Bilde av Bråthen, Kari Anne
Bilde av Bråthen, Kari Anne
Professor Department of Arctic and Marine Biology +4777646629 Tromsø You can find me here

Kari Anne Bråthen

Job description

I am a community ecologist with focus on biodiversity of plants and the interactions that plants have with other organism groups.

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Research interests

I am interested in the functionality of plants in their ecosystems, especially in interaction with herbivores, and how plants and plant communities transform under climate change. I am also interested in what promotes biodiversity and how plant and ecosystem functionality is linked to biodiversity. Projects that I am currently involved in are;

MONEC - To manage or not: assessing the benefit of managing ecosystem disservices

COAT - Climate-ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra

ECOGEN - Ecosystem change and species persistence over time: a genome-based approach