Bilde av Rasmussen, Tine Lander
Bilde av Rasmussen, Tine Lander
Professor, CAGE Department of Geosciences +4777644408 Tromsø You can find me here

Tine Lander Rasmussen

  • Kristine Steinsland, Danielle M. Grant, Kirsten Fahl, Ruediger Stein, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Bjørg Risebrobakken et al.:
    Sea ice variability from the penultimate glacial to the last interglacial in the eastern Fram Strait
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2025 ARKIV / DOI
  • Naima el Bani Altuna, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt, Jochen Manfred Knies et al.:
    Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Atlantic–Arctic gateway
    Scientific Reports 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tine Lander Rasmussen, Tove Nielsen :
    Glacial-interglacial sedimentation control on gas seepage exemplified by Vestnesa Ridge off NW Svalbard margin
    Frontiers in Earth Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Adrián López-Quirós, Tuomas Junna, Joanna Davies, Katrine J. Andresen, Tove Nielsen, Negar Haghipour et al.:
    Retreat patterns and dynamics of the former Norske Trough ice stream (NE Greenland): An integrated geomorphological and sedimentological approach
    Quaternary Science Reviews 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tine Lander Rasmussen, Naima el Bani Altuna, Erik Thomsen :
    Variations in deep-sea methane seepage linked to millennial-scale changes in bottom water temperatures ~ 50-6 ka, NW Svalbard margin
    Scientific Reports 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Kirsten Fahl, Tine Lander Rasmussen :
    Arctic freshwater outflow suppressed Nordic Seas overturning and oceanic heat transport during the Last Interglacial
    Nature Communications 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stein Bondevik, Bjørg Risebrobakken, Steven John Gibbons, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Finn Løvholt :
    Contamination of 8.2 ka cold climate records by the Storegga tsunami in the Nordic Seas
    Nature Communications 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Martin Jakobsson, Rezwan Mohammad, Marcus Karlsson, Silvia Salas-Romero, Florian Vacek, Florian Heinze et al.:
    The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 5.0
    Scientific Data 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Arunima Sen, Liselotte W. Andersen, Kasper U. Kjeldsen, Loïc N. Michel, Wei-Li Hong, Marvin Choquet et al.:
    The phylogeography and ecology of Oligobrachia frenulate species suggest a generalist chemosynthesis-based fauna in the arctic
    Heliyon 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rachel W.C. Chu, Moriaki Yasuhara, Karoline Myrvang Riise, Hirofumi Asahi, Huai-Hsuan May Huang, Laura J. Cotton et al.:
    Late Quaternary paleoceanography of Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait: Ostracode species as a potential indicator of cold seep activity
    Geology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Nabil Sultan, Renata Giulia Lucchi, Naima El bani Altuna, Hariharan Ramachandran, Sunny Singhroha et al.:
    Spatial Changes in Gas Transport and Sediment Stiffness Influenced by Regional Stress: Observations From Piezometer Data Along Vestnesa Ridge, Eastern Fram Strait
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Griselda Anglada Ortiz, Julie Meilland, Patrizia Ziveri, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson, Elizabeth Marie Jones et al.:
    Seasonality of marine calcifiers in the northern Barents Sea: Spatiotemporal distribution of planktonic foraminifers and shelled pteropods and their contribution to carbon dynamics
    Progress in Oceanography 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dhanushka Devendra, Magdalena Łącka, Maciej M. Telesiński, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Kamila Sztybor, Marek Zajączkowski :
    Paleoceanography of the Northwestern Greenland Sea and Return Atlantic Current evolution, 35–4 kyr BP
    Global and Planetary Change 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Katarzyna Melaniuk, Kamila Sztybor, Tina Treude, Stefan Sommer, Marek Zajaczkowski, Tine Lander Rasmussen :
    Response of benthic foraminifera to environmental successions of cold seeps from Vestnesa Ridge, Svalbard: Implications for interpretations of paleo-seepage environments
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nils-Martin Hanken, Kamila Sztybor, Helge I. Høeg, Dag Arild Karlsen, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Tesfamariam Berhane Abay :
    Late Quaternary terrigenous plant and coaly fragments found at Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait: implications for postglacial plant colonization at Svalbard
    Lethaia: An International Journal of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hans Petter Sejrup, Berit Oline Blihovde Hjelstuen, Henry Patton, Mariana Esteves, Monica Winsborrow, Tine Lander Rasmussen et al.:
    The role of ocean and atmospheric dynamics in the marine-based collapse of the last Eurasian Ice Sheet
    Communications Earth & Environment 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tine Lander Rasmussen, Christof Pearce, Katrine Juul Andresen, Tove Nielsen, Marit Solveig Seidenkrantz :
    Northeast Greenland: ice-free shelf edge at 79.4°N around the Last Glacial Maximum 25.5–17.5 ka
    Boreas 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christina S. Larkin, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Natalie L. Roberts, Henning A. Bauch, Robert F. Spielhagen, Riko Noormets et al.:
    Active Nordic Seas deep-water formation during the last glacial maximum
    Nature Geoscience 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Emmelie Åström, Bodil Bluhm, Tine Lander Rasmussen :
    Chemosynthetic and photosynthetic trophic support from cold seeps in Arctic benthic communities
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Katarzyna Melaniuk, Kamila Sztybor, Tina Treude, Stefan Sommer, Tine Lander Rasmussen :
    Influence of methane seepage on isotopic signatures in living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, 79° N
    Scientific Reports 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mattia Greco, Kristin Werner, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Michal Kucera :
    Decadal trend of plankton community change and habitat shoaling in the Arctic gateway recorded by planktonic foraminifera
    Global Change Biology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Griselda Anglada-Ortiz, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, Julie Meilland, Patrizia Ziveri, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson et al.:
    Planktic foraminiferal and pteropod contributions to carbon dynamics in the Arctic Ocean (north Svalbard margin)
    Frontiers in Marine Science 09. June 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Naima El Bani Altuna, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Mohamed Ezat, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta, Jeroen Groeneveld, Mervyn Greaves :
    Deglacial bottom water warming intensified Arctic methane seepage in the NW Barents Sea
    Communications Earth & Environment 09. September 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Naima el Bani Altuna, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt, Jochen Manfred Knies et al.:
    Publisher Correction: Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Atlantic–Arctic gateway (Scientific Reports, (2024), 14, 1, (1065), 10.1038/s41598-024-51532-7)
    Scientific Reports 2024 DOI
  • Tine Lander Rasmussen, Griselda Anglada Ortiz, Christine Joanne Lockwood-Ireland, Luke Jonathan Simmons, Freya Elizabeth Sykes :
    CRUISE REPORT educational cruise in GEO-3111 Reconstructing Marine Climate and Environments and GEO-3122 Micropaleontology on R/V Helmer Hanssen, October 15th-16th 2024
  • Griselda Anglada Ortiz, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson, Katarzyna Agnieszka Zamelczyk, Patrizia Ziveri :
    Planktonic foraminifers and shelled pteropods in the Barents Sea: Seasonal distribution and contribution to the carbon pump of the living fauna, and foraminiferal development during the last three millennia
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2023
  • Griselda Anglada Ortiz, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson, Katarzyna Agnieszka Zamelczyk, Patrizia Ziveri et al.:
    Planktonic foraminifers in the Barents Sea: reconstruction of biomass and biodiversity changes during the last three millennia
  • Griselda Anglada Ortiz, Julie Meilland, Patrizia Ziveri, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson, Elizabeth Marie Jones et al.:
    Seasonality of marine calcifiers in the Northern Barents Sea:Spatiotemporal distribution of planktic foraminifers and shelled pteropods and their contribution to carbon dynamics
  • Eira Triguero Enguidanos, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Arto Miettinen :
    Climate and sea-ice development between 890 and 1660 CE in SW Greenland revealed by marine diatom studies
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Katarzyna Melaniuk, Kamila Sztybor, Tina Treude, Stefan Sommer, Marek Zajaczkowski, Tine Lander Rasmussen :
    Response of benthic foraminifera to methane emission in the Arctic Ocean: implications for interpretations of paleo-seepage environments
  • Christine Joanne Lockwood-Ireland, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Riko Noormets :
    Reconstruction of bottom current activity in the Nordic Seas on orbital and millennial-scales during the last 150,000 years
  • Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Nabil Sultan, Hariharan Ramachandran, Hugh Daigle, Frances Ann Cooke, Guillame Sauvin et al.:
    Sediment stiffness and shallow pore fluid pressures at deep marine Arctic seepage systems: constraints from piezometer data and calypso cores off west-Svalbard, Fram Strait
  • Griselda Anglada Ortiz, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, Julie Meilland, Patrizia Ziveri, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson et al.:
    Planktic calcifiers in an acidifying ocean: seasonal abundances and carbon contribution in the northern Barents Sea (Arctic Ocean)
  • Griselda Anglada Ortiz, Eloise Littley, Patrizia Ziveri, Julie Meilland, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson et al.:
    Abundance and dissolution of planktic foraminifera spanning the last thousand years: a comparison between northern and southern Barents Sea
  • Naima El Bani Altuna, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt, Jochen Manfred Knies et al.:
    Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Nordic Seas
  • Naima El bani Altuna, Griselda Anglada Ortiz, Katarzyna Melaniuk, Siri Ofstad, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Kamila Sztybor et al.:
    Små, men fulle av gode historier: hva kan kalkskjellene til små havdyr fortelle oss om moderne klimaendringer og metanlekkasjer?
    Ottar 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Adele Westgård, Freya Elizabeth Sykes, Julie Meilland, Gavin L. Foster, Naima El Bani Altuna et al.:
    An Arctic perspective on glacial ocean and climate changes
  • T. Nielsen, M.-S. Seidenkrantz, K.J. Andresen, Tine Lander Rasmussen, O. Bennike, E.E. Britsch et al.:
    Davis Strait Site Survey and Paleo-studies. DaSSaP Cruise Report 13th to 18th August 2021, DCH co-funded cruise with HDMS Lauge Koch
  • Tine Lander Rasmussen, Naima El Bani Altuna, Katarzyna Melaniuk, Christine Joanne Lockwood-Ireland, Griselda Anglada Ortiz :
    CRUISE REPORT educational cruise in GEO-3111 Reconstructing Marine Climate and Environments and GEO-3122 Micropaleontology on R/V Helmer Hanssen, October 13th-15th 2022
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
  • Christine Joanne Lockwood-Ireland, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Riko Noormets, Juho Petteri Junttila :
    Reconstruction of bottom current activity north of Svalbard on orbital and millennial-scales during the last 150,000 years
  • Naima El Bani Altuna, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt, Mervyn Greaves et al.:
    Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Nordic Seas
  • Griselda Anglada-Ortiz, Kasia Zamelczyk, Julie Meilland, Patrizia Ziveri, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson et al.:
    Planktic calcifiers in the Arctic Ocean: Seasonal distribution and carbon dynamics in the northern Barents Sea
  • Naima El Bani Altuna, Mohamed Ezat, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt et al.:
    The sea ice and Atlantic water coupling at glacial Heinrich Stadials in the northern Nordic Seas
  • Katarzyna Melaniuk, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Tine Treude, Marek Zajaczakowski :
    Assessing the relationship between living benthic foraminifera and methane emission in the Arctic Ocean
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Griselda Anglada-Ortiz, Kasia Zamelczyk, Julie Meilland, Patrizia Ziveri, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson et al.:
    Seasonal contribution of planktic marine calcifiers to the carbon pump in the northern Barents Sea
  • Griselda Anglada-Ortiz, Kasia Zamelczyk, Julie Meilland, Patrizia Ziveri, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson et al.:
    Seasonal changes of living planktic foraminifera and shelled pteropods in the northern Barents Sea
  • Mohamed Ezat, Julie Meilland, Adele Westgård, Thomas Ben Chalk, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Naima El Bani Altuna et al.:
    CAGE21-2- Planktic foraminifera sampling for culturing experiments, central Greenland Sea 75°N
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Tine Lander Rasmussen, Erik Thomsen :
    Iskollaps ved istidens slutning ligner nutidens
    Aktuel Naturvidenskab 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Marthe Marie Mathisen, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Mohamed Ezat :
    Reconstruction of the paleocenaography west of Lofoten during the Last Glacial Maximum
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
  • Siri Ofstad, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, Julie Meilland :
    Arctic planktonic calcifiers in a changing ocean - A study on recent planktonic foraminifera and shelled pteropods in the Fram Strait-Barents Sea region
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021 FULLTEKST

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →