Bilde av Mankova, Petia
Bilde av Mankova, Petia
Associate professor in history Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology +4777646604 +47 99330607 Tromsø You can find me here

Petia Mankova

Job description

Associate Professor in modern history with special focus on the Arctic and Norwegian - Russian history

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Publications outside Cristin

Poster Gender in Polar Research

Research interests

  • Russian and Soviet / Postsoviet history
    • local and regional history  (Northwestern Russia, Murmansk region)
    • indigenous and minorities history
    • visual sources
    • social history

Through a number research in Northwestern Russia since 1995 I have acquired detailed knowledge about Northwestern Russia, about the  relations between Norway and Russia, and about indigenous people in the Arctic. My research interests are in lie at the intersection between modern history, anthropological perspectives and visual culture.  I was also picture editor and project coordinator for the project "Neighbourly Assymetry: Norway and Russia 1814-2014".

Since 2021 I am working with the educational project  History politics and war memories of the North (UPAST) and the research project 'Memory politics of the North, 1993-2023. An interplay perspective' (NORMEMO)

I am also part of the project «Den andre verdenskrigen i nord» and participate in  Justnorth .



HIS-1010 Russland er et annet sted. Russisk og sovjetisk historie 1861-2015

HIS-3005 History of Indigenous Peoples - Indigenous people, ethnic minorities and the multi-cultural society in the North

HIS-1111 Arctic Norway and the Barents Region:Aspects of history

HIS-2002 The Sami Nation

 HIF-3301 Forskningsdesign, teori og metode for mastergrad i russlandsstudier
