Claire Armstrong
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Publications outside Cristin
1. Tinch, Foley and Armstrong. Ocean monetary values to support adaptive MSP. ATLAS Deliverable 5.5, 2019.
2. Ankamah-Yeboah, Bui, Hynes, Needham and Armstrong Willingness to Pay for Conservation in the North Atlantic Deep-Sea Ecosystems. ATLAS Deliverable 5.4, 2019.
3. Tinch, Ankamah-Yeboah and Armstrong. Validity, legitimacy and acceptability of ecosystem valuations. ATLAS Deliverable 5.3, 2019.
4. Hersoug, Armstrong, Brattland, Eythorsson, Holmgaard, Johnsen, Kvalvik, Mikkelsen, Pudel, Solås, Sandsvold, Sørdahl og Thuestad. On the use of the ecosystem service perspective in coastal zone planning. (In Norwegian; Når det blåser i fra ØST. Om bruken av økosystemtjeneste-perspektivet i kystsoneplanleggingen) Nofima Rapport 2/2019.
5. Borges, Nielsen, Frangoudes, Armstrong and Borit. Conflict and trade-offs in impleementing the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) discard policy. DiscardLess deliverable D7.3, 2018
6. Foley, Pham and Armstrong. Classification and Evaluation of Ecosystem Services in Relation to Aquatic Food Provisioning in the face of Climate Change – A Scoping Study. ClimeFish deliverable D4.1, 2018.
7. Foley, Armstrong, Hynes, Needham and Ressurreição. Inventory of Ecosystem Services, ATLAS Deliverable 5.1, 2018.
8. Armstrong, Foley, Needham, Ressurreição and Vondolia. Expert assessment of risks to ecosystem services from diverse human drivers in the Atlantic deep sea, ATLAS Deliverable 5.2, 2017
9. Magnussen, Lindhjem, Armstrong, Bergland, Mikkelsen, Reinvang and Skjelvik. Økosystemtjenester i Barentshavet-Lofoten: Samfunnsmessige verdier og avveininger. Vista Analyse, 2013.
10. Armstrong, Holen, Navrud and Seifert. The Economics of Ocean Acidification – a scoping study. Fram Centre, 2012.
11. Tinch, van den Hove, Armstrong, Foley, van Rensburg. Integrating public values in deep sea governance. Deliverable 6.10, HERMIONE, 2012.
12. Foley, Armstrong, Chen, Kahui, Kaspersen, Mikkelsen and Reithe. Report on coral-fisheries interactions – theoretical and applied bioeconomic analysis. Deliverable 35 CORALFISH, 2011.
13. Tinch, van den Hove, Armstrong, Pattenden. Policy demands for value evidence on deep sea environments. Deliverable 6.3, HERMIONE, 2011.
14. Armstrong, Eide, Flaaten and Heen. The Norwegian Northeast Arctic Cod Fishery. In: The Economics of Rebuilding Fisheries. Case Studies of Fisheries Rebuilding Plans. Part 2, 202-219. OECD, 2011.
15. Piet, Röckmann, Aanesen, Armstrong, Le Quesne, Bloomfield, van Hal, Nolan, Velasco, Borges, Porteiro, Rui Pinho, Hily, Duchêne and Frid: Development and selection of operational management strategies to achieve policy objectives. Making the European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan Operational (MEFEPO): Work Package 5 Report, 2011.
16. Aanesen, Armstrong and Kahui: TEV (Total Economic Value) Analysis of a Marine Environment in Norway. In: Economics of Fish Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems: Balancing Uses, Balancing Costs. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), Montpellier, France, July 13-16, 2010.
17. Raakjær, Abreu, Armstrong, Hegland, van Hof, Ounanian, Ramirez, Röckmann, Zetterholm, Exploring the Option of Regionalising the Common Fisheries Policy. Making the European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan Operational (MEFEPO): Work Package 4 Technical Document, 2010.
18. Armstrong, Burgos, Chen, Foley, Kaspersen: Collation of economic and biological time series data for Norwegian and Icelandic redfish fisheries. Deliverable D23, WP8, CoralFISH, 2010.
19. Armstrong, Foley, Tinch, van den Hove: Ecosystem Services of the Deep Sea. Deliverable 6.2, HERMIONE, 2010.
20. Armstrong, Foley, Kahui, Mikkelsen and Reithe: Bioeconomic modelling of renewable and non-renewable habitat-fisheries interactions under different management regimes - State of the art overview. Deliverable 8.1, CORALFISH, 2008.
21. Armstrong, Falk-Petersen, Foley, Grehan, van Oevelen, van Rensburg and Soetaert Preliminary report on the applicability of bio-economic modelling approaches for use in conjunction with HERMES ecosystem models to assess socio-economic impacts resulting from implementation of management scenarios. Deliverable 87 under WP8, HERMES, 2007.
22. Grehan, Armstrong, Bergstad, Edwards, Fouquet, Herrera, Person, Prikrill, Skinner, Thomsen and van den Hove Sustainable use of deep-sea resources. In The Deep-Sea Frontier: Science challenges for a sustainable future (Cochanat (eds.)), European Commission, Seventh Framework Programme, Directorate General for Research, EUR 22812 EN, Belgium, 2007.
23. Armstrong, Foley and van Rensburg: Methodological review of socio-economic valuation of deep-water coral ecosystems. Deliverable 48 under WP8, HERMES, 2006.
24. Sumaila, Chuenpagdee, Armstrong, Alexander, Falk-Petersen, Heymans, Isaacs, Stephanus, and Cruz Trinidad: Report on ecosystem values. Deliverable 8.2 under WP8. INCOFISH 2006.
25. Sumaila, Chuenpagdee, Armstrong, Alexander, Falk-Petersen, Heymans, Isaacs, Stephanus, and Cruz Trinidad: Global Fisheries Socio-economic Database. Deliverable 8.1 under WP8. INCOFISH 2006.
26. Armstrong: Review of bio-economic modelling work of relevance for deep-water coral management. In: Review of Marine Protected Areas as a Tool for Ecosystem Conservation and Fisheries Management. Deliverable D2 under WP2. PROTECT 2006.
27. Armstrong: Economic research on marine reserves – an overview. In: Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries. Ritterhoff, J., S. Gubbay and C. Zucco (eds.). Proceedings of the International Expert Workshop held in the International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany 28 June – 2 July, 2004.
28. Armstrong, Armstrong and Reithe: A bioeconomic model of partial closures and habitat effects - The case of a migratory fish stock, Proceedings of the 12. conference for International Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET 2000), Tokyo, Japan, 2004.
29. Sumaila, Al-Oufi and Armstrong: Mangement of shared fishery resources: Theory, practise and potential applications to the fisheries of NW Indian Ocean. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment in the Northwestern Indian Ocean, 08-10 January, Sultan Qaboos University, College of Agricultural, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 2001.
30. Armstrong: Why fish auctions differ – theory and practise. Proceedings of the 10. conference for International Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET 2000), Corvallis, Oregon, 2000.
31. Armstrong and Sumaila: Effects of an ITQ management system for the North-East Arctic cod - the case of a technological externality. Proceedings of the 9. conference for International Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET 98), Tromsø, Norway, 1998.
32. Armstrong: Management of fish resources – the allocation between offshore and inshore. (In Norwegian Forvaltning av fiskressursene –fordelingen mellom kyst og hav). In: Fiskerisamfunn og offentlig styring. Arbeidsnotat 1/98, Institutt for Geografi, Universitetet i Bergen, 1998.
33. Armstrong, Bergland, Eide, Flåten and Larsen: The economics and regulation of the cod fishery (in Norwegian: Torskefiskets Økonomi og Regulering). Forskningsstiftelsen i Tromsø. SR0509, 1991.
34. Armstrong: Soviet fisheries in the North (in Norwegian: Sovjetiske Fiskerier i Nordområdene). Forskningsstiftelsen i Tromsø, SN1991-047, 1991.
Research interests
Natural resource economics, fisheries and ecosystem management, bioeconomic modelling, ecosystem services and their values.
Natural resource economics