Bilde av Odu, Obiajulu
Bilde av Odu, Obiajulu
System development. Cand.Scient. Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte +4777645299 +47 91842444 Tromsø

Obiajulu Odu

Job description

Drive the development, maintenance, and support of critical web-based and database systems. My role involves working on impactful projects and services that enhance research, publishing, and data accessibility, including:

  • Munin - UiT's open research archive and submission system, enabling seamless access to master's theses and doctoral dissertations.
  • Open Polar - A comprehensive search portal providing research-based information about the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
  • Septentrio Academic Publishing - A cutting-edge publishing platform for journals and series produced at UiT.
  • DataverseNO - A collaborative research data archive promoting open data for Norwegian research institutions.
  • Architecture Guide for Northern Norway and Svalbard -  Management and enhancement of UB’s rich image database collections, showcasing Northern Norway’s architectural heritage.

Additionally, I have operational responsibility for UB's Debian/Linux web servers, ensuring robust, secure, and efficient infrastructure for hosting and services.

As Chief Safety Representative for UB, I play a key role in fostering a safe and supportive work environment for my colleagues.

  • Philipp Conzett, Vyacheslav Tykhonov, Rolf Andersen, Loïc Bergeron, obiajulu Odu :
    Cloud Migration of DataverseNO
  • Tamer Abu-Alam, Per Pippin Aspaas, Noortje Dijkstra, Lars Figenschou, Leif Longva, Karl Magnus Nilsen et al.:
    Open Polar – a global open access portal to research on the polar regions
    2021 ARKIV
  • Glennda Villaflor, Abdurhman Kelil Ali, Helene N. Andreassen, Philipp Conzett, Lars Figenschou, stein HØydalsvik et al.:
    Open Research Data: Experiences from UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Glennda Villaflor, Abdurhman Kelil Ali, Helene N. Andreassen, Philipp Conzett, Lars Figenschou, stein HØydalsvik et al.:
    Research Data Management at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Trude Eikebrokk, Aysa Ekanger, Katherine Jaramillo Fonn, Jan Erik Frantsvåg, obiajulu Odu :
    Some highlights from the PKP 2019 International Scholarly Publishing Conference
    Nordic Perspectives on Open Science 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tamer Abu-Alam, Karl Magnus Nilsen, obiajulu Odu, stein HØydalsvik :
    Archiving and collecting Arctic datasets: Open Arctic Research Index
    2019 ARKIV
  • Abdurhman Kelil Ali, Aysa Ekanger, Glennda Villaflor, Helene N. Andreassen, Karl magnus Nilsen, Lars Figenschou et al.:
    Open research data and its policies: Experiences from UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Helene N. Andreassen, Philipp Conzett, stein HØydalsvik, Laura Alexis Janda, Leif Longva, Tore Nesset et al.:
    TROLLing - The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics: Scope and operation of an open repository for linguistic data
    2017 ARKIV
  • Helene N. Andreassen, Philipp Conzett, stein HØydalsvik, Laura Alexis Janda, Leif Longva, Tore Nesset et al.:
    TROLLing: Scope and operation of an open respository for linguistic data
    2017 ARKIV
  • obiajulu Odu, Aysa Ekanger, Jan Erik Frantsvåg :
    PKP OJS at a Norwegian university: Challenges and Solutions
    2017 ARKIV
  • obiajulu Odu, Helene N. Andreassen, stein HØydalsvik, Philipp Conzett :
    UIT Open Research Data and our experiences using Dataverse
    2016 ARKIV
  • Helene N. Andreassen, Philipp Conzett, Stein Høydalsvik, Leif Longva, Obiajulu Odu :
    UiT Open Research Data
    2016 ARKIV
  • Philipp Conzett, obiajulu Odu, stein HØydalsvik, Helene N. Andreassen, Leif Longva :
    UiT Open Research Data
    2015 ARKIV
  • Helene N. Andreassen, Philipp Conzett, stein HØydalsvik, Leif Longva, obiajulu Odu :
    Når det regner på forskeren, drypper det på UB: Forskerstøtte og kompetanseheving gjennom utvikling av et arkiv for åpne forskningsdata
    2015 ARKIV
  • Philipp Conzett, Leif Longva, Helene N. Andreassen, stein HØydalsvik, obiajulu Odu :
    UiT Open Research Data
    2015 ARKIV
  • Philipp Conzett, Helene N. Andreassen, Stein Høydalsvik, Laura Alexis Janda, Leif Longva, Tore Nesset et al.:
    TROLLing - The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics
    2014 ARKIV
  • Leif Longva, obiajulu Odu :
    High North Research Documents – a new thematic and global service reusing all open sources
    2012 ARKIV

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Member of project