Bilde av Folstad, Ivar
Bilde av Folstad, Ivar
Professor Department of Arctic and Marine Biology +4777644384 90088764 Tromsø You can find me here

Ivar Folstad

  • Guro Hole Fisktjønmo, Bård-Jørgen Bårdsen, Ivar Folstad :
    Resemblance Reporting on Children: Sisters Are More Proactive than Brothers
    Evolutionary Psychological Science 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marilena Frye, Torvald Blikra Egeland, Jarle Tryti Nordeide, Ivar Folstad :
    Cannibalism and protective behavior of eggs in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
    Ecology and Evolution 28. September 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mari Veierud Busch, Sandra Olaisen, Ina Jeanette Bruksås, Ivar Folstad :
    Do mothers also "manipulate" grandparental care?
    PeerJ 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Magnus Beyer Brattli, Torvald Egeland, Jarle Tryti Nordeide, Ivar Folstad :
    Spawning behavior of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): Spawning synchrony, vibrational communication, and mate guarding
    Ecology and Evolution 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • April Snøfrid Kleppe, Jarle Tryti Nordeide, Geir Rudolfsen, Lars Figenschou, Berner Larsen, Katrin Reiss et al.:
    No support for cryptic choice by ovarian fluid in an external fertilizer
    Ecology and Evolution 2018 DATA / ARKIV / DOI
  • Torvald Blikra Egeland, Geir Rudolfsen, Jarle Tryti Nordeide, Ivar Folstad :
    Status specific tailoring of sperm behavior in an external fertilizer
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Geir Rudolfsen, Jonathan Serrano Vaz, Ivar Folstad :
    Own,but not foreign seminal fluid inhibits sperm activation in a vertebrate with external fertilization
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Torvald Blikra Egeland, Geir Rudolfsen, Jarle Tryti Nordeide, Ivar Folstad :
    On the relative effect of spawning asynchrony, sperm quantity, and sperm quality on paternity under sperm competition in an external fertilizer
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Abdurhman Kelil Ali, Raul Primicerio, Ivar Folstad :
    Female morphology and male mating success in the calanoid copepod, Eudiaptomus graciloides
    Journal of Plankton Research 2014 DOI
  • Åse Kristine Rognmo Mikalsen, Ivar Folstad, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz, Bruno Laeng :
    The spectacular human nose: An amplifier of individual quality?
    PeerJ 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trond Isaksen, Ivar Folstad :
    Flowers for bees, autumn colours for whom? An experimental test with autumn colouration in mountain birches (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) as a signal against the moth Epirrita autumnata
    Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 2014 DOI
  • Magne Neby, Ivar Folstad :
    Ranking fluctuating asymmetry in a dot figure and the significant impact of imagining a face
    Perception 2013 DOI
  • Lars Figenschou, Ivar Folstad, Geir Rudolfsen, Sveinn Are Hanssen, Raine Kortet, Philip Skau et al.:
    The relative effect of parasites and social status on sperm traits in Arctic charr
    Behavioral Ecology 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thomas Haugland, Geir Rudolfsen, Lars Figenschou, Ivar Folstad :
    Is the adipose fin and the lower jaw (kype) related to social dominance in male Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus?
    Journal of Fish Biology 2011 DOI
  • Vidar Sørum, Lars Figenschou, Geir Rudolfsen, Ivar Folstad :
    Spawning behaviour of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): risk of sperm competition and timing of milt release for sneaker and dominant males
    Behaviour 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rolf Rødven, Inkeri Männikkö, Rolf Anker Ims, Nigel Gilles Yoccoz, Ivar Folstad :
    Parasite intensity and fur coloration in reindeer calves - contrasting artificial and natural selection
    Journal of Animal Ecology 2009 DOI
  • Thomas Haugland, Geir Rudolfsen, Lars Figenschou, Ivar Folstad :
    Sperm velocity and its relation to social status in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
    Animal Reproduction Science 2009 DOI
  • Eirik Mack Eilertsen, Bård-Jørgen Bårdsen, Ståle Liljedal, Geir Rudolfsen, Ivar Folstad :
    Experimental evidence for paternal effects on offspring growth rate in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
    Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2009 DOI
  • A.K. Ali, R. Primicerio, I. Folstad, S. Liljedal, Jørgen Berge :
    Morphological correlates of mating frequency and clutch size in wild caught female Eudiaptomus graciloides (Copepoda: Calanoida)
    Journal of Plankton Research 2009 DOI
  • Ståle Liljedal, Geir Rudolfsen, Ivar Folstad :
    Factors predicting male fertilization success in an external fertilizer
    Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2008 DOI
  • Sveinn Are Hanssen, Dennis Hasselquist, Ivar Folstad, K. E. Erikstad :
    A label of health: a previous immune challenge is reflected in the expression of a female plumage trait
    Biology Letters 2008 DOI
  • Caroline Teinum Gilje, Ivar Folstad :
    Biologiprofessorer reagerer: - Skummelt å spre teorien om intelligent design
    23. October 2019
  • Hastings Conn, Ivar Folstad, Geir Rudolfsen, Torvald Blikra Egeland, Jarle Tryti Nordeide :
    Fish sperm race for reproductive success
  • Ivar Folstad, Geir Rudolfsen, Jarle Tryti Nordeide, Torvald Blikra Egeland, Brattli Magnus :
    02. October 2016
  • Kristin Hugo, Ivar Folstad, Andrew Karter :
    7 things you didn’t know about reindeer
    23. December 2016 DATA
  • Monika Blikås, Ivar Folstad, Geir Rudolfsen :
    Naturens verden
    02. October 2016
  • Ivar Folstad :
    Under streken
    08. November 2015
  • Ewa Morsund, Ivar Folstad :
    Dette blir vi tiltrukket av
    06. November 2015
  • Ivar Folstad, Sience Seriously :
    What the shape of your nose says about your quality as a mate
    30. April 2014 DATA
  • Ivar Folstad, Randi M. Solhaug :
    Blir vi tiltrukket av neser?
    24. August 2014 DATA
  • Ivar Folstad, Lasse Bjørnstad :
    How important is the nose?
    28. June 2014 DATA
  • Ivar Folstad :
    22. September 2014
  • Torkild Emberland, Ivar Folstad :
    Derfor velger single å operere akkurat denne delen av kroppen
    17. June 2014 DATA
  • Ivar Folstad, Randi M. Solhaug :
    Blir vi tiltrukket av neser?
    19. June 2014
  • Ivar Folstad :
    When publishing an article takes forever...for no good reason
    09. May 2014 DATA
  • Lasse Bjørnstad, Ivar Folstad :
    Hvor viktig er nesa?
    13. June 2014
  • Ivar Folstad, Jonah Goldberg :
    Science! What the shape of your nose says about your quality as a mate
    30. April 2014 DATA
  • Ivar Folstad, Lasse Bjørnstad :
    Så vigtig er næsen for et smukt ansikt
    01. July 2014 DATA
  • Valseth Jo, Ivar Folstad :
    Nå er nesen viktigst
    28. November 2014 DATA
  • Torkild Emberland, Ivar Folstad :
    Ny studie fra UiT-forskere: SLIK VIL VI SE UT
    19. June 2014
  • Pia Tøhaug, Ivar Folstad :
    Nesens rolle
    27. August 2014
  • Amundsen Trond, Ivar Folstad, Jarl Giske, Tore Slagsvold, Stenseth Nils :
    "Ida" er oversolgt
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 03. June 2009
  • Trond Amundsen, Ivar Folstad, Jarl Giske, Tore Slagsvold, Nils Christian Stenseth :
    "Ida" er oversolgt
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 03. June 2009 FULLTEKST
  • Ivar Folstad :
    Evolusjonsbiologi - vanskelig å forstå
    Nordlys 22. September 2009
  • Ivar Folstad :
    Evolusjonsteori - vanskelig å forstå
    Helgeland Arbeiderblad 26. September 2009
  • Ivar Folstad, Grydeland Ivar :
    Ei blot til pynt.
    20. August 2009
  • Ivar Folstad, Grydeland Ivar :
    Sebramysterium løst i Tromsø?
    26. August 2009
  • Ivar Folstad, Grydeland Ivar :
    Den friskeste bjørka gulner først
    02. September 2009
  • Maja Sojtaric, Ivar Folstad :
    En lang kjede av menneskehet
    20. June 2009
  • Rønning Asle, Ivar Folstad :
    Sjimpanser vil ikke samarbeide
    07. May 2009

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