Maria Olsen Fossmark,
Hannah Bakøy,
Nils Thomas Songstad,
Thorsten Köhler,
Derk Frederik Matthaus Avenarius,
Stein Magnus Aukland
et al.:
The prevalence of subdural blood products in extremely premature infants with no history of abusive head trauma, studied by magnetic resonance imaging around term-equivalent age
Pia Karin Karlsen Zadig,
Elisabeth von Brandis,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Laura Tanturri De Horatio,
Karen Rosendahl,
Derk Frederik Matthaus Avenarius
Pediatric whole-body magnetic resonance imaging: comparison of STIR and T2 Dixon sequences in the detection and grading of high signal bone marrow changes
Laura Tanturri De Horatio,
Pia Karin Karlsen Zadig,
Elisabeth von Brandis,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Karen Rosendahl,
Derk Frederik Matthaus Avenarius
Whole-body MRI in children and adolescents: Can T2-weighted Dixon fat-only images replace standard T1-weighted images in the assessment of bone marrow?
European Journal of Radiology 2023
Pia Karin Karlsen Zadig,
Elisabeth von Brandis,
Paola d’Angelo,
Laura Tanturri de Horatio,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Karen Rosendahl
et al.:
Whole-body MRI in children aged 6–18 years. Reliability of identifying and grading high signal intensity changes within bone marrow
Pediatric Radiology 21. April 2022
Pia Karin Karlsen Zadig,
Elisabeth von Brandis,
Berit Flatø,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Ellen Berit Nordal,
Laura Tanturri De Horatio
et al.:
Whole body magnetic resonance imaging in healthy children and adolescents: Bone marrow appearances of the appendicular skeleton
European Journal of Radiology 2022
Laura Tanturri De Horatio,
Susan C. Shelmerdine,
Paola d’Angelo,
Pier Luigi Di Paolo,
Silvia Magni-Manzoni,
Clara Malattia
et al.:
A novel magnetic resonance imaging scoring system for active and chronic changes in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis of the hip
Elisabeth von Brandis,
Pia Karin Karlsen Zadig,
Derk Frederik Matthaus Avenarius,
Berit Flatø,
Per Kristian Knudsen,
Vibke Lilleby
et al.:
Whole body magnetic resonance imaging in healthy children and adolescents. Bone marrow appearances of the axial skeleton
European Journal of Radiology 27. June 2022
Elisabeth von Brandis,
Håvard Bjørke Jenssen,
Derk Frederik Matthaus Avenarius,
Atle Bjørnerud,
Berit Flatø,
Anders Tomterstad
et al.:
Automated segmentation of magnetic resonance bone marrow signal: a feasibility study
Robert Hemke,
Nele Herregods,
Jacob L. Jaremko,
Gunnar Åström,
Derk Avenarius,
Fabio Becce
et al.:
Imaging assessment of children presenting with suspected or known juvenile idiopathic arthritis: ESSR-ESPR points to consider
European Radiology 2020
Pia Karin Karlsen Zadig,
Elisabeth von Brandis,
Regina Küfner Lein,
Karen Rosendahl,
Derk Avenarius,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller
Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in children – how and why? A systematic review
Pediatric Radiology 25. June 2020
Paola d’Angelo,
Laura Tanturri de Horatio,
Paolo Toma,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Derk Avenarius,
Elisabeth von Brandis
et al.:
Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis — clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features
Derk Avenarius,
Charlotte Nusman,
Clara Malattia,
Laura Tanturri de Horatio,
Karen Rosendahl,
Mario Maas
et al.:
Current status of wrist imaging in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Pediatric Radiology 2018
Charlotte M. Nusman,
Laura Tanturri de Horatio,
Robert Hemke,
E. Charlotte van Gulik,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Clara Malattia
et al.:
Imaging in juvenile idiopathic arthritis - international initiatives and ongoing work
Pediatric Radiology 2018
Derk Avenarius,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Karen Rosendahl
Joint fluid, bone marrow edemalike changes, and ganglion cysts in the pediatric wrist: Features that may mimic pathologic abnormalities-follow-up of a healthy cohort
American Journal of Roentgenology 2017
Assami Røsner,
Henrik Schirmer,
Amjid Iqbal,
Bart Bijnens,
Derk Avenarius,
Siri Malm
Assessment of myocardial ischemia by strain dobutamine stress echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance perfusion imaging before and after coronary artery bypass grafting
Echocardiography 2017
Jasper F.M.M. Rieter,
Laura Tanturri de Horatio,
Charlotte M. Nusman,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Robert Hemke,
Derk Avenarius
et al.:
The many shades of enhancement: timing of post-gadolinium images strongly influences the scoring of juvenile idiopathic arthritis wrist involvement on MRI
Pediatric Radiology 2016
Charlotte Nusman,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Robert Hemke,
Andrea S Doria,
Derk Avenarius,
Nicolay Tzaribachev
et al.:
Current status of efforts on standardizing magnetic resonance imaging of juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Report from the OMERACT MRI in JIA working group and Health-e-Child
Journal of Rheumatology 2016
Oddmund Johansen,
Lars Peterson,
Derk Avenarius,
Gunnar Knutsen
Autologous chondrocyte implantation for hip osteochondritis functioning 15 years after operation
Global Surgery 2016
Derk Avenarius,
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Karen Rosendahl
Erosion or normal variant? 4-year MRI follow-up of the wrists in healthy children
Assami Røsner,
Derk Avenarius,
Siri Malm,
Amjid Iqbal,
Henrik Schirmer,
B Bijnens
et al.:
Changes in Right Ventricular Shape and Deformation Following Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery-Insights from Echocardiography with Strain Rate and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Echocardiography 2015
Assami Røsner,
Derk Avenarius,
Siri Malm,
Amjid Iqbal,
Bart Bijnens,
Henrik Schirmer
Severe regional myocardial dysfunction by stress
echocardiography does not predict the presence
of transmural scarring in chronic coronary artery
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 2015
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller,
Peter Boavida,
Derk Avenarius,
Beatrice Damasio,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Clara Malattia
et al.:
MRI of the wrist in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: erosions or normal variants? A prospective case-control study
Pediatric Radiology 2013
Assami Røsner,
Derk Avenarius,
Siri Malm,
Amjid Iqbal,
Aigul Baltabaeva,
George R. Sutherland
et al.:
Persistent dysfunction of viable myocardium after revascularization in chronic ischaemic heart disease: implications for dobutamine stress echocardiography with longitudinal systolic strain and strain rate measurements
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 2012
Derk Avenarius,
Ording Lil-Sofie Müller,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Catherine M. Owens,
Karen Rosendahl
The paediatric wrist revisited-findings of bony depressions in healthy children on radiographs compared to MRI
Pediatric Radiology 2012
Ording Lil-Sofie Müller,
Derk Avenarius,
Maria Beatrice Damasio,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Clara Malattia,
Karen Lambot-Juhan
et al.:
The paediatric wrist revisited: redefining MR findings in healthy children
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2011
Derk Avenarius,
John Sigurd Svendsen,
Dag Malm
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic detection of oligomannosidic n glycans in alpha-mannosidosis: a method of monitoring treatment
The Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (JIMD) 2011
Ording Lil-Sofie Müller,
Derk Avenarius,
Øystein E Olsen
High signal in bone marrow at diffusion-weighted imaging with body background suppression (DWIBS) in healthy children
Pediatric Radiology 2011