Bilde av Henriksen, Erik
Photo: Kai Mortensen
Bilde av Henriksen, Erik
Professor Department of Technology and Safety +4777058238 Tromsø

Erik Henriksen

  • Dimitrios Ktenas, Jesper Kresten Nielsen, Erik Henriksen, Ivar Meisingset, Oliver Schenk :
    The effects of uplift and erosion on the petroleum systems in the southwestern Barents Sea: Insights from seismic data and 2D petroleum systems modelling
    Marine and Petroleum Geology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sergey Drachev, Harald Brekke, Erik Henriksen, Thomas Moore :
    Introduction to the volume, and definition and use of the term ‘tectono-sedimentary element’
    Geological Society of London Memoirs 20. September 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Erik Henriksen, Dimitrios Ktenas, Jesper Kresten Nielsen :
    Finnmark Platform Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, Barents Sea
    Geological Society of London Memoirs 13. October 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Erik Henriksen, L. Kvamme, Tom Arne Rydningen :
    Hammerfest Basin Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element
    Geological Society of London Memoirs 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dimitrios Ktenas, Ivar Meisingset, Erik Henriksen, Jesper Kresten Nielsen :
    Estimation of net apparent erosion in the SW Barents Sea by applying velocity inversion analysis
    Petroleum Geoscience 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dimitrios Ktenas, Erik Henriksen, Ivar Meisingset, Jesper Kresten Nielsen, Karin Andreassen :
    Quantification of the magnitude of net erosion in the southwest Barents Sea using sonic velocities and compaction trends in shales and sandstones
    Marine and Petroleum Geology 19. September 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Erik Henriksen, Hans Morten Bjørnseth, Tor Kristian Hals, Turid Heide, Tamara Kiryukhina, Oddbjørn Sivert Kløvjan et al.:
    Uplift and erosion of the greater Barents Sea: impact on prospectivity and petroleum systems
    Geological Society of London Memoirs 05. August 2011 DOI
  • Antonina Stoupakova, Erik Henriksen, Yuri K. Burlin, Geir Birger Larssen, John K Milne, Tamara A Kiryukhina et al.:
    The geological evolution and hydrocarbon potential of the Barents and Kara shelves
    Geological Society of London Memoirs 05. August 2011 DOI
  • Erik Henriksen, Alf Eivind Ryseth, Geir Birger Larssen, Turid Heide, Kristin Rønning, Ketil Sollid et al.:
    Tectonostratigraphy of the greater Barents Sea: implications for petroleum systems
    Geological Society of London Memoirs 05. August 2011 DOI
  • Tore Ola Vorren, G. Richardsen, S.-M Knutsen, Erik Henriksen :
    Cenozoic erosion and sedimentation in the western Baretns Sea
    Marine and Petroleum Geology 1991 DOI
  • Geir Richardsen, Erik Henriksen, Tore Ola Vorren :
    Evolution of the Cenozoic sedimentary wedge during rifting and seafloor spreading west of the Stappen High, western Barents Sea
    Marine Geology 1991 DOI
  • Erik Henriksen, Sofie Gradmann, Laurent Gernigon, Terje Solbakk, David Roberts :
    Geological Excursion to the Varanger Area, Eastern Finnmark, Norway
    NGF Geological Guides 2023
  • Erik Henriksen, Sergey Drachev, Harald Brekke, Thomas Moore :
    Sedimentary Succession of the Arctic Region and their Hydrocarbon Prospectivity: Introduction to GSL M57 Volume
  • Erik Henriksen, Dimitrios Ktenas, Jesper Kresten Nielsen :
    Sedimentrary succession of the Barents Sea Reagion - Finnmark Platform Composite Tectono-sedimentary Element
  • Erik Henriksen, Dimitrios Ktenas, Jesper Kresten Nielsen :
    Sedimentary succession of the Barents Sea Region Finnmark Platform Composite Tectonosedimentary Element Citation: Williamson, M.-C., Saumur, B.M., Savoie, A.M., and Bingham-Koslowski, N., 2023. The 9th International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM 9) Abstract Volume; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8941, 1 .zip file.
  • Aud Solveig Nilsen, Linda Marie Stakkeland, Erik Henriksen, Øystein Klemetsen :
    Student Barents Rescue. An international student exercise
  • Erik Henriksen, Said Amiribesheli, Katherine G Fitzpatrick :
    Hammerfest Basin: Petroleum Geology
    GeoExpro 2018
  • Tore Ola Vorren, Karin Andreassen, Jan Sverre Laberg, Haflidi Haflidason, Erik Henriksen, M. Ivanov :
    Cenozoic sandy systems in the Barents Sea region
  • Bjarne Rafaelsen, A. Stoupakova, Jesper Kresten Nielsen, Leif Bjørnar Henriksen, Andrey Pokul, Geir Elvebakk et al.:
    Stratigraphy and facies of the Palaeozoic succession in the Barents Sea, Svalbard, Novaya Zemlya and Timan-Pechora region

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →