Bilde av Martinussen, Monica
Photo: RKBU Nord
Bilde av Martinussen, Monica
Department Head/Professor RKBU North +4777645881 90133164 Tromsø You can find me here

Monica Martinussen

Job description

Member of the research group for Preventive and Health-Promoting Measures and formerly led the research group for Preventive and Health-Promoting Intervention

Supervisor for PhD students and Master's students

Extensive experience as a teacher in topics such as test psychology, methodology, psychometrics, meta-analysis, preventive mental health for children and youth, work and aviation psychology

Part-time position as Professor II at the Norwegian Defence University College with tasks such as supervision and teaching Master's students and PhD students in topics such as leadership, methodology, and selection.

Has been a member of the Djupedal Committee (NOU 2015:2: Measures against bullying in schools), the National Commission for the Investigation of Research Misconduct, and the National Committee for Communication Control.

Has been a board member of EAAP (European Association of Aviation Psychology) and received their Outstanding Achievement in Aviation Psychology award in 2018. Assistant Editor for the Journal and former Editor-in-Chief for the Journal Ungsinn. Associate Editor for the Journal of Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, member of the editorial board for the Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education and the International Journal of Aerospace Psychology.

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