Bilde av Handegård, Bjørn Helge
Bilde av Handegård, Bjørn Helge
Statistician/Senior Lecturer RKBU North +4777645851 918 89 776 Tromsø You can find me here

Bjørn Helge Handegård

Job description

Mentoring researchers in statistical methods, and in statistical issues related to planning of investigations. 

Data management, security of data, quality of data sets. 

Data analysis on selected projects. 

Teaching of statistical methods in courses run by RKBU.

Error rendering component

Research interests

Data analysis, statistical methods, research planning, psychometrics, simulation.



Cand. mag. (Bachelor's degree) from the University of Tromsø, 1990.

Cand. scient. degree from the University of Trondheim, June 1993. 

Master's thesis: Sample surveys with nonresponse and return visits. Regression model.

Current position

Senior lecturer at the University of Tromsø, The Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare - North (RKBU North), since August 1998.

Earlier work practices

Teaching Assistant in statistics at the University of Tromsø. Group teaching on the course S-101, spring 1991, and the course Sb-1, spring 1995. 25 % position.

Teaching Assistant in statistics at the University of Trondheim. Group teaching on the course Sib-1, autumn 1992. 25 % position.

Research Assistant in statistics at the University of Trondheim. Teaching the course Sib-1, spring 1993 and autumn 1993.

Research Assistant in statistics at the University of Tromsø, October - December 1994. Production of teaching materials. 75 % position.

Assistant Professor in statistics at the University of Tromsø. Teaching the course Sb-1, Applied statistics in the spring of 1994.

Lecturer in statistics at the University of Tromsø: Teaching the course Sb-300, Applied statistics II, autumn 1995 and autumn 1996.

Lecturer in statistics at the University of Tromsø in 1996. Full-time group of Sb-1.

Teaching on two post-graduate 5-day courses in statistics and probability for mathematics teachers in secondary schools, fall 1995 and spring 1996.

Lecturer in statistics at the University of Tromsø: Teaching Sb-1, Applied statistics in the spring of 1997.

Lecturer in statistics at the University of Tromsø: Group teaching in statistics, and preparation of teaching materials, fall 1997.

Lecturer in statistics at the University of Tromsø: Course coordinator for S-201, Spring 1998.

Presentations at conferences

Results of research on The Incredible Years programme. Evidence-based practice - new opportunities. The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development's 8th national academic conference, Oslo, Norway, November 4th-5th 2008.