Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Michaela Maria Aschan,
Narcissa Bandarra
New marine low trophic resources as food: nutritional and food safety aspects
Frontiers in Aquaculture 2023
André Frainer,
Raul Primicerio,
Andrey V. Dolgov,
Maria Fossheim,
Edda Johannesen,
Sigrid Lind
et al.:
Increased functional diversity warns of ecological transition in the Arctic
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2021
Thi Thanh Thuy Pham,
Ragnhildur Friðriksdóttir,
Charlotte Weber,
Jónas R. Viðarsson,
Nikos Papandroulakis,
Alan Baudron
et al.:
Guidelines for co-creating climate adaptation plans for fisheries and aquaculture
Kåre Nolde Nielsen,
Alan Baudron,
Niall G. Fallon,
Paul G. Fernandes,
Mika Rahikainen,
Michaela Aschan
Participatory planning and decision support for ecosystem based fisheries management of the west coast of Scotland
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Raul Primicerio,
Aslak Smalås,
Juliana Arias-Hansen,
Michaela Aschan
How vulnerable is the European seafood production to climate warming?
Fisheries Research 2019
Charlotte Teresa Weber,
Melania Borit,
Michaela Aschan
An interdisciplinary insight into the human dimension in fisheries models. A systematic literature review in a European Union context
Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Raul Primicerio,
André Frainer,
Susanne Kortsch,
Mette Skern-Mauritzen,
Andrey V. Dolgov
et al.:
The role of marine mammals in the Barents Sea foodweb
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2019
Susanne Kortsch,
Raul Primicerio,
Michaela Aschan,
Sigrid Lind,
Andrey V. Dolgov,
Benjamin Planque
Food-web structure varies along environmental gradients in a high-latitude marine ecosystem
Magnus Aune,
Michaela Maria Aschan,
Michael Greenacre,
Andrey V Dolgov,
Maria Fossheim,
Raul Primicerio
Functional roles and redundancy of demersal Barents Sea fish: Ecological implications of environmental change
Kåre Nolde Nielsen,
Michaela Aschan,
Sveinn Agnarsson,
Marta Ballesteros,
Alan Baudron,
Maria de Fatima Borges
et al.:
A framework for results-based management in fisheries
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Raul Primicerio,
Aslak Smalås,
Juliana Arias-Hansen,
Michaela Aschan
Data on European seafood biomass production by country, sectors, and species in 2004–2014 and on ecological characteristics of the main species produced
Magnus Aune,
Michaela Aschan,
Michael Greenacre,
Andrey V. Dolgov,
Maria Fossheim,
Raul Primicerio
Functional roles and redundancy of demersal Barents Sea fish: Ecological implications of environmental change
Andre Frainer Barbosa,
Raul Primicerio,
Susanne Kortsch,
Magnus Aune,
Andreyv V. Dolgov,
Maria Fossheim
et al.:
Climate-driven changes in functional biogeography of Arctic marine fish communities
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2017
André Frainer,
Raul Primicerio,
Susanne Kortsch,
Magnus Aune,
Andrey V. Dolgov,
Maria Fossheim
et al.:
Climate-driven changes in functional biogeography of Arctic marine fish communities
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2017
Arlene P. Aaron-Morrison,
Steven A Ackerman,
Nicolaus G Adams,
Robert F Adler,
Adelina Albanil,
EJ Alfaro
et al.:
State of the climate in 2015
Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS) 2016
Kåre Nolde Nielsen,
Petter Holm,
Michaela Aschan
Results based management in fisheries: Delegating responsibility to resource users
Raul Primicerio,
Maria Fossheim,
Lis Lindal Jørgensen,
Edda Johannesen,
Magnus Aune Wiedmann,
Susanne Kortsch
et al.:
Barents Sea ecosystem vulnerability
Susanne Kortsch,
Raul Primicerio,
Maria Fossheim,
Andrey V. Dolgov,
Michaela Aschan
Climate change alters the structure of arctic marine food webs due to poleward shifts of boreal generalists
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2015
Maria Fossheim,
Raul Primicerio,
Edda Johannesen,
Randi Ingvaldsen,
Michaela Aschan,
Andrey Dolgov
Recent warming leads to a rapid borealization of fish communities in the Arctic
Nature Climate Change 2015
Benjamin Planque,
Raul Primicerio,
Kathrine Michalsen,
Michaela Aschan,
Gregoire Certain,
Padmini Dalpadado
et al.:
Who eats whom in the Barents Sea: a foodweb topology from plankton to whales
Tore Haug,
Michaela Aschan,
Alf Håkon Hoel,
Torild Johansen,
Jan Henry Sundet
Introduction: Marine harvesting in the Arctic
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2014
Magnus Aune Wiedmann,
Michaela Aschan,
Gregoire Certain,
Andrey V. Dolgov,
Michael Greenacre,
Edda Johannesen
et al.:
Functional diversity of the Barents Sea fish community
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014
Magnus Aune Wiedmann,
Raul Primicerio,
Andrey Dolgov,
Camilla Ottesen,
Michaela Aschan
Life history variation in Barents Sea fish: implications for sensitivity to fishing in a changing environment
Ecology and Evolution 2014
Michaela Aschan,
Maria Fossheim,
Michael Greenacre,
Raul Primicerio
Change in Fish Community Structure in the Barents Sea
Jens Petter Olsen,
Michaela Maria Aschan
Iterative Loops for Stakeholder Engagement in Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Projects
Sveinn Agnarsson,
Themistoklis Altintzoglou,
Thuy Pham,
Juliana Arias,
Pirjo Honkanen,
Michaela Aschan
et al.:
Michaela Aschan,
Joshua Nyarko Boampong,
Kåre Nolde Nielsen,
Nina Mikkelsen,
Alexandre Rodriguez,
Sonia Doblado
et al.:
Implementing Results-Based Management in international- and SFPA waters: lessons learned in pilot studies
Nina Mikkelsen,
Alexandre Rodriguez,
Sonia Doblado,
Duarte Fernández Vidal,
Rosa Chapela,
Marta Ballesteros
et al.:
Management Recommendation 1 for each case study
Jónas R. Viðarsson,
Ragnhildur Friðriksdóttir,
Sigurður Ö Ragnarsson,
Karin Olsen,
Nina Mikkelsen,
Michaela Aschan
et al.:
Second management recommendation invitations submitted to case studies
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Raul Primicerio,
André Frainer,
Susanne Kortsch,
Mette Skern-Mauritzen,
Andrey V Dolgov
et al.:
Erratum: The role of marine mammals in the Barents Sea foodweb (ICES Journal of Marine Science DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsz136)
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2019
Annfrid Sivertsen,
Camilla Brekke,
Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa,
Monica Alterskjær Sundset,
Michaela Aschan,
Kathrine Tveiterås
Trodde du at naturvitenskap og teknologi ikke var for deg?
Nordlys 09. April 2018
Charlotte Teresa Weber,
Melania Borit,
Eva Hnatkova,
Filomena Parada,
Hanne R. Johnsen,
Michaela Aschan
Identifying transferable skills to enhance Early Career Researchers employability
Jonas R. Vidarsson,
Ragnihildur Fridriksdottir,
Nina Mikkelsen,
Michaela Aschan,
Alexandre Rodriguez,
Juliana Antunes Galvão
et al.:
First MR invitations submitted to case studies
Nina Mikkelsen,
Kåre Nolde Nielsen,
Michaela Aschan,
Ingrid Kvalvik,
Øystein Hermansen,
José Luis Santiago
et al.:
Report from the MR kick-off meeting
Elisabeth Ytteborg,
Trevor Telfer,
Nikos Papandroulakis,
Xosé A Álvarez-Salgado,
Fabio Pranovi,
Michaela Aschan
EAS2050 According to Climefish
Charlotte Teresa Weber,
Melania Borit,
Michaela Aschan
Innovative PhD Training within an MSCA ETN
Hanne Risan Johnsen,
Melania Borit,
Michaela Aschan,
Charlotte Teresa Weber
Improving fisheries human capital through interdisciplinary doctoral training
André Frainer,
Susanne Kortsch,
Magnus Aune Wiedmann,
Primicerio Raul,
Maria Fossheim,
Andrey V. Dolgov
et al.:
How is ecosystem function in the Barents Sea responding to a warming Arctic?
Benjamin Planque,
Michaela Aschan,
Grégoire Certain,
Padmini Dalpadado,
Maria Fossheim,
Lis Lindal Jørgensen
et al.:
Ecosystem Resilience, What is it and how can we measure it?
Charlotte Teresa Weber,
Michaela Aschan,
Melania Borit
Modelling Social Science Aspects in Fisheries. A Systematic Literature Review.
Charlotte Teresa Weber,
Melania Borit,
Michaela Aschan
Modelling Social Science Aspects in Fisheries. A Systematic Literature Review.
Xoel Garcia Chamorro,
Melania Borit,
Kåre Nolde Nielsen,
Michaela Aschan,
Petter Holm
Results-based management in three Galician Goose Barnacle fisheries
Melania Borit,
Michaela Aschan,
Kåre Nolde Nielsen,
Petter Holm
How national culture may influence fishers' participation in fisheries management and their probability of providing trustworthy documentation
Michaela Aschan,
Petter Olsen,
Melania Borit,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Petter Holm,
Kåre Nolde Nielsen
et al.:
Documenting sustainability for value-added fish products
Melania Borit,
Michaela Aschan,
Jorge Santos
Lessons learned from a Masters programme in International Fisheries Management
Benjamin Planque,
Gregoire Certain,
Padmini Dalpadado,
Maria Fossheim,
Harald Gjøsæter,
Edda Johannesen
et al.:
BarEcoRe: Barents Sea Ecosystem resilience under global environmental change
Institute of Marine Research Report 2013
Benjamin Planque,
Gregoire Certain,
Raul Primicerio,
Kathrine Michalsen,
Lis Lindal Jørgensen,
Michaela Aschan
et al.:
Ecological resilience for ecologists. ICES CM 2012/A:20
Benjamin Planque,
Gregoire Certain,
Kathrine Michalsen,
Magnus Aune Wiedmann,
Susanne Kortsch,
Lis Lindal Jørgensen
et al.:
Ecological resilience research in practice: the experience of the Barents Sea Ecosystem Resilience project (BarEcoRe)
Michaela Aschan,
Melania Borit,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Petter Holm,
Kåre Nolde Nielsen,
Petter Olsen
et al.:
Adding value through sustainable fisheries
Magnus Aune Wiedmann,
Michaela Aschan,
Gregoire Certain,
Andrey Dolgov,
Michael Greenacre,
Edda Johannesen
et al.:
Functional diversity of Barents Sea fish