Nigel Yoccoz
Job description
Professor of Statistical Ecology at the Department of Arctic and Marine Biology
In the leader team of the Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, in charge of Research
WP Leader of the UiT Aurora Centre "DYNAMO" (Leader: Odd Erik Garcia, Department of Physics)
WP Leader of COAT, "Climate-Ecological Observatory of Arctic Tundra" (Leader Rolf Ims, AMB),
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Research interests
I am a quantitative ecologist working at individual, population, community and ecosystem levels, with a strong focus on arctic ecosystems, both terrestrial and marine. My interests are in developing better designs, analytical methods and models for different systems, in particular in the context of long-term monitoring of ecosystems, so as to answer questions related to attribution and mitigation of climate change impacts. This has led to recent works developing short-term forecasting methods and models closely linked to management.