenol- and resorcinol-appended metallocorroles and their derivatization with fluorous tags
Abhik Ghosh
Corrole and squeezed coordination
Nature Chemistry 2022
Abhik Ghosh,
Jeanet Conradie
Twist-Bent Bonds Revisited: Adiabatic Ionization Potentials Demystify Enhanced Reactivity
Abhik Ghosh,
Jeanet Conradie
Ben Joseph R. Cuyacot,
Zahra Badri,
Abhik Ghosh,
Cina Foroutan-Nejad
Metallaaromaticity - a protean world
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2022
Quan Manh Phung,
Yasin Muchammad,
Takeshi Yanai,
Abhik Ghosh
A DMRG/CASPT2 Investigation of Metallocorroles: Quantifying Ligand Noninnocence in Archetypal 3d and 4d Element Derivatives
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021
Rune Finsås Einrem,
Einar Torfi Jonsson,
Simon J. Teat,
Nicholas S. Settineri,
Abraham Alemayehu,
Abhik Ghosh
Regioselective formylation of rhenium-oxo and gold corroles: Substituent effects on optical spectra and redox potentials
Abhik Ghosh,
Magne Thoresen
Consistent fixed-effects selection in ultra-high dimensional linear mixed models with error-covariate endogeneity
Statistica sinica 2021
Abhik Ghosh,
Magne Thoresen
A robust variable screening procedure for ultra-high dimensional data
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2021
Jeanet Conradie,
Carl C. Wamser,
Abhik Ghosh
Understanding Hyperporphyrin Spectra: TDDFT Calculations on Diprotonated Tetrakis(p-aminophenyl)porphyrin
Henrik Braband,
Michael Benz,
Bernhard Spingler,
Jeanet Conradie,
Alberto Roger,
Abhik Ghosh
Relativity as a Synthesis Design Principle: A Comparative Study of [3 + 2] Cycloaddition of Technetium(VII) and Rhenium(VII) Trioxo Complexes with Olefins
Abraham Alemayehu,
Thomas Kolle Ekaney,
Rune Finsås Einrem,
Abhik Ghosh
The Story of 5d Metallocorroles: From Metal–Ligand Misfits to New Building Blocks for Cancer Phototherapeutics
Abraham Alemayehu,
Laura J Mccormick-Mcpherson,
Jeanet Conradie,
Abhik Ghosh
Rhenium Corrole Dimers: Electrochemical Insights into the Nature of the Metal–Metal Quadruple Bond